Live midstakes holdem in new Orleans.
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 16,685
Might be going there for a wedding. What's my best bet for 20/40ish LHE?
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 67
Only one casino in New Orleans, proper. Harrah's right on Poydras St downtown. No LHE other than 3/6. Brush refuses to even start a list for LHE above 3/6. They play Limit Omaha High 15/30 most days and sometimes you can talk them into a round of LHE, round of Omaha but rarely.
1/2 NL is capped $200 with a $6/ 1/2hr time charge. Hard to beat the rake in this game unless it has been going on for awhile and there is a lot of money on the table. (If that's the case, you can buy in for 1/2 the big stack.)
2/5 NL is a pretty good game. Buy in capped at 500 or 1/2 the big stack. Mostly TAGs, can get LAGgy late at night on weekends.
They also offer 5-10 and 10-25 NL.
Good news is if you do want to play poker, there is generally a decent game going on at all hours.
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 16,685
thanks. Any options outside of new Orleans proper?
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 67
Not really. Biloxi is a 90 minute drive and the Beau is probably your best bet for a limit game but not at 20/40, more like 10/20, if at all. NL is the game of choice on the Gulf Coast.