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I was robbed at gunpoint at west palm beach kennel club then banned for life. I was robbed at gunpoint at west palm beach kennel club then banned for life.

02-17-2016 , 08:48 PM

will be on this site tonight think he starts at 1030 est if anyone wants to listen
02-17-2016 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by ZOMG_RIGGED!
Or they realize 13k in cash is a lot of money to just throw away on the ground because you're wearing sweat pants and not paying attention. 13k is still a noticeable weight and bulk to your pocket if you're paying even the slightest amount of attention
yea i had other wads of cash in my pocket along with car keys a Samsung note and chips i managed to drop the most important wad...
02-17-2016 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by borg23
Anyone who doesn't see how you can drop a big wad of cash without realizing has never had a lot of money on them at once and thinks you can fill a dumpster w 13k.
I dunno. I've had that much (or at least a few thousand) on me a couple of times and I've never been so aware of my possessions/surroundings in my life. I think some lint could have fallen out of my pocket and I would have noticed.

Now, it's probably fair to say that anybody who doesn't see how this could happen doesn't regularly have that much money on them.

I left money in a Vegas safe too, once. That was a fun day.

As for the banning, reading the letter, it seems PBKC believes the losses were caused (to varying extent) by the OP's carelessness and actions, and that made himself a target, possibly for future incidents. They might be wondering about what/when the next incident will be, and at what point could they be held liable, or at least look bad in a lawsuit and have to settle. They're probably annoyed about everything as well, but I'd guess that's not the whole reason. If the OP was regularly dropping money at blackjack they'd work something out, maybe even assign him his own security guard, but that's not the case.
02-17-2016 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by illdonk
I dunno. I've had that much (or at least a few thousand) on me a couple of times and I've never been so aware of my possessions/surroundings in my life. I think some lint could have fallen out of my pocket and I would have noticed.

Now, it's probably fair to say that anybody who doesn't see how this could happen doesn't regularly have that much money on them.

I left money in a Vegas safe too, once. That was a fun day.

As for the banning, reading the letter, it seems PBKC believes the losses were caused (to varying extent) by the OP's carelessness and actions, and that made himself a target, possibly for future incidents. They might be wondering about what/when the next incident will be, and at what point could they be held liable, or at least look bad in a lawsuit and have to settle. They're probably annoyed about everything as well, but I'd guess that's not the whole reason. If the OP was regularly dropping money at blackjack they'd work something out, maybe even assign him his own security guard, but that's not the case.
search in these forums how many times people have dropped money or misplaced items or left items at a poker room or anywhere. It happens, and I'm sorry if i carry large amounts of money, I play games that require large amounts of money to be wagered. I had horses too that i was staking which lead me to carry money for them incase i needed to reload them. I don't know whats so unreal about the amount I had.
02-17-2016 , 09:33 PM
Nothing about the amount is tough to believe. The part that's unreal is that you are so casual with a 13k wad of bills that you could drop it and not know.

Lol at comparing a 13k worth of bills to other things that people lose or misplace in s poker room
02-17-2016 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by Hoosiers93
It's so unreal for OMG to believe because 1/2 max buyin is $200 in most casinos.
Swing and a miss
02-17-2016 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by borg23
I try and wear hoodies w zippered pockets for chips and cash.

I left a 5k wad in the Borgata safe before and was lucky to get it back.I've also dropped a wad of cash before but fortunately realized it.Anyone who doesn't see how you can drop a big wad of cash without realizing has never had a lot of money on them at once and thinks you can fill a dumpster w 13k.
Originally Posted by ZOMG_RIGGED!
Or they realize 13k in cash is a lot of money to just throw away on the ground because you're wearing sweat pants and not paying attention. 13k is still a noticeable weight and bulk to your pocket if you're paying even the slightest amount of attention
Originally Posted by parisron
You can't fold 13k in cash and have it in your pocket or it would be a huge bulge and there is no way you wouldn't notice that missing. To have it unfolded you would need to have it in something. One of those zipper wallets that are perfect for that amount of unfolded money work perfect and then just stick it in the front of your pants with your shirt over it.
This is what I'm saying....I fully realize how much 13k's 130 $100 bills, that is bulky & it weighs. I think even (especially) with sweat pants I'd feel it in my pocket.

Originally Posted by ZOMG_RIGGED!
Nothing about the amount is tough to believe. The part that's unreal is that you are so casual with a 13k wad of bills that you could drop it and not know.

Lol at comparing a 13k worth of bills to other things that people lose or misplace in s poker room
02-17-2016 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by ch4nc305
search in these forums how many times people have dropped money or misplaced items or left items at a poker room or anywhere. It happens, and I'm sorry if i carry large amounts of money
I was disagreeing with the idea that anybody who's ever carried around a lot of cash would understand how easy it would be to misplace one of them.

I was admitting that not regularly carrying around five-figure rolls of hundreds made misplacing one of them seem more incomprehensible to me than it might actually be, though I certainly don't think it's common.

Last edited by illdonk; 02-17-2016 at 10:20 PM.
02-17-2016 , 10:08 PM
It's not
02-17-2016 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by illdonk
I was disagreeing with the idea that anybody who's ever carried around a lot of cash would release how easy it would be to misplace one of them.

I was admitting that not regularly carrying around five-figure rolls of hundreds made misplacing one of them seem more incomprehensible to me than it might actually be, though I certainly don't think it's common.
I'm not saying that dropping 13k accidently is uncommon. What I'm saying is that horrible things happen to people, this was just a horrible thing that happened to me. Its part of the story I'm not trying to hide that I dropped the money I'm not making excuses.
02-17-2016 , 10:15 PM
No, it's s thing that happens to people who are irresponsible with large sums of money. Know what else happens to these people? They get robbed at gunpoint
02-17-2016 , 10:19 PM
I just feal that the casino should have better security to protect if something like that does happen. Such as cameras in their parking lot that can identify who comes and goes from the premises. If they had a camera that could read the license plates of either time i was robbed this might be a entirely different story. If they had better cameras in there casino that took good pictures maybe the security guards working that night the guy came in would have recognized him and made an arrest.

Not once have i stated i was a angel in any of this yea i could have made a lot of different choices to protect myself but a multi-million dollar business that has inadequate security should address those concerns which I think they have actually addressed those concerns after all these incidents.
02-17-2016 , 10:24 PM
Wanna hear something weird though? This story also might have an entirely different story if you never dropped 13k in cash on a casino floor, which may have directly lead to you getting robbed.

It just seems really weird to me that you think it's the casinos fault for not being able to tell who picked it up, but you couldn't be bothered to make sure a fistful sized was of 100's didn't fall out of your pocket.
02-17-2016 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by Hoosiers93
OP drops/gets robbed/loses more than you make in 14 months and you're just throwing insult after insult at him. I strongly advise you to get some therapy if you're that sad with your own life.
Lol. You're really bad at this
02-17-2016 , 10:29 PM
[QUOTE=ZOMG_RIGGED!;49387754]No, it's s thing that happens to people who are irresponsible with large sums of money. Know what else happens to these people? They get robbed at gunpoint.

Id rather you stop posting negative feedback on my thread. I don't understand how you can literally think that.

Idk how many countless stories of poker pros being robbed are out there. Lets see

eric riley, theo jorgenson, Jason mercier, scott montgromery, just to name a few.

Idk I'm from the Midwest I'm from northwestern iowa where we keep our doors unlocked, we are kind law biting citizens I never have lived in a area where security was an issue. So maybe I'm a little naïve . But to say that robbery one happens to irresponsible people is probably the dumbest statement posted in this thread. It happens to all sorts of people random or targeted. I have no clue what your problem is with my incident, Idk if your just some silly kid who couldn't make it poker and posts 10k times a day on two plus two and that's your grind. Idk if your just trying to battle me and try and piss me off because you have nothing better to do.

Its not a crime to carry money, i def thought the wbpkc was a safe place to carry my money especially with a guard in the parking lot. I don't know what much more to say about this As ive asked several other pros who play there they all rountinely did the same thing as me prior to this even they all carried a lot of money with them and parked in the secured parking lot with no issues for much longer then i played there. Maybe I'm just unlucky or maybe its just the fact that the poker room talked about me droping the money that people thought it would be easy to rob me. Either way its a unfortunate event and i wish you would stop making me out to be some irresponsible ****tard that deserves to be robbed.
02-17-2016 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by Hoosiers93
My fault, I spent a lot of my time working, making 6 figures a year... I don't have 16000 posts as practice like you. I'm just telling it like it is. You just sounds angry and envious. You really are just a hater. I cringe everytime I read one of your posts out of pure embarrassment for you.
Lol, hater? Hater of what? For the record, I'm a live 40/80 player pro and the only 1/2 I play uses black chips. I know exactly what 13k in cash feels like in your pocket and if you're paying even attention it's impossible to not tell it's gone.

OP gets zero sympathy from me if he's not going to take the small steps involved in a job that required you to carry large amounts of cash/chips
02-17-2016 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by ZOMG_RIGGED!
Wanna hear something weird though? This story also might have an entirely different story if you never dropped 13k in cash on a casino floor, which may have directly lead to you getting robbed.

It just seems really weird to me that you think it's the casinos fault for not being able to tell who picked it up, but you couldn't be bothered to make sure a fistful sized was of 100's didn't fall out of your pocket.
The cameras the casino has it in are only for gaming. They are projected to watch the tables. This guy who picked up my money was in the casino for hours. Ill post the picture they provided there employees. This guy went to their cage he smoked cigs outside their building. I think the cameras are horrid for the amount of business they do. I think its also unreal that a van was parked in there parking lot that a robbery was commited and they coulndt ID the make model or liscense plates of that van. I think things like that are unacceptable.

17 million a year in net profit they generate ive seen better security camearas at grocery stores.
02-17-2016 , 10:47 PM
i had heard that they changed all there cameras after this incident so at least i made some changes for other players....
02-17-2016 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by ch4nc305

15600 posts for this clown in 8 years.... That's 1950 posts a year, 5.5 posts a day, and by the lengths of his post probably 10-20 mins per post. Anyone who can spend 2 hours a day everyday for the last 8 years without missing a day posting on a forum (who knows, probably has accts on other sites too that aren't being included) obviously has something very very wrong in their life. I think you hit the nail on the head Chauncey with the 'silly kid who couldn't make it in poker' quote. Just disregard anything this guy says from here on out as he is just dreaming for the day he can have 13000$ in his pocket to lose.
you're adorable. Never change
02-17-2016 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by ZOMG_RIGGED!
Lol, hater? Hater of what? For the record, I'm a live 40/80 player pro and the only 1/2 I play uses black chips. I know exactly what 13k in cash feels like in your pocket and if you're paying even attention it's impossible to not tell it's gone.

OP gets zero sympathy from me if he's not going to take the small steps involved in a job that required you to carry large amounts of cash/chips
not asking for sympathy asking you not make such irrational comments towards the incidents that took place. I haven't been a live pro for much more then 9 months now. I admit I'm naive to the practice of carrying around large amounts of money....
02-17-2016 , 10:53 PM
What an odd thread. In it people have said this casino is full of high stakes whales and fishies, that they've never heard of robberies there before, and now we have a 'pro' letting 13k wads of cash fall out of his pants and getting held up in the parking lot.

Beginning to sound like a Dave Barry novel. If you want a hysterically funny book about Florida crooks and crazies, check out "Big Trouble" by Dave Barry.
02-17-2016 , 11:00 PM
Big Time in Hollywood, FL
its a show that aired last year about some dumb criminals in Florida.
02-17-2016 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by Uh*Oh
What an odd thread. In it people have said this casino is full of high stakes whales and fishies, that they've never heard of robberies there before, and now we have a 'pro' letting 13k wads of cash fall out of his pants and getting held up in the parking lot.

Beginning to sound like a Dave Barry novel. If you want a hysterically funny book about Florida crooks and crazies, check out "Big Trouble" by Dave Barry.
I had never heard of anyone being robbed in a parking lot at this place. There was always a security and cops in the lot. I never thought that anyone could park in a parking lot, rob me run away on foot in front of security and then eventually nothing happen . I guess i didn't know they didn't have cameras in the parking lot that couldn't read license plates. I guess i didn't know that the security guard wasn't paying any attention to the patrons leaving the casino that night. I guess i should of taken more action to protect myself. Its really insane thou i talked to regs for years that did the same thing and nothing ever happened to them there was no known incidents that i was told of anyway that lead me to believe that pbkc was unsafe....
02-17-2016 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by ch4nc305
not asking for sympathy asking you not make such irrational comments towards the incidents that took place. I haven't been a live pro for much more then 9 months now. I admit I'm naive to the practice of carrying around large amounts of money....
Surprisingly there are few stories about either players losing figures of cash on the floor or of players getting robbed at gunpoint at the casino. If you don't think these two things are probably linked you're even more naive that I thought. Careless people like you just make things more dangerous for everybody.
02-17-2016 , 11:09 PM
Don't worry, it's ok. First thing I learned when I started playing live was how to be safe with money

Last edited by ZOMG_RIGGED!; 02-17-2016 at 11:10 PM. Reason: Ah man :( post deleted
