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Live poker pet peeves. Live poker pet peeves.

06-05-2017 , 11:17 AM
Some of my best customers don't realize they've hit their withdrawal limit for the day. I'll give them 5 minutes to find out.

Where I play they generally won't hold a seat without chips on the felt for more than 5 minutes. If the guy is good I'm asking the dealer to open the seat at 4.5 minutes. If he's a big enough fish and there's a chance he's coming back we may beg the dealer to give him 10. Pretty much never extends beyond that.

So actually your peeve is (or should be) with the room and how they run "hold my seat" rather than the player.
Live poker pet peeves. Quote
06-05-2017 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by Pensfan
If you are leaving just say you are leaving, wtf?
Agreed. Highly doubt the majority of times that this happens it's a fish who hit his withdraw limit or got suckered in by pit games or the slots. It's an ashamed cover to walk.
Live poker pet peeves. Quote
06-06-2017 , 12:46 PM
Hey, speaking of pet peeves, one of mine is "THIS TABLE ISN'T FULL CAN WE FILL IT NOW JFC THIS SEAT HAS BEEN EMPTY FOR FOUR MINUTES" that we're going on about the last few posts. Just let me play eight (or seven) handed for five minutes, it's way more fun.

This guy occasionally just sits there with his cards in protest for an extra 20 seconds each turn just to prove a point to absolutely nobody that he's not happy with this open seat.
Live poker pet peeves. Quote
06-06-2017 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by THEOSU
Hey, speaking of pet peeves, one of mine is "THIS TABLE ISN'T FULL CAN WE FILL IT NOW JFC THIS SEAT HAS BEEN EMPTY FOR FOUR MINUTES" that we're going on about the last few posts. Just let me play eight (or seven) handed for five minutes, it's way more fun.

This guy occasionally just sits there with his cards in protest for an extra 20 seconds each turn just to prove a point to absolutely nobody that he's not happy with this open seat.
That's a valid peeve, those guys act as though it suddenly went from 10 to 3handed, like their lives are in danger LOL. Must fill in 1 minute or else they somehow get ripped off. Bunch of petty small-minded jokers.
Live poker pet peeves. Quote
06-06-2017 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by Kurn, son of Mogh
I'm 66 and always bring my coffee when I sit down. But I somehow think a Grande Quad Flat White from Starbucks doesn't quite fit the *C* in OMC.
Probably not. You better wear a tie to compensate.
Live poker pet peeves. Quote
06-06-2017 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by Dick Tracy
Shined Shoes add +2 to Tight Image, but only if playing at a glass poker table or if opponents have X-Ray Glasses equipped.
In the last few years, a lot of pros, fighting to get every bit of edge that they can, have gone outside of poker to look for extra edges. Things that the new breed of pros do to get that edge include hiring nutritionists or mental game coaches. A few work out as much as professional athletes. When the New York Marathon was canceled, Jonathan Little ran anyway--28 miles (a marathon is 26.2 miles.)

Little also has a 12-point checklist of how to mange your table image, but from listening to him in a recent webinar, I think that his goal is a "you don't want to mess with me" image.

Last edited by Poker Clif; 06-06-2017 at 03:20 PM. Reason: puctuation
Live poker pet peeves. Quote
06-06-2017 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by Pensfan
I don't understand why management won't do something about this girl who has been doing the same thing every time she plays, which isn't all that often, but often enough that you know the game is gonna suck if she gets a seat at your table.

She sits down and goes into Super-Hollywood mode every hand, and I mean EVERY hand. Pre flop she checks her cards, starts rifling chips, checks cards again, sighs loudly and finally makes the $3 call or mucks.

I mean, she really exaggerates things. Sunglasses on, UTG she takes forever to fold her hand. She's been asked about it and she says she's trying to figure out what everyone else is going to do. It would be comical if it wasn't so draining on time.

Literally looks at cards, plays with chips, looks back at cards, puts on sunglasses, thinks a while and finally, FINALLY mucks cards only to have them hit the shuffler and flip over to expose 3-10o.

Nobody asked to see her hand, it was exposed accidentally. I don't know if that matters, but I point that out to say now that it's out in the open she's obviously delaying just for the sake of delaying. Can't the floor/manager be brought in to warn her that she needs to stop this nonsense? I have no idea why that hasn't happened yet.
I'm a tournament player. This would be a big deal to me for two reasons:

1. I like to play deep tournaments so that I have a lot of time to play speculative hands while effective stacks are large. I think that turbo is a dirty word. Playing that way is profitable and it's unexpected because of my tight image.

2. Assuming she ever got deep in a tournament the short stacks would go bonkers if she was holding up the game. And of course, for a good cash player, more hands played = more profit.

3. I can't remember the last time I've called the clock (certainly more than a year) but depending on the tournament situation, I might be torn between calling the clock or letting it go because she's a fish.

One more thing. I would watch this player for tells. Does she sometimes hollywood a little more or less than usual, or act a little faster than normal? If she changes something and shows down a decent hand, there's your tell.

Last edited by Poker Clif; 06-06-2017 at 03:46 PM. Reason: spelling
Live poker pet peeves. Quote
06-06-2017 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by THEOSU
Hey, speaking of pet peeves, one of mine is "THIS TABLE ISN'T FULL CAN WE FILL IT NOW JFC THIS SEAT HAS BEEN EMPTY FOR FOUR MINUTES" that we're going on about the last few posts. Just let me play eight (or seven) handed for five minutes, it's way more fun.

This guy occasionally just sits there with his cards in protest for an extra 20 seconds each turn just to prove a point to absolutely nobody that he's not happy with this open seat.
There's another thing to consider as well. If the missing player was on your left, the replacement might be a better player. If you're happy with the table you probably don't want a new player.
Live poker pet peeves. Quote
06-06-2017 , 03:47 PM
You can always slide over a seat when you see them walking to the table, depending on if you know them or can profile them by appearance.
Live poker pet peeves. Quote
06-06-2017 , 04:10 PM
I'm going to take this a different direction. I kind of like it when people are jerks at the table. I'm not talking about anything like hollywooding that directly affects the action. I'm talking about being loud, drunk, abusive, sexist racist, etc.

I hate that kind of behavior in most cases and I never do it, but this is poker and it's all about the benjamins. I don't tilt, except perhaps when I make a really bad mistake, but I know that many will tilt in that scenario. That gives me an edge.

I told someone once that if a player said that my wife was a whore, I wouldn't care. I'm not going to lose focus. I'm not there to defend my family's honor, I'm there to win money and bring it home to my wife. When it's a big cash her eyes light up, she lays out the bills on the table and takes a picture.


An online abuse story:

Once when I had online chat open, a jerk who wouldn't shut up tried the "Your mom was good last night" line on me. He seemed quite young, so my response was "That's pretty kinky, my mom is 80." I never heard from him again.

I told my mom about it and she got really upset--because she was only 78.
Live poker pet peeves. Quote
06-06-2017 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by Poker Clif

One more thing. I would watch this player for tells. Does she sometimes hollywood a little more or less than usual, or act a little faster than normal? If she changes something and shows down a decent hand, there's your tell.
Their is a guy like this at my room. However, he dumps a ton of chips which alwaysmakes me wonder what he is really thinking about (if anything). The good news is I have a sick base line on him and with over 90% accuracy because of all the Hollywooding. This makes him on of my favorite ATMs. As a bonus he tilts the grinders and OMC.
Live poker pet peeves. Quote
06-06-2017 , 11:58 PM
After a decade of playing poker, last Saturday I found a brand new pet peeve that I've never encountered before. When raising or calling a raise, this chick would pick up the chips, cross the bet line, raise her arm up then splash the chips down. Every single ****ing time. I have never wanted to punch a person so badly in my life.
Live poker pet peeves. Quote
06-07-2017 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
After a decade of playing poker, last Saturday I found a brand new pet peeve that I've never encountered before. When raising or calling a raise, this chick would pick up the chips, cross the bet line, raise her arm up then splash the chips down. Every single ****ing time. I have never wanted to punch a person so badly in my life.
I wish the floor would stop people from making more work for the dealers. Crucifixion is the appropriate penalty here.
Live poker pet peeves. Quote
06-07-2017 , 03:16 AM
Originally Posted by THEOSU
Hey, speaking of pet peeves, one of mine is "THIS TABLE ISN'T FULL CAN WE FILL IT NOW JFC THIS SEAT HAS BEEN EMPTY FOR FOUR MINUTES" that we're going on about the last few posts. Just let me play eight (or seven) handed for five minutes, it's way more fun.
I love it when the table gets short handed, sometimes we even get to play 6 handed for a orbit, it's great. That's why I never remind the dealer about empty seats or mention that someone has been on break for too long. Exception, I did remind the dealer about one guy, but only because he's a tool.

Originally Posted by zica
I wish the floor would stop people from making more work for the dealers. Crucifixion is the appropriate penalty here.
Seems harsh. One warning, then a mild knee-capping. Only on the third offence should they be hauled from their seat, speared in the gut and hoisted up to be nailed to the wall as a warning for everyone else.
Live poker pet peeves. Quote
06-07-2017 , 07:59 AM
Originally Posted by WereBeer

Seems harsh. One warning, then a mild knee-capping. Only on the third offence should they be hauled from their seat, speared in the gut and hoisted up to be nailed to the wall as a warning for everyone else.
I don't know, it does seem as though it would act as a deterrent for others. I could be on board.
Live poker pet peeves. Quote
06-07-2017 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by THEOSU
Hey, speaking of pet peeves, one of mine is "THIS TABLE ISN'T FULL CAN WE FILL IT NOW JFC THIS SEAT HAS BEEN EMPTY FOR FOUR MINUTES" that we're going on about the last few posts. Just let me play eight (or seven) handed for five minutes, it's way more fun.
I like shorthanded, too, and love screwing with these guys. They'll start bobbing up and down in their seats, looking for the floor with their hand in the air with a finger extended to show One Seat Open. As soon as they put their hand down, I put my fist in the air, make eye contact with the floor and shake my head 'No' so he'll assume it's been filled.

Years ago in AC I was playing at a full 8-handed stud table. At the end of a hand, the toughest player stands and asks, "Where's the men's room?" The dealer directs him, and the guy in the #1 seat says, "Deal around me. I'm not playing shorthanded."
Live poker pet peeves. Quote
06-07-2017 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by Poker Clif
In the last few years, a lot of pros, fighting to get every bit of edge that they can, have gone outside of poker to look for extra edges. Things that the new breed of pros do to get that edge include hiring nutritionists or mental game coaches. A few work out as much as professional athletes. When the New York Marathon was canceled, Jonathan Little ran anyway--28 miles (a marathon is 26.2 miles.)

Little also has a 12-point checklist of how to mange your table image, but from listening to him in a recent webinar, I think that his goal is a "you don't want to mess with me" image.
John Fox claimed to time himself completing crossword puzzles before playing so he that he could quantify his mental acuity. His books probably contain the ultimate advice on game prep.
Live poker pet peeves. Quote
06-07-2017 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by Poker Clif
Agreed! I want players to underestimate me. I don't want to give anyone a clue that I know what I'm doing, in fact I cultivate an image that is very different from how I play.


No one needs to know that I study 10 hours a week, play online seven days a week and play a lot of speculative hands.

I remember a live tournament where there was an all-in, the cards were turned up and someone said to the guy with the worst hand, "You're three and a half percent to win." I checked when I got home and the exact percentage was 3.7. If I see that guy at the table again, I'll know that he's a serious player who runs equities and he's probably pretty good.

You do NOT want other players to know things like that about you.
I know this was directed at me but I actually agree with you. I don't advertise this information anymore. Conversation in question happened during my first two hours of live play. I made lots of mistakes.

Originally Posted by psujohn
Even with bad eyesight I can tell the difference between 35 and 55 across the table. If you know you have trouble seeing and hearing bet sizes though you really should get in the habit of verbalizing your action. If you say "call" and then put out 55 the dealer gives you change rather than lighting $70 on fire.

One room I play in does this and it's terrible for any non obvious bet amount. If the guy throws in a green sure I don't need you to tell me that it's $25 but when there's a stack of red chips and I'm going to call I need to know if it's $30 or $35 and often I can't tell because players don't cut their chips properly.
Bad eyesight is relative. My nearsightedness and astigmatism cannot be fully corrected even with a brand new prescription. I'm 20/60 at best, and my prescription is a couple years old so probably closer to 20/100 now. Also colorblind. It's not my fault I can't see the bet amount. If other players want to get impatient that's fine, but I'm confirming the bet if I can't see it. I try to sit in seat 5 or if not there then 1, 9, 4, or 6, but sometimes people won't switch with me and I can't see jack **** across the table. I mean I can see somebody threw out some chips, but is it five, seven, ten? Beats me. Especially when they mix the green and red chips. Three chips could be $15 or $40 or $55 or $75, so I can't just say "call" because I see three chips unless I'm close enough to distinguish them. Which I usually can from seat 5.

Ironically, the most impatient players are the ones who won't switch seats with me.

Originally Posted by Poker Clif
The only charity poker room in my county (the nearest casino that deals NLHE is more than 100 miles from me) uses chips from two different sets. The $25 chips from one set and the $100 from another set are so close in color that I can't tell the difference with sunglasses on, even if the action is just a couple seats away. In fact, I once saw a dealer pick up the two different chips and look at them closely because he wasn't sure.
This is what it's always like with me, with or without sunglasses. I just ask for a count.

Originally Posted by BDHarrison
Has anyone complained? Nothing is going to be done until someone asks a floor to do something. Even then, maybe nothing happens.

Just call the clock on her every time she takes more than two seconds preflop in a limped pot.
Two seconds? Seriously? Man some of you guys are impatient. I routinely take 1-3 seconds acting preflop and sometimes more for each additional street. Often the correct action is obvious and I quickly bet or fold, but other times I'm adding up the pot, calculating SPRs, etc. Since my vision sucks and there are always players who won't stack their chips properly, it can take a few seconds for me to determine this.

I get the girl in question is Hollywooding so it's not really the same thing, but calling a clock for taking 2 seconds seems insane.

This reminds me of a hand a couple nights ago I was playing in the BB in a 5-way limped pot. SB checks, I check, this young guy bets $6 into the $10 pot, everyone folds but me, and I take about 3 seconds to consider check-raising him as I think he'll often fold and I have some outs if he doesn't, and he gets flustered and says "Dude, it's $6! Come on!" so I raise him and he folds.

I do act relatively slow when I don't fold, but from my point of view I'm playing like 20% of hands and typically for much larger pots than the rest of the table. The fish slow the game down more than I do by playing 60-70% of hands, but I'm not complaining.
Live poker pet peeves. Quote
06-07-2017 , 10:52 PM
When idiot fishes that don't know what the hell they are doing sit down and right away builds a massive stack calling with total junk.
Live poker pet peeves. Quote
06-07-2017 , 11:11 PM
Are you kidding? That's totally my favorite thing ever. Specially if at least a good portion of that massive stack isn't from me.
Live poker pet peeves. Quote
06-07-2017 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by psujohn
Are you kidding? That's totally my favorite thing ever. Specially if at least a good portion of that massive stack isn't from me.
That's the *^^&*&^*&* prb, it's usually from me due to some @#$@#$@# suckout.
Live poker pet peeves. Quote
06-08-2017 , 07:08 AM
Originally Posted by Shai Hulud
Two seconds? Seriously? Man some of you guys are impatient. I routinely take 1-3 seconds acting preflop and sometimes more for each additional street. Often the correct action is obvious and I quickly bet or fold, but other times I'm adding up the pot, calculating SPRs, etc. Since my vision sucks and there are always players who won't stack their chips properly, it can take a few seconds for me to determine this.

I get the girl in question is Hollywooding so it's not really the same thing, but calling a clock for taking 2 seconds seems insane.
I'm not suggesting calling the clock on anyone who takes longer than two seconds, I am suggesting preemptively calling for the clock on a player who intentionally and repeatedly takes longer than necessary. I don't expect the floor to actually be called, but I would hope my point gets across. I'd probably try to make it sound like I am joking. Once I start it, other people might do it (including the dealer) and I can induce the rest of the table to harass her without doing most of the dirty work myself.
Live poker pet peeves. Quote
06-08-2017 , 09:03 AM
Originally Posted by BDHarrison
I'm not suggesting calling the clock on anyone who takes longer than two seconds, I am suggesting preemptively calling for the clock on a player who intentionally and repeatedly takes longer than necessary. I don't expect the floor to actually be called, but I would hope my point gets across. I'd probably try to make it sound like I am joking. Once I start it, other people might do it (including the dealer) and I can induce the rest of the table to harass her without doing most of the dirty work myself.
Second level thinking, well played.
Live poker pet peeves. Quote
06-09-2017 , 03:22 AM
Originally Posted by ss1
When idiot fishes that don't know what the hell they are doing sit down and right away builds a massive stack calling with total junk.
I love those people and try to shield them from the inevitable whining chorus the subpar regs put out when it's happening.
Live poker pet peeves. Quote
06-09-2017 , 03:24 AM
Originally Posted by Phat Mack
I like shorthanded, too, and love screwing with these guys. They'll start bobbing up and down in their seats, looking for the floor with their hand in the air with a finger extended to show One Seat Open. As soon as they put their hand down, I put my fist in the air, make eye contact with the floor and shake my head 'No' so he'll assume it's been filled
This is gold.
Live poker pet peeves. Quote
