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I am starting a poker room- what should I include? What should I not include? I am starting a poker room- what should I include? What should I not include?

07-23-2024 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
can someone eli5 bridge/poker cards - what are the standard bicycle cards everyone buys at the store?
The cards you buy at the store are cardboard and not bendy. All of the bridge cards I've seen are plastic and hold their shape when they are rolled (like when a player is checking their hand after being dealt in).
I am starting a poker room- what should I include? What should I not include? Quote
09-16-2024 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by wsopfinaltable
Happy ending massage for every 20hrs played. You will be so busy there will never be an open seat
You think that anyone would want another player getting a "Happy ending" massage AT THE TABLE ?

I doubt that "at the table" massages involve happy endings, and I've played in a lot of places that offer a mix of gambling, hotel, and brothel capacity to their customers.

Have zero direct knowledge of the guy who started this thread, but I suspect he is very young, perhaps underage, seemingly naive as to business reality, has no actual business experience or plan. I likely would give him less than a .001% chance of success in this proposed venture.

Last edited by NotMe; 09-16-2024 at 02:08 PM.
I am starting a poker room- what should I include? What should I not include? Quote
09-16-2024 , 02:58 PM
you're too on the nose with your trolling and make it too obvious

I am starting a poker room- what should I include? What should I not include? Quote
09-26-2024 , 05:28 AM
Originally Posted by bjaxspadeclub
I have the opportunity to open a private invitational and fully legit room.
I know what I'd want in a room but I'd love to hear your thoughts to make it incredibly good for players as an experience.
Here are some things so far:

- massage girls
- smoke-free / air purifyers
- luxury chairs
- well trained dealers
- free beer, some liquor free
- luxurious private decor
- security guy

Cameras - do we need? This is invitational and private so nobody likely to cheat. Would you ever play at a game without cameras??

Also rake - what do you prefer? Obviously we need a profit but please tell me what rakes you like and hate


Cameras. YES

Security. YES

Guaranteed Prize Pool/ Tournaments

Alcohol. YES

Attractive Dealers yes

Bad beat jackpots yes
I am starting a poker room- what should I include? What should I not include? Quote
10-25-2024 , 05:16 AM
Originally Posted by Prey2me
Cameras. YES

Security. YES

Guaranteed Prize Pool/ Tournaments


Alcohol. YES

Attractive Dealers yes

Bad beat jackpots yes
Hiring dealers based on attractiveness is discrimination

Sent from my moto g play - 2023 using Tapatalk
I am starting a poker room- what should I include? What should I not include? Quote
10-25-2024 , 07:12 AM
Originally Posted by bobw525
Hiring dealers based on attractiveness is discrimination
Call them models and you're fine; you can even discriminate on the basis of age and sex.
I am starting a poker room- what should I include? What should I not include? Quote
10-31-2024 , 06:31 PM
Hooters and Tilted Kilt .. and Twin Peaks solved the riddle. That being the uniform! That will definitely thin the field of applicants. GL
I am starting a poker room- what should I include? What should I not include? Quote
11-01-2024 , 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by DisRuptive1
Call them models and you're fine; you can even discriminate on the basis of age and sex.
Casino here did something similar. The classified the cocktail waitresses as “entertainment”. Everyone of them were young attractive females. That lasted a couple of years.

Then I believe it was challenged as an unfair practice. Not sure exactly those details but they started hiring all ages both sexes and more “body types”. Now 15 yrs later that staff is largely mature ladies but some younger and some guys.
I am starting a poker room- what should I include? What should I not include? Quote
11-01-2024 , 11:26 AM
Rio's "Bevertainers" tried to get around this, I believe.
I am starting a poker room- what should I include? What should I not include? Quote
11-06-2024 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by wsopfinaltable
Happy ending massage for every 20hrs played. You will be so busy there will never be an open seat
Rooms that do this have a problem with splashed pots
I am starting a poker room- what should I include? What should I not include? Quote
11-09-2024 , 03:16 AM
Originally Posted by bjaxspadeclub
This is my biggest concern. But partners do not want cameras - think exclusivity and privacy.

Maybe we can get by with a good manager and few staff, high end clients who won't steal
Would never play in a room without cameras.

Hopefully you'll have armed security guards.

Sent from my moto g play - 2023 using Tapatalk
I am starting a poker room- what should I include? What should I not include? Quote
11-14-2024 , 05:35 PM
You need cameras to maintain peace and safety for ppl at the game in addition to confirm any irregularities that arise. Protecting yourself from theft, cheats, etc. You can delete the tape after 24hrs or something so you dont have a backlog of data

Get custom chips so ppl cant introduce new ones . If someone does you can watch the tapes and find when this happened

Most ppl dont really understand rake. Time rake ends up being much cheaper from a players standpoint and also provides predictable revenue for the club. However its something players notice and novices dont like. Just take a reasonable rake per hand with a cap.

Offer credit to vetted players. Offer many payment options to those youre requiring to buyin on the spot. Crypto, hell even some llc you can take cc at if youre a legal operator
I am starting a poker room- what should I include? What should I not include? Quote
12-05-2024 , 06:13 AM
In case this post is not just a joke (which a kinda suspect, and your priorities and lack of knowledge suggests), here are some thoughts:

1. massage girls: there is no such thing as coincidence. if this is your top spot on the list, don't open a room
2. no cameras, bc there will be no cheating: let me go back to 1, don't open a room
3. if you want serious feedback, you have to have some plan or ideas of your own in the first place, otherwise it's like : "i wanna fly to the moon, have no idea how to do it, give me your top 5 ideas to build a rocket" ...

my 2 cents ... but in case i'm wrong and you are really serious about this, best of luck
I am starting a poker room- what should I include? What should I not include? Quote
12-05-2024 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by Pokerbros_Player
In case this post is not just a joke (which a kinda suspect, and your priorities and lack of knowledge suggests), here are some thoughts:

1. massage girls: there is no such thing as coincidence. if this is your top spot on the list, don't open a room
2. no cameras, bc there will be no cheating: let me go back to 1, don't open a room
3. if you want serious feedback, you have to have some plan or ideas of your own in the first place, otherwise it's like : "i wanna fly to the moon, have no idea how to do it, give me your top 5 ideas to build a rocket" ...

my 2 cents ... but in case i'm wrong and you are really serious about this, best of luck
Well, looking at the thread you just started, your own experience seems sketchy at best.
I am starting a poker room- what should I include? What should I not include? Quote
12-05-2024 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by uberkuber
Well, looking at the thread you just started, your own experience seems sketchy at best.
that's how they do it there, not my room ;-))
I am starting a poker room- what should I include? What should I not include? Quote
12-05-2024 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by bobw525
Hiring dealers based on attractiveness is discrimination

Sent from my moto g play - 2023 using Tapatalk
not if you call them "models who deal"
(learned from Oceans 13)
I am starting a poker room- what should I include? What should I not include? Quote
12-05-2024 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by uberkuber
Well, looking at the thread you just started, your own experience seems sketchy at best.
by the way:
i understand your negative response, clearly i wasn't very nice to you in my answer (so it seems). but try to think beyond that and hear the advice if that's possible: this is not a business for you, if that's your level of knowledge about it, you will only lose money.
I am starting a poker room- what should I include? What should I not include? Quote
12-05-2024 , 12:12 PM
Ask tworooks he will tell you all you need to know.
I am starting a poker room- what should I include? What should I not include? Quote
12-07-2024 , 02:33 PM
This thread seems eerily similar to another one in this forum. I can’t help but wonder if it’s the same person?
I am starting a poker room- what should I include? What should I not include? Quote
12-08-2024 , 06:22 AM
Originally Posted by bjaxspadeclub
I have the opportunity to open a private invitational and fully legit room.
I know what I'd want in a room but I'd love to hear your thoughts to make it incredibly good for players as an experience.
Here are some things so far:

- massage girls
- smoke-free / air purifyers
- luxury chairs
- well trained dealers
- free beer, some liquor free
- luxurious private decor
- security guy

Cameras - do we need? This is invitational and private so nobody likely to cheat. Would you ever play at a game without cameras??

Also rake - what do you prefer? Obviously we need a profit but please tell me what rakes you like and hate

I feel like you are glossing over the most important part (rake). Everyone understands casinos need to make a profit, yet everyone also wants the least amount of rake (friction). It should also be noted that there are two kinds of rake, official (pre-announced) and unofficial (stealing from the pot). The details of each really matter. If fact they are probably the most important detail and you're glossing over it.
I am starting a poker room- what should I include? What should I not include? Quote
12-08-2024 , 06:30 AM
Originally Posted by checkraisdraw
You need cameras not just to watch the tables but to be used as evidence in case someone tries to rob you. A bunch of rich gamblers in one place is already a sweet target. Add on to that the fact that there are plenty of poker players that got their money through associations with organized crime you have even more of a reason to have top notch security.

Personally I prefer a time charge, but many gamblers are too shortsighted to see how it benefits them so may have to take the feedback of the room and institute rake in certain games.

If we’re talking what I want out of a poker room? I tend to like rooms that have great beer selection. I’ve also seen that many high stakes players enjoy buying expensive bottles of wine while they play.

In general atmosphere wise, I want a room where the casino runs the show, not the players. I don’t like floors that play favoritism, I don’t like dealers that won’t enforce the rules, I don’t like it when players are allowed to abuse the dealers and the staff. So above all make sure any toxic elements are eliminated as they come up, because those toxic elements are super hard to root out once they plant roots.
Cameras are an important for anyone who cares about running a clean game.

One of the reasons I generally prefer playing in a casino to a private game is the Cameras. Don't get me wrong, I am not naive. I know in casinos that the cameras are there for the casinos, not for the players. However, they do provide a basic level of security. If I have $10,000 in front of me and get up to go to the washroom and come back to $1000 while my next door neighbor has $9000 more, I do have some recourse to legaly have the casino preserve the camera footage.
I am starting a poker room- what should I include? What should I not include? Quote
12-08-2024 , 06:39 AM
Originally Posted by Garick
I think he means "you can shear a sheep multiple times, but skin it only once." If bad players go broke too fast, the room dies. This is why things like table maximums and betting limits exist. These private rooms tend to be uncapped and wild, make a ton of money for the organizers and regs at first, and then die, often because they give credit to folks who end up going broke and not paying.

So you need to offer games that allow bad players to survive long enough and get lucky often enough that they stay in the game.
You are correct about what Mason means. However he fails to take into account context. For example, in close knit local games his advice is undoubtedly true. A careful balance must be maintained. The gamebwill be destroyed otherwise. However in a place like Vegas where thousands of tourists are passing through temporarily, then the sheep should be skinned. They are not your primary source of regular action.
I am starting a poker room- what should I include? What should I not include? Quote
12-08-2024 , 06:49 AM
Originally Posted by DisRuptive1
How does the rake affect bad players? If they are bad, they aren't paying much.
Take the Horseshoe in Las Vegas.

Ignore regular house rake. That affects everyone. However they also take $2 per pot in promotion money. The way they pay out most of that promotion money is through a twice weekly freeroll. Earn 15 hours to get an entry into the freeroll held twice a week.

The vast majority of the winners of the $300 freeroll payout are locals who regularly play. Not even close. It is insane how many of the winners of the freeroll the floor knows the names of the player by heart.

Taking $2 out of each pot on low limit games and giving it to regs is the literal definition of skinning a sheep. Horseshoe Vegas can get away with it though because it is based upon know nothing tourists coming through and dumping their money on the table regularly without care of the rake.
I am starting a poker room- what should I include? What should I not include? Quote
12-08-2024 , 06:57 AM
Originally Posted by answer20
Hooters and Tilted Kilt .. and Twin Peaks solved the riddle. That being the uniform! That will definitely thin the field of applicants. GL
Just look at the Wynn in LV. The Culinary Union is hard core about protecting their servers from discrimination. The Wynn got around this by not making them cocktail waitresses. They are models. Different standard. They still belong to the union to keep the union happy, but they can be judged on their looks if needed.

A compromise.

Unlike other casinos that have to keep 90 year old great grandmas employed as servers despite the fact that they trip over their tits that hang down to their knees every other second.

Is it morally wrong? Of course. Is it reality? Yep.
I am starting a poker room- what should I include? What should I not include? Quote
