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Make a bluff, get called, snatch the chips and run Make a bluff, get called, snatch the chips and run

03-12-2012 , 11:28 AM
So this happened while I was at this 1/2nl this weekend. This old lady reg was playing a pot with a LAG young kid. Throughout the day every time he bet she says some kind of "I know you are bluffing" remark even when she is not in the hand. Finally he bets 50 on the river into a roughly $80 pot. She says her typical I know you are bluffing remarks and he talks a little back "Jamie Gold" style and she says,

"I put you all in"

He snap calls. she insta-mucks and says I was just joking. The table erupts and says pay the man his money. She says I was just joke... I aint paying anything... and finally when we make it clear she has to pay him, she says forget this I am out.

Picks up her chips and leaves.

(This all happens in like 15 seconds while the floor was like 20 feet away distracted with something so no one got to the floor before she started walking away. )

We explained this to the floor and they threaten to close the game because we are getting too loud because the guy that bet 50 is going ape****, we at the table are like she is cheating and stealing from us, and security and the dealer does nothing.

In fact the floor person said and I quote, "Someone at the table should have stopped her from leaving".

We respond by doing what exactly tackling her to the ground?

The guy that lost the pot says the casino should pay him the money $106 which is his $50 raise plus another $56 she put him all in.

The floor actually says, "We cant pay you because we are not in the pot and poker is a player to player game where it is the players' responsibility to not get cheated."

(So what exactly are we paying rake for if you will not stop us from getting cheated).

We find out she is still in the casino playing slots, and the floor still refusing to go over to her to approach her.

I will give you the ending of the story soon, but what is the correct play here if you are at this table or in this situation.

Lady shoves river.
Young kid calls.
Lady insta-mucks saying it was a joke.
Dealer does nothing.
Lady leaves and says she is not paying.
Make a bluff, get called, snatch the chips and run Quote
03-12-2012 , 11:31 AM
1) Always make the player push the chips into the middle before calling.

2) People need to stop saying "I put you all in". That's not even a bet.
Make a bluff, get called, snatch the chips and run Quote
03-12-2012 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by Fordham

but what is the correct play here if you are at this table or in this situation.
Don't play against the lady again.

And good luck getting any casino to make good on any cheating, renege, dealer error, bad Floor ruling.
Make a bluff, get called, snatch the chips and run Quote
03-12-2012 , 11:39 AM
lol what casino is this
Make a bluff, get called, snatch the chips and run Quote
03-12-2012 , 11:48 AM
"I put you all in" is not a bet. This is fairly well established in B&M. The dealer should have stopped the action and requested the lady take an appropriate action (fold, call, or state raise and an amount). Still sucks since "intent" was clear.

Make a bluff, get called, snatch the chips and run Quote
03-12-2012 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
lol what casino is this
Make a bluff, get called, snatch the chips and run Quote
03-12-2012 , 11:53 AM
I got paid by the casino for dealer error when cameras verified it. Props to Luxor.

I agree that is what rake is for... to keep the game honest.

Name the casino. If they are good, encourage people to go there. If they are bad, boycott.
Make a bluff, get called, snatch the chips and run Quote
03-12-2012 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by AugustWest
"I put you all in" is not a bet. This is fairly well established in B&M. The dealer should have stopped the action and requested the lady take an appropriate action (fold, call, or state raise and an amount). Still sucks since "intent" was clear.


Bull****. Its pretty much established that heads up I put you all in is means I'm all in. Its pretty clear there can be confusion in multiway pots.

Its a stupid thing to say .... but its far from the stupidest thing that regularly gets said at a poker table.
Make a bluff, get called, snatch the chips and run Quote
03-12-2012 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by FishAye
1) Always make the player push the chips into the middle before calling.

2) People need to stop saying "I put you all in". That's not even a bet.
1) Wrong. Unless you enjoy being accused of slowrolling. You should confirm that a player said 'all-in' or something in that nature, but there is no point in waiting for the chips to be in the middle. How would you like it if you shipped the 2nd nut flush, and you're opponent waited till you put your whole 1k stack of reds into the pot before calling with the nuts?

2) what's even funnier is that (I'm assuming) since she only had $56 after the $50 bet, her opponent probably had her covered.
Make a bluff, get called, snatch the chips and run Quote
03-12-2012 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot
1) Wrong. Unless you enjoy being accused of slowrolling. You should confirm that a player said 'all-in' or something in that nature, but there is no point in waiting for the chips to be in the middle. How would you like it if you shipped the 2nd nut flush, and you're opponent waited till you put your whole 1k stack of reds into the pot before calling with the nuts?

2) what's even funnier is that (I'm assuming) since she only had $56 after the $50 bet, her opponent probably had her covered.
Old lady had a few hundred behind.
Young kid only had $56. so thats why he was out 106 total.
Make a bluff, get called, snatch the chips and run Quote
03-12-2012 , 12:23 PM
If she's still on premises, mgmnt should approach her and allow her to make good her bet. If not, 86 her. How could there possibly be another option?

If the house is not interested in enforcing legal action at the table, find another room. Make sure management knows why. If half the table gets up and leaves over this, then mabe the house would get a clue (mabe, but probably not).
Make a bluff, get called, snatch the chips and run Quote
03-12-2012 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by Fordham
Old lady had a few hundred behind.
Young kid only had $56. so thats why he was out 106 total.
My bad. Misunderstood that OP. Still, big LOL at anybody how says "I put you all in."
Make a bluff, get called, snatch the chips and run Quote
03-12-2012 , 12:56 PM
Reading that put me on life tilt. I guess when the powers above want to **** you, there's really nothing you can do. If it's possible, never go to that casino/room ever again. That's about all that can be done.
Make a bluff, get called, snatch the chips and run Quote
03-12-2012 , 01:06 PM
I've heard of this situation arising at my local casino and poker management confronted the guy and said either you pay the player or do not come back and since there is no other casino with in an hour the guy paid.
Make a bluff, get called, snatch the chips and run Quote
03-12-2012 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by psandman
Bull****. Its pretty much established that heads up I put you all in is means I'm all in. Its pretty clear there can be confusion in multiway pots.

Its a stupid thing to say .... but its far from the stupidest thing that regularly gets said at a poker table.
This. It'd be a pretty terrible ruling for a floor to come over and say this is anything other than an all-in.

Originally Posted by bulls_horn
If she's still on premises, mgmnt should approach her and allow her to make good her bet. If not, 86 her. How could there possibly be another option?
and this. seriously these are both incredibly standard courses of action and a house that does something differently should be avoided.
Make a bluff, get called, snatch the chips and run Quote
03-12-2012 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by Fordham
we at the table are like she is cheating and stealing from us, and security and the dealer does nothing.
"stealing from us" ???
Make a bluff, get called, snatch the chips and run Quote
03-12-2012 , 01:17 PM
If she gets up and leaves quickly before they can get security to detain her .... then there is not a whole lot to be done other than try to identify her.

But if she can be detained then there is something that can be done. I have posted the story numerous times of the player who tried to renege on a bet and leave with his chips while I was dealing. The short version was security detained him and called gaming .... the gaming agent arrived took statements reviewed what happened and gave the player the following two choices: You can pay the bet and cash out your remaining chips and leave ..... or gaming would confiscate all of his chips as evidence in the criminal case they would be filing against him.

I understand that not all jurisdictions are alike. But I can't imagine any jurisdiction which has licensed casino casino gambling that doesn't have a criminal statute that would apply.

The real problem is that many floorpeople have the attitude that nothing can be done. In fact when my incident happened there was a shift change while we were waiting for gaming. The new shift manager who took over was sure that gaming would do nothing. Had she been there when the incident happened she probably would never have had security detain the guy.
Make a bluff, get called, snatch the chips and run Quote
03-12-2012 , 01:27 PM
Ran into a similar situation at my local casino in a 1/2 NL game where on the flop in a 3 way pot (MP,CO,Button) was checked to the button who then bet out $25. MP raised to $80 and the CO called and was all in for $70ish. Button has MP covered and says "I call you all in". MP questions if he called or was all in to the dealer and the floor manager was called over but took a minute to arrive at our table. During this time Button tells MP that he has a set of sevens and that buddy in MP should just fold and also continues to flash his cards to buddy in MP. When floor manager takes in the information and makes ruling he says that the button made a legal binding "all in" statement and also that the buttons hand is still alive and he did not "kill" his hand by showing to MP because we were waiting for a ruling. MP ends up folding. Guy on Button then moved to another table after the following hand. Glad I wasn't involved in the hand.
Make a bluff, get called, snatch the chips and run Quote
03-12-2012 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by Fordham
Which Hilton?
Make a bluff, get called, snatch the chips and run Quote
03-12-2012 , 01:55 PM
The lady was a 15 year reg apparently and seriously went there every single Friday and Saturday to play, so everyone that had been their before including the dealer and floor person knew her by first name. I had only been their a handful of times in my life, and I had never played a pot where she was not at the table.

Eventually one of the players in the game went and looked for her at the slot table and finally he talked her into coming back. I dont know what he said but when she came back she was pissed and yelling at the floor. 10 minutes later, she walks over to the table and throws $106 in cash at the young kid.

The kid was satisfied.

I wonder if some sort of penalty was in order, I mean like a week ban or something, I mean couldnt someone try this, try to leave the casino and if they get caught just say "Oh, you got me, now you can have the bet you deserved anyway"
Make a bluff, get called, snatch the chips and run Quote
03-12-2012 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by bigtex21
Which Hilton?
ACH, Atlantic City Hilton. They actually just renamed their casino again, (dont remember what they changed it to) and this was the first night with the new chips at the poker table.
Make a bluff, get called, snatch the chips and run Quote
03-12-2012 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by psandman
Bull****. Its pretty much established that heads up I put you all in is means I'm all in. Its pretty clear there can be confusion in multiway pots.
A couple years ago at PH in Vegas 1/2 NL.

On the turn Villain says "I'll put you all-in" and slides out a stack.
Hero snaps "call"
Dealer says to villain (reg) "You know that's not a valid bet and since you (hero) said call it's a bet of $100 and a call"

Are you saying that floor would have ruled any differently? I've never heard a ruling that says "I'll put you all in" is anything other than a non-action. Yes, everyone knows what it means "I'll bet enough to put you all-in if you choose to call" but I've never seen it ruled that way.

As for the OP if the floor comes over and gets that explaination and says "Her statement was not a valid bet and so action is still on her but since she's seen the hand I don't see her betting" then I'd reluctantly accept the decision and insist that any future pot with her was made fully right before I'd turn up my hand.

If on the other hand the floor says "Yeah she went all-in but we can't take the money away from her and won't ban her from the room" then I'd have to never play in that room again.
Make a bluff, get called, snatch the chips and run Quote
03-12-2012 , 02:27 PM
I put u on all in should count as a bet. Intent is clear
Make a bluff, get called, snatch the chips and run Quote
03-12-2012 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by psujohn
A couple years ago at PH in Vegas 1/2 NL.

On the turn Villain says "I'll put you all-in" and slides out a stack.
Hero snaps "call"
Dealer says to villain (reg) "You know that's not a valid bet and since you (hero) said call it's a bet of $100 and a call"

Are you saying that floor would have ruled any differently? I've never heard a ruling that says "I'll put you all in" is anything other than a non-action. Yes, everyone knows what it means "I'll bet enough to put you all-in if you choose to call" but I've never seen it ruled that way.

As for the OP if the floor comes over and gets that explaination and says "Her statement was not a valid bet and so action is still on her but since she's seen the hand I don't see her betting" then I'd reluctantly accept the decision and insist that any future pot with her was made fully right before I'd turn up my hand.

If on the other hand the floor says "Yeah she went all-in but we can't take the money away from her and won't ban her from the room" then I'd have to never play in that room again.
Pretty much this. The kept saying we "I CANT DO NUTHING CUZ SHE AINT HERE." she seemed very country and trailer-parkish. She kept saying this even after we found out she was over at the slot machines.
Make a bluff, get called, snatch the chips and run Quote
03-12-2012 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by Jigsaw
"stealing from us" ???
cheating is stealing in a casino. try taking a bet off after a losing hand at blackjack. That is a felony. I see it no different if you remove money from a losing bet in poker or blackjack.

Thats why its stealing.
Make a bluff, get called, snatch the chips and run Quote
