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Live at the Bike 2012 thread Live at the Bike 2012 thread

12-07-2012 , 12:08 AM
1st. Great show.

2nd. There was a spot where Nicole and Tuck disagreed (I think when the seat 4 bluffed QQ on the river in the last episode); Tuck took the line that he can't have made backdoor diamonds in the spot and Nicole said opposite. I think Nicole's analysis was spot on here. Although Tuck does show up with excellent analysis from time to time, however Nicole is most consistent. Maybe Bart and Nicole are the play-by-play and Tuck is just the color man.

3rd. FWIW, Tuck's play with 77 in the WSOP was sick.

Last edited by SickCallMcGee; 12-07-2012 at 12:23 AM.
12-07-2012 , 03:49 AM
ya, Nichoels commentary seems to be coming from the
] grinding/surviving perspective of live pokers, which, sorry to break the news, is the reality of a pro, and
] not that of the rainbow-chasing FPS crowd just discovering what bills are.
Refreshing, and has practicable advice on managing oneself/ proper mind-set of a pro, which is a bonus...
12-08-2012 , 02:41 AM

Tuchman is a very good announcer.........but God did he Butcher the analysis on some of those hands on Tues night.
12-08-2012 , 11:31 PM
I will be watching Friday night's show often. I really look forward to hearing Bart talk about all the Asian hookers.
12-13-2012 , 06:24 PM
Glad to see some PLO
Wish we could get some LHE
Just wow at Barry
12-13-2012 , 07:09 PM
More Limon in the booth pls
12-14-2012 , 04:21 AM
Originally Posted by Brown Keeper
Glad to see some PLO
Wish we could get some LHE
Just wow at Barry
Haven't watched it yet. Any notable hands?
12-14-2012 , 05:03 AM
Originally Posted by chilidog0425
Haven't watched it yet. Any notable hands?
apparently the 12k pot that happened 5 minutes before the show started, and the 12k pot that occurred because Barry misread his hand.
12-14-2012 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by meow_meow
apparently the 12k pot that happened 5 minutes before the show started, and the 12k pot that occurred because Barry misread his hand.
The one before the show was PLO and Harry getting it in four ways with the nuts and being steamed to lose to Abe with OESD and NFD
The one during the show was NLH and ill let you watch it
12-15-2012 , 08:38 PM
abe going off about how cheapo gamblers love wearing casino hats and shirts I would have paid for. as funny as it is accurate.

like after black friday, if you saw a guy in a full-tilt cap, you could have bet your eye-teeth that he's a mark...
12-17-2012 , 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by Brown Keeper
The one before the show was PLO and Harry getting it in four ways with the nuts and being steamed to lose to Abe with OESD and NFD
The one during the show was NLH and ill let you watch it
love the nip shot of abe

time for new glasses?
(too soon?)


live poker is dead.
12-18-2012 , 06:55 PM
is there a forum or area to discuss hands from this show? I have one that I would like to post and get some discussion on..
12-22-2012 , 11:10 AM
The sound of the last few episodes has been intolerable. Last night (12/21) was at least a somewhat better still having some static then the previous show on Tuesday which was impossible to listen to.
12-22-2012 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by PFunkaliscious

Tuchman is a very good announcer.........but God did he Butcher the analysis on some of those hands on Tues night.
His weekly commentary on sunday million is unbearable. One of the few instances I prefer watching with the volume down.. He is surely not a winning player? That said, I'm not sure he professes to be. He just strikes me as.. rather illiterate and a bit simple to be honest. I prefer announces to at least sound intelligent..

Ept team ftw.
12-25-2012 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by Brown Keeper
Glad to see some PLO
Wish we could get some LHE
Just wow at Barry
Watching NLHE is boring enough after watching PLO lol. Let alone having to watch LHE. Yuckie
12-25-2012 , 10:47 PM
Anyone else having audio issues with the videos? I'm getting this odd static noise that makes the videos unlistenable. I've tried different browsers also.
12-26-2012 , 11:44 AM
I had that issue with one of the more recent vids. Hope someone can fix!
12-26-2012 , 03:28 PM
That was with last weeks tuesday show i believe. They had technical difficulties for the first 45 minutes or so but it goes away and the show is back to normal after that
12-28-2012 , 11:48 PM
No show tonight?
12-29-2012 , 04:29 AM
Originally Posted by BulltexasATM
No show tonight?
no shows for the last week of December per the website
01-09-2013 , 08:49 AM

I've been having problems on the site. It says I don't have a subscription when I do have one. Paying via PayPal.

Any news on a fix?

I can pay via the other method but will I get a refund on my PayPal payment?

01-09-2013 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by snapper17

I've been having problems on the site. It says I don't have a subscription when I do have one. Paying via PayPal.

Any news on a fix?

I can pay via the other method but will I get a refund on my PayPal payment?

I had the same problem, sent an email to and it was fixed very quickly.
