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Involved in a very strange floor ruling in a huge pot; curious if you think they got it right? Involved in a very strange floor ruling in a huge pot; curious if you think they got it right?

08-19-2023 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by JayKon
That sounds awful close to my original position that I got blasted for. While I accept that if a hand is 100% identifiable, it can be recovered, I personally don't like it. A fold should be a fold.

I repeat: The number one rule in poker is to protect your own hand.
You refuse to accept that “getting rid of your cards” is not always folding. Until you get past that you will remain confused.

If we define folding or at least proper folding as tossing hand forward in turn when facing action, then very few situations will allow a folded hand, identifiable or not, to be recovered.

There might be a small minority of rooms that allow a FOLDED hand to be recovered. But the standard rule is that a fold is binding even if the hand is identifiable. But it has to be a FOLD not a discard at showdown. Once you get to understand there are more than one ways to get rid of cards things get more clear
Involved in a very strange floor ruling in a huge pot; curious if you think they got it right? Quote
08-19-2023 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by albedoa
How is this working out.
mod: Perfectly. Be nice, don't be a dick, even with people who disagree with you, and with whom you disagree, and all will be well.
Involved in a very strange floor ruling in a huge pot; curious if you think they got it right? Quote
08-19-2023 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by JayKon
Oh, how I wish this were true. Perhaps someone could even find a rule somewhere stating this. In practice, no matter where (to my knowledge), a discarded hand that is completely clear of other cards will always be recoverable and (evidently) the 100% identifiable rule is used in many rooms.

I played at Thunder Valley a few years ago and found they had a policy to NEVER kill a hand, unless even extreme measures couldn't identify it (like going to the camera). According to the floor I spoke with, this included cards that flew off the table.
Your knowledge that all identifiable h@nd scan be recovered is a very uncommon rule. Maybe TVC has such a rule but definitely not common. I have even played at places where a card off the table at showdown may be ruled live. But that doesn’t mean a FOLDED hand, tossed forward face down that goes off the table will be live. On table or off table, most rooms that hand is dead and will be mucked.
Involved in a very strange floor ruling in a huge pot; curious if you think they got it right? Quote
08-19-2023 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
I think you're still not understanding what I and other people are saying, and maybe you're using a different definition for 'killing a hand' as well, because I don't know how a room could operate like this.

Are you saying that in this room, the following can happen? Someone bets the flop, one person calls, the third person throws his hand towards the center of the table. The dealer leaves the cards out there, taps the table, burns and deals the turn card.
The first player bets again, the second player folds. The third player, who never called the flop bet, grabs back his cards and raises.

If that cannot happen at the room, then it is not true that they never kill a hand. It sounds ridiculous, but I can't imagine what else your statement about the room could mean.
You seem to think I agree with what the floor at Thunder said, despite my repeated position?

I do not. You are trying to shoot the messenger.

I also suspect that the reality isn't as extreme as what I was told.
Involved in a very strange floor ruling in a huge pot; curious if you think they got it right? Quote
08-19-2023 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by Fore
You refuse to accept that “getting rid of your cards” is not always folding. Until you get past that you will remain confused.
You're right and you're wrong. I have always felt that throwing your hand away is a fold and I'm not the least bit confused about it. I find the distinction of facing a bet, versus a check compelling enough to ease my position somewhat. But not enough to fault dealers for doing their job and mucking the hand immediately.

I'm also OK with a discarded hand being recovered in some circumstances - subject to a decision by the floor.

What bothers me most is the gang mentality several of you are engaging in. I tell you about something I was told at Thunder Valley years ago and immediately get attacked with silly scenarios. For those that did that, not their best moment.
Involved in a very strange floor ruling in a huge pot; curious if you think they got it right? Quote
08-21-2023 , 02:30 AM
Originally Posted by JayKon
You seem to think I agree with what the floor at Thunder said, despite my repeated position?

I do not. You are trying to shoot the messenger.

I also suspect that the reality isn't as extreme as what I was told.
I'm just asking what actually happens at the room. If what the floor said doesn't properly describe what actually happens at the room, what he said is completely irrelevant.
Involved in a very strange floor ruling in a huge pot; curious if you think they got it right? Quote
08-21-2023 , 10:40 AM
How did we get from 'slide over the line' to toss, get rid of and throw? Toss and Throw are verbs for sure (verb = action .. from 3rd grade). Do we really need to dive into 'get rid of' and 'surrender' as well .. pretty good 'actions' there too.

We're supposed to be discussing the (potentially) marginal 'action' of sliding cards forward over a line on the felt that is nothing more than a guideline to help the Dealer get their job done these days.

While certainly physically different .. how about the pump-fake-toss-non-fold? Looks like a fold (attempt) but no release .. so all good? Player gets a warning (maybe) .. no dead hand.

Player may have local knowledge that the line on the felt means nothing but TDA suggests that Players slide their cards to avoid any unintentional exposure. So how far of a slide really counts as a folding slide as opposed to a clearing space/angle slide? GL
Involved in a very strange floor ruling in a huge pot; curious if you think they got it right? Quote
08-21-2023 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by JayKon
You're right and you're wrong. I have always felt that throwing your hand away is a fold and I'm not the least bit confused about it. I find the distinction of facing a bet, versus a check compelling enough to ease my position somewhat. But not enough to fault dealers for doing their job and mucking the hand immediately.

I'm also OK with a discarded hand being recovered in some circumstances - subject to a decision by the floor.

What bothers me most is the gang mentality several of you are engaging in. I tell you about something I was told at Thunder Valley years ago and immediately get attacked with silly scenarios. For those that did that, not their best moment.
It's not an attack on you to tell you that the floor manager who told you that was wrong.
Involved in a very strange floor ruling in a huge pot; curious if you think they got it right? Quote
08-21-2023 , 12:00 PM
People are reasonably responding both to the specific claim about Thunder Valley and to this general claim from the same comment:

Originally Posted by JayKon
In practice, no matter where (to my knowledge), a discarded hand that is completely clear of other cards will always be recoverable and (evidently) the 100% identifiable rule is used in many rooms.
Don't conflate them. This latter claim does not involve a middle "messenger". It is direct from you, and it is very wrong.
Involved in a very strange floor ruling in a huge pot; curious if you think they got it right? Quote
