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I saw villian's hand.  What should dealer do? I saw villian's hand.  What should dealer do?

11-24-2011 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by bulls_horn
Reading comprehension ftw, Dude.

NOBODY except OP suggested that the hand should be killed. But Op DID see the hand and was still involved in a multiway pot and now held an advantage over the others because he saw the guy's hand. Show one, Show all. What's "so our in left field" about this?
read this very carefully. I will type extra slow so you can understand it. The villain showed his cards to someone NOT in the hand. If you wish to invoke Sosa, go for it, but the cards aren't revealed until the hand ends. OP should (and
did) notify the remaining player in the hand that he'd seen the villain's cards. However, that does not mean that the villain's hand should be exposed to the other players. The OP could have been mistaken about the cards he saw -- or -- he could lie and in your world, the villain would have to expose his hand.
I saw villian's hand.  What should dealer do? Quote
11-25-2011 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by AngusThermopyle
Oh, make me "prove" I saw your hand? "He has top set". Floor checks and says you don't.
Floor checks and says "He doesn't have top set and you sir rack your chips you're done for the night".
I saw villian's hand.  What should dealer do? Quote
11-25-2011 , 02:34 PM
1st off even if you did see the guys hand it was dumb to announce it. You are giving away a huge edge. Especially if he does not protect his hand well and you can see it also on later hands.

Also announcing it to the whole table ruins it for the villain as well.

I love playing against people who don't protect their hand because it makes marginal decisions way easier to know, say that the 2 of hearts is dead if I am considering playing Ah3h.
I saw villian's hand.  What should dealer do? Quote
11-25-2011 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by PGH-N8V
For instance, I have a pretty good peripheral vision range. I can't "see" with detail, but movement causes me to turn my head. It's simply reactionary.
lol I tell my wife this all the time but it doesn't seem to work there either.
I saw villian's hand.  What should dealer do? Quote
11-25-2011 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by Morris King
1st off even if you did see the guys hand it was dumb to announce it. You are giving away a huge edge. Especially if he does not protect his hand well and you can see it also on later hands.

Also announcing it to the whole table ruins it for the villain as well.

I love playing against people who don't protect their hand because it makes marginal decisions way easier to know, say that the 2 of hearts is dead if I am considering playing Ah3h.
So I gave up an edge on a single hand. I don't angle shoot. Personally, I think if I ever developed a reputation as a cheat, it would hurt me far more in the long run, then any porential short term gain.
I saw villian's hand.  What should dealer do? Quote
11-25-2011 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by TenFourOff
SB check, BB bet $10, folded to me who called, Villian to the left of me re-raised it to $25, folded back to BB who was taking a second to decide what to do.
I hate it when people say "re-raise" when they mean "raise." Let's keep the standards higher at 2+2!
Originally Posted by psujohn
BB acts on the re-raise first. If it's just you, re-raiser and BB then if you call re-raiser's hand gets turned up. If you fold then it can stay closed. Either way re-raiser gets a warning.
Sigh ... remember people, this is the premier poker site ... where a bet is still a bet, and a raise is still a raise!

In fairness, psujohn nailed the solution. But let's protect our poker terminology!

Last edited by frommagio; 11-25-2011 at 07:09 PM.
I saw villian's hand.  What should dealer do? Quote
