Originally Posted by Fore
I hate this new undercall chips stay rule.
If you verbalize a call it is a call.
If you put out the under call chips, I much prefer the old rule that you can pull them back, reconsider all options.
I prefer this older rule even though I cannot remember the last time I under called.
My recollection is that 20 years ago it was the standard at legit casinos and card rooms to make any money you put forward stay in the pot, even if you didn't know there was a raise and decide to fold. It was only at "underground" rooms and home games that I found people letting you take back the undercall. I couldn't tell you when it changed, but it has been in more recent years that I've seen it change in casinos to allowing the money to come back. And I kind of thought that was because I was playing higher stakes than 20 years ago, but maybe it is common at lower stakes now too? Not sure.