Originally Posted by Double Down
The downside to this is that by extending to them this courtesy, they will quite often not extend the courtesy back. While I have no problem giving them the opportunity to see what cards they are looking for, I too would like to know where I stand before the cards are run out, so that I too can sweat what I need to hit or avoid.
OK a few things here:
1) I am courteous not because I expect anything in return but because I want to like the guy in the mirror. And the Golden Rule thing.
2) Also, it sometimes happens that other people start doing it too.
3) It makes it more fun. This means people will come back. If you are a winner, you will appreciate this.
It has happened so many damn times where in a situation like OP's hand I shove, get called, turn over my bottom set, turn and river are blanks, and then villain turns over a small flush and breathes a sigh of relief. Like seriously, **** off dude.
Yes I know it seems like we are initiating the slow roll against ourselves. And sometimes it stings. But I have made it my mission not to be affected at the table by slow rolls of any variety.
Use this as a training ground. I can't tell you how liberating it is not to care when somebody slow rolls me. If they are doing it because they don't win much, then they just don't notice my non-reaction anyway. If they are doing it because they are trying to tilt me then there is a chance, albeit slim, that they will end up tilted because of their fail (this is really hard to do, tilting somebody after they win a big hand, but it is possible and there is nothing as amusing). And if they are doing it because they are a sadist, well then for their sake I hope that they are a masochist as well...
I think usually what I do is once called allin, I'll say to the caller "shall we show?" and if he says no then I won't show until after (I'll turn my hand over right away after the river, of course). But there's no way I'm going to let him get a full info sweat while I'm in the dark.
OK some more things:
1) I never ask the other guy. I just do it. I suck it up and do it.
2) You never know who will follow your example.
3) Every now and then when you are behind the other guy will roll over his cards as a courtesy. And if this makes the game more fun for you then it is a cheap upside.
In sum, this type of sportsmanship is worth its weight in gold.
Transcend the game.