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Let's talk Commerce, Bike, Hustler, Hollywood Park, Normandie -- PreApology Included Let's talk Commerce, Bike, Hustler, Hollywood Park, Normandie -- PreApology Included

07-07-2008 , 05:19 PM
I apologize if this has been covered before, but I did a search and couldn't find anything current (or even old, for that matter).

I am an LA mid-limit (limit) player doing well in the $15/$30 at Hollywood Park as well as at the Bellagio in Vegas when we go over (about once a month). My bankroll is swelling up and it may be time to step up. They spread $30/$60 at Hollywood Park but it is a sporadic game.

I am currently rolled safely sufficient for $25/$50 (Hustler), $20/$40 (Bike) or $15/$30 (Hollywood Park). In another month or so, I may have the roll for the Commerce $40/$80. Does Commerce spread $20/$40? [I should note that I am willing to step back down in the face of a downswing, or if I can't beat the higher games.]

I haven't been over to Commerce for a few years and back then I was treading water, or slightly losing in the $9/$18 game. Once in a blue moon, they would have a $15/$30 game. I haven't been to the Normandie for probably 2 years but I used to be a regular in the $8/$16 with a kill game on Sunday nights.

I would like to hear the pros and cons of the various LA rooms. What games do they regularly spread? How many tables? etc. If you have a POV about whether the games are good or bad, that's fine, but I realize that I will have to just go and sit to determine if they are good or bad for me.

[FWIW -- I am a non-personal automobile user by choice. I sold my car and use public transportation as an act of personal environmental responsibility. Meaning it is 2 hours each way to Commerce, Bell Gardens or Gardena and an hour each way to Inglewood. But I may have to get personal transportation (I am thinking an all electric conversion) to broaden my game selection around the LA area.]

Thanks in advance.
Let's talk Commerce, Bike, Hustler, Hollywood Park, Normandie -- PreApology Included Quote
07-07-2008 , 06:03 PM
You carrying all that cash on you is not good traveling by bus in LA. Unless you are doing all your playing by day. Stay away from the Hustler for their very dark lot. You are virtually on your own once you leave the doors. Would not want to be standing on Century Blvd after leaving Hollywood Park either. Be safe. I got a nice Camry Hybrid. Environmentally sound and safe.
Let's talk Commerce, Bike, Hustler, Hollywood Park, Normandie -- PreApology Included Quote
07-07-2008 , 06:05 PM
I am not the expert on mid-level LA games, but read enough here to know there is a 20/40 game at commerce that usually gets several tables going. I think the Bicycle usually only has one 20/40 going (at least when I was there fairly regularly a year or two ago that was it).
Let's talk Commerce, Bike, Hustler, Hollywood Park, Normandie -- PreApology Included Quote
07-07-2008 , 06:42 PM
Don't know anything about LA mid-limit games, but dayumn! Going car-free in LA is true commitment. WTG!

I would consider a electric conversion or a hybrid, however, just for safety reasons. YMMV.
Let's talk Commerce, Bike, Hustler, Hollywood Park, Normandie -- PreApology Included Quote
07-07-2008 , 08:15 PM
I think by buying an electric car or plug-in diesel hybrid (have those come out yet?) you would be doing the world just as much good as riding the bus. You will be supporting the companies involved and you will be a rolling advertisement!
Let's talk Commerce, Bike, Hustler, Hollywood Park, Normandie -- PreApology Included Quote
07-07-2008 , 09:37 PM
Not to hijjack, but I'm really happy this thread is here. I'm travelling on business to the LA area this and next week, and will be checking here regularly before I go. I went to the Bike lasst time I was there, and was told by my table that I drove WAY out of my way to get there, and passed a few other places.

I prefer to play pot limit omaha high low, but I'll play limit o8b or NLH whever I can, usually lower stakes. I'll check out the casinos listed, and appreciate those as well as any smaller venues closer to the Brea area.

As a sidenote, when I do business travel I always rent a hybrid, and I love working from home - minimal consumption of resources for me!
Let's talk Commerce, Bike, Hustler, Hollywood Park, Normandie -- PreApology Included Quote
07-08-2008 , 10:45 AM
A small motorcycle or Scooter, say 250cc gets much better mileage than a Prius, and takes less in resources to make. Consider a used road bike for those situations when you need wheels and don't wish to take metro.
Let's talk Commerce, Bike, Hustler, Hollywood Park, Normandie -- PreApology Included Quote
07-08-2008 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by schroedy
Does Commerce spread $20/$40?

Originally Posted by schroedy
What games do they regularly spread? How many tables? etc.
Let's talk Commerce, Bike, Hustler, Hollywood Park, Normandie -- PreApology Included Quote
07-08-2008 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by dfazman
Not to hijjack, but I'm really happy this thread is here. I'm travelling on business to the LA area this and next week, and will be checking here regularly before I go. I went to the Bike lasst time I was there, and was told by my table that I drove WAY out of my way to get there, and passed a few other places.

I prefer to play pot limit omaha high low, but I'll play limit o8b or NLH whever I can, usually lower stakes. I'll check out the casinos listed, and appreciate those as well as any smaller venues closer to the Brea area.

As a sidenote, when I do business travel I always rent a hybrid, and I love working from home - minimal consumption of resources for me!
I live in Brea. Brea is in Orange County and there are no poker rooms in Orange County. L.A. County has all the poker rooms. The closest one mileage wise to Brea is Hawaiian Gardens but it's not a whole lot further to go to The Bike or Commerce. Hustler and Hollywood Park are the 2 furthest. I ussually go to HG or Hustler. PM me and I can give you some tips on some places to eat if you are staying in Brea other than chain restaurants, fastfood, etc. G'Luck and safe travels.
Let's talk Commerce, Bike, Hustler, Hollywood Park, Normandie -- PreApology Included Quote
07-10-2008 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by schroedy
I apologize if this has been covered before, but I did a search and couldn't find anything current (or even old, for that matter).

I am an LA mid-limit (limit) player doing well in the $15/$30 at Hollywood Park as well as at the Bellagio in Vegas when we go over (about once a month). My bankroll is swelling up and it may be time to step up. They spread $30/$60 at Hollywood Park but it is a sporadic game.

I am currently rolled safely sufficient for $25/$50 (Hustler), $20/$40 (Bike) or $15/$30 (Hollywood Park). In another month or so, I may have the roll for the Commerce $40/$80. Does Commerce spread $20/$40? [I should note that I am willing to step back down in the face of a downswing, or if I can't beat the higher games.]

I haven't been over to Commerce for a few years and back then I was treading water, or slightly losing in the $9/$18 game. Once in a blue moon, they would have a $15/$30 game. I haven't been to the Normandie for probably 2 years but I used to be a regular in the $8/$16 with a kill game on Sunday nights.

I would like to hear the pros and cons of the various LA rooms. What games do they regularly spread? How many tables? etc. If you have a POV about whether the games are good or bad, that's fine, but I realize that I will have to just go and sit to determine if they are good or bad for me.

[FWIW -- I am a non-personal automobile user by choice. I sold my car and use public transportation as an act of personal environmental responsibility. Meaning it is 2 hours each way to Commerce, Bell Gardens or Gardena and an hour each way to Inglewood. But I may have to get personal transportation (I am thinking an all electric conversion) to broaden my game selection around the LA area.]

Thanks in advance.

Here's a comparison of the LA cardrooms. It's about two months out-of-date because I've been working a couple of hundred miles north and haven't had a chance to update it. If anyone sees things that look way off, let me know.

Second, for the limits you play, I'd say it's Commerce or the Bike. The # of tables and wait times in the chart above were taken from a Thu night around 9p. There are fewer games earlier in the day and more on busy nights and weekends. I find action at the Bike to be nittier than at the Commerce, but beatable with adjustments. That said, I don't play the limits you play. More tables at the Commerce. Food's better at the Bike.

Finally, while the commitment to Ma Earth is admirable, commuting to LA cardrooms is tough without a car. I bought a Lexus RX400h and love it. You can find cheaper hybrids, obv. I've lived in LA for over 20 years and played at all the room listed in the chart. The all-electric or scooter option seems a little ambitious unless you live within minutes of the room.

Let's talk Commerce, Bike, Hustler, Hollywood Park, Normandie -- PreApology Included Quote
07-10-2008 , 10:24 PM
You can get a box anywhere to keep your money, then take the bus without carrying anything on you. Get zipcar or something and use it once a month to transport money back and forth, or get a ride from a friend occasionally, or whatever.

Let's talk Commerce, Bike, Hustler, Hollywood Park, Normandie -- PreApology Included Quote
07-10-2008 , 10:41 PM
Ok- so I have a question of my own. I'll be in Anaheim for Business in October. I'm hoping to have a night free to hit some poker rooms. I'm pretty much comfortable with 1-2 or 2-5 NL. I do like PLO at low limits too. How close is the nearest safe room for a girl? I might have a few girls with me maybe some guys too if I can round up a crew. But if I were alone- how would I get from lets say Dinsey to the Commerce or Bike? Would I want to visit any others? I'm thinking I'd have to rent a car-

Also- What would you say of the 1-2 or 2-5 NL games? I play in AC on occasion and usually am a winner at these, so how would that compair to the west coast offence? =o)

Let's talk Commerce, Bike, Hustler, Hollywood Park, Normandie -- PreApology Included Quote
07-11-2008 , 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by ModernVintage
Ok- so I have a question of my own. I'll be in Anaheim for Business in October. I'm hoping to have a night free to hit some poker rooms. I'm pretty much comfortable with 1-2 or 2-5 NL. I do like PLO at low limits too. How close is the nearest safe room for a girl? I might have a few girls with me maybe some guys too if I can round up a crew. But if I were alone- how would I get from lets say Dinsey to the Commerce or Bike? Would I want to visit any others? I'm thinking I'd have to rent a car-

Also- What would you say of the 1-2 or 2-5 NL games? I play in AC on occasion and usually am a winner at these, so how would that compair to the west coast offence? =o)

Closest room to you (at Disneyland) will be Hawaiian Gardens (about 13 miles away), but the easiest will probably be Commerce which is straight north on the 5 freeway about 20 miles. It's visible from the freeway; you can't miss it. The Bike's about 17 miles away and is in the same direction as Commerce but you'll need to make a few more exits. Of the three rooms I mentioned, Commerce and the Bike are the nicer properties. Well lit, modern, nice tables, chairs, etc.

If you can beat AC games, you can beat So Cal games. At the levels you mention, So Cal rooms have buy-ins that will be capped at levels lower than what you're used to. Everyone beefs about it, but within a few orbits you'll end up sitting deeper than you might expect. They'll also be a lot more active than what you're use to. Be prepared for a few welts from all the chips flying around.

Other than the welts, they're safe for girls. You'll also see a higher percentage of women at all of them than you'll see in AC.

Rent a car and drive. Traffic can be a drag but a car's still the best way to get around.

Let's talk Commerce, Bike, Hustler, Hollywood Park, Normandie -- PreApology Included Quote
07-11-2008 , 01:14 AM
Originally Posted by schroedy
I haven't been over to Commerce for a few years and back then I was treading water, or slightly losing in the $9/$18 game. Once in a blue moon, they would have a $15/$30 game. I haven't been to the Normandie for probably 2 years but I used to be a regular in the $8/$16 with a kill game on Sunday nights.
I didn't read the other replies, so sorry if this is a repeat. Commerce 20-40 is awesome, you should go.
Let's talk Commerce, Bike, Hustler, Hollywood Park, Normandie -- PreApology Included Quote
07-11-2008 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by EdmondDantes

Here's a comparison of the LA cardrooms. Second, for the limits you play, I'd say it's Commerce or the Bike. The # of tables and wait times in the chart above were taken from a Thu night around 9p. There are fewer games earlier in the day and more on busy nights and weekends. I find action at the Bike to be nittier than at the Commerce, but beatable with adjustments. That said, I don't play the limits you play. More tables at the Commerce. Food's better at the Bike.

Finally, while the commitment to Ma Earth is admirable, commuting to LA cardrooms is tough without a car. . . .

Thanks so much Edmond.

At the pm suggestion of someone here, I played the Hustler $25/$50 last night (hitched a ride with my wife) and won a couple of bets, less than 1 per hour over 6 hours of play. I held my own. The line-up was tougher than HP $15/$30 or the Bike $20/$40 but there were enough soft spots that I could pick up some pots here and there. Took a little adjustment to get used to the idea that a pot is a $500 (+$250/-$250) swing, and the idea that $400 (both players) per round can go in on the big streets is also an adjustment, but that's just typical moving up stuff.

Overall, I feel I did not play my best and I did not get either exceptionally lucky or unlucky and I still won, so that is good.

On the transportation front . . . I think I am going to have a custom all electric city car conversion built aiming for a 50 mile range and 60 mph top speed.
Let's talk Commerce, Bike, Hustler, Hollywood Park, Normandie -- PreApology Included Quote
07-11-2008 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by schroedy
On the transportation front . . . I think I am going to have a custom all electric city car conversion built aiming for a 50 mile range and 60 mph top speed.
Have you considered the up front energy costs associated with building a custom car?

Also, if 60 is your top speed and you use a freeway you'll be a road hazard (not keeping up with flow of traffic) and have higher odds of eventually ending up as roadkill.

~ Rick
Let's talk Commerce, Bike, Hustler, Hollywood Park, Normandie -- PreApology Included Quote
07-12-2008 , 02:07 PM
I would play the Commerce 20/40 limit game. It is one of the softest games out there in its level. After that I would move up to 30/60, but be prepared for much tougher game at the 25/50-30/60 level. 40/80 is going to be beyond your roll i think. For 40/80, once you get to it, you should only play at the Commerce.
Let's talk Commerce, Bike, Hustler, Hollywood Park, Normandie -- PreApology Included Quote
