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How long do you stay after winning a big pot so as not to "hit and run" How long do you stay after winning a big pot so as not to "hit and run"

02-21-2011 , 04:01 AM
im still waiting for that big pot, then i might tell u how long?
How long do you stay after winning a big pot so as not to "hit and run" Quote
02-21-2011 , 05:50 AM
It's your money. If a player(s) has a serious problem with you getting up after winning a large pot or leaving with a big stack, they aren't respectable players(s) in my book. I've never made a comment to someone about what they do with THEIR money. Just get up when you want to or need to. Don't let anyone but You tell You what to do with your money. I walked away from 2-5 tables countless times with players making a comment all upset or hating. Watch your money & roll accumulate.

Good Luck.
How long do you stay after winning a big pot so as not to "hit and run" Quote
02-21-2011 , 09:30 PM
Saying that you can leave whenever you want is like saying you can tip however much you want. Sure, nobody's going to force you to stay for X hands or tip Y amount, but if you don't make some semblance of being near the middle of the bell curve, people are going to notice.

I find that being a regular cuts both ways - 1. I do care more about not burning games, but 2. they all know I'll be back.
How long do you stay after winning a big pot so as not to "hit and run" Quote
02-21-2011 , 09:35 PM
Everybody that says "just take your money and go", I take it you have no problem with the player getting a table change and "going south" with his winnings as he buys into the other table for the table min.
How long do you stay after winning a big pot so as not to "hit and run" Quote
02-21-2011 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by AngusThermopyle
Everybody that says "just take your money and go", I take it you have no problem with the player getting a table change and "going south" with his winnings as he buys into the other table for the table min.
If that's the house rule.
How long do you stay after winning a big pot so as not to "hit and run" Quote
02-22-2011 , 12:40 AM
I know a guy who announces its his last hand and he is only playing AA and KK.

I was once leaving the game (20/40 LHE) for a tournament and said "OK I have just enough for the tournament buy-in, so I'm only going to play big hands in my last orbit." I got dealt Q9s in the CO and I raised and only the BB called. I flopped an A high flush - so it looked like I couldn't have a flush. BB and I went several bets on every street - and when I showed my flush a few people said "big hand???".

Usually I announce its my last orbit - and I start racking up a few hands early. I have won big hands on my last hand UTG. I'll still leave. Mostly regulars in the game though so they know they'll see me soon.
How long do you stay after winning a big pot so as not to "hit and run" Quote
02-22-2011 , 04:40 AM
Yeah, my sentiments basically echo what's already been said.

I typically play another couple orbits, but it depends on a number of factors. If I am super tired, and it's 5:30 am, I will just leave when the blinds get to me. I occasionally announce when I'm going to leave, but maybe only 1/5 times. I just don't feel like I 'owe' it to a table full of strangers as to when I am going to leave the game.

Also, if I liked the people at the table, I might be inclined to stay a little longer. It might also depend on whether I liked the person I won the pot from. When I was in Vegas (and when I'm on vacation, I care even less about any sort "hitting and running"), I was racking up my chips and planned to play my UTG and leave. Of course I happened to get AA and then I was against some obnoxious idiot. By the river, he literally took 5-6 minutes debating whether to call or not. I've never called clock on a person before. Anyways, he finally folded and the whole table was angry at him for taking so long, myself included, because he kept doing annoying things, like telling me that I was blinking a lot (it was 4:30 am and my contacts were SO dry), so as soon as I scooped the pot, I left.

The other night, I had AA vs. KK and the guy hit a set on the flop, and I rivered mine. He was nice and jolly the few hrs prior, so I stayed a little longer than I normally would've, just because I thought he was a friendly enough guy, so I cared a little more about giving off the 'hit and run' vibe.

So yeah, my long winded way of saying that it depends. I figure as long as you don't make a habit out of always doing it, then it doesn't really matter in the long run.

Also, don't you hate when you are planning to leave, but stay out of "etiquette' reasons, and then end up stacking off? Then you feel like you're stuck for even longer! That's how I feel, anyways.
How long do you stay after winning a big pot so as not to "hit and run" Quote
02-22-2011 , 06:33 PM
id rather you leave anyway than fold everyhand but AA for the next 2-3 orbits
How long do you stay after winning a big pot so as not to "hit and run" Quote
02-23-2011 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by ArsenalGunners1
id rather you leave anyway than fold everyhand but AA for the next 2-3 orbits
You say that but in reality you wouldn't
How long do you stay after winning a big pot so as not to "hit and run" Quote
02-23-2011 , 11:33 PM
leave when you want...we are playing for keepsies
How long do you stay after winning a big pot so as not to "hit and run" Quote
02-23-2011 , 11:35 PM
dont leave cuz u win a pot. leave cuz you set a time limit or the game is bad.

if u won a pot then you probably want to stay. if you just arrive and double up 1st hand then want to leave 10 minutes later then thats ****in BS.

why you even playing poker in the 1st place. if you want a quick double up go play roulette.
How long do you stay after winning a big pot so as not to "hit and run" Quote
02-24-2011 , 01:07 AM

If you're really on you're way out, just say so.

"Hey, I swear guys, I had already decided I was leaving. Lemme buy the table a round, and then I'll rack up."

That's i guess if it was a *really* big pot.

If you're a reg, you aren't hitting and running anyway, you'll be back.
How long do you stay after winning a big pot so as not to "hit and run" Quote
02-24-2011 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by DGAF
1 hour (minimum) is excellent customer service. Thanks for not contributing to the evaporation of action, op.
This is also a very good answer if you are a regular winner there. If you think of playing live as your job ( or even as a side job that you're good at ), thinking in terms of customer service is a good idea.

The customers that DGAF refers to of course, are the players you're stacking. If you're a good guy and pleasant at the tables and these guys like to play cards with you, don't piss 'em off!!
How long do you stay after winning a big pot so as not to "hit and run" Quote
02-27-2011 , 01:17 PM
I've hit and run once in my life, and it was due to a number of factors:

a. not my home casino
b. The guy who I just beat out of a big pot began berating me, and it was giving me a headache. I said, "Grow up or I rack up". He chose his path, I chose mine.
c. There was a long list for this game.

I don't tell others how to do it, but at the casino where I'm regular, I'll usually announce, "Playing until the big blind hits me" or "Leaving at the end of so-and-so's down". I do that because I play against some familiar faces, and I don't want to screw them.

Also, I play in more 'peak' hours. If it was like 3-4AM, I'd have no guilt about taking off. That walk through a casino floor at 4AM is eye-opening, and needs a Sally Struthers commercial dedicated to it.
How long do you stay after winning a big pot so as not to "hit and run" Quote
02-28-2011 , 06:17 AM
Who cares?

It's not a 'hit and run'. You gambled, you won, and now you want to stop. What business is it of anyone's to question your actions at a poker table of all places?

If you're playing in a game where you will regularly see these people, I would try to make it a point to stay a while after. Or do something like, go to the restroom, come out 'on your phone' and have to leave.

There's no right or wrong thing to do, and it's only how people perceive things.

I've stayed for an hour to make people think I wasn't just trying to beat them out of a couple buy ins, and I've left on the third hand after stacking someone.

As with almost all situations in poker, just use your best judgment =]
How long do you stay after winning a big pot so as not to "hit and run" Quote
02-28-2011 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by Rart Dirt
dont leave cuz u win a pot. leave cuz you set a time limit or the game is bad.

if u won a pot then you probably want to stay. if you just arrive and double up 1st hand then want to leave 10 minutes later then thats ****in BS.

why you even playing poker in the 1st place. if you want a quick double up go play roulette.
OMG what kind of thinking is this, dude u got some serious problem
How long do you stay after winning a big pot so as not to "hit and run" Quote
02-28-2011 , 10:35 AM
I was thinking about those post last night... I am normally a LHE player, but last night decided to play some 1/2NL.

Before the hand was dealt I said I thought it was going to be my last hand, I have Q 9, decide to play and win a pot around $100, I figured OK, I would play one more orbit. I have 6 8 in the big blind, all limp to me, I check, the flop comes 5 7 9... Good karma? haha
How long do you stay after winning a big pot so as not to "hit and run" Quote
02-28-2011 , 03:49 PM
It's your money and you are at a casino who cares.

If you are a tourist you are never seeing those people again, if you are a reg as long as you don't leave every time you win a big pot, works for me, you will be back.

Maybe people think I'm a douche but I've won a big pot, gone off to grab a bite to eat and sat down at the next table over buying in for the minimum an hour later with no guilt and a full stomach
How long do you stay after winning a big pot so as not to "hit and run" Quote
03-02-2011 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by djcarter66
It's your money and you are at a casino who cares.

If you are a tourist you are never seeing those people again, if you are a reg as long as you don't leave every time you win a big pot, works for me, you will be back.

Maybe people think I'm a douche but I've won a big pot, gone off to grab a bite to eat and sat down at the next table over buying in for the minimum an hour later with no guilt and a full stomach
LOL Great post!!!
How long do you stay after winning a big pot so as not to "hit and run" Quote
03-02-2011 , 11:44 PM
I like 1 orbit
How long do you stay after winning a big pot so as not to "hit and run" Quote
03-03-2011 , 03:34 AM
Do what you feel is best for You! I usually wait till the next dealer shift change! Wich is 30 minutes!
How long do you stay after winning a big pot so as not to "hit and run" Quote
03-03-2011 , 04:10 AM
bout 3:50 imo
How long do you stay after winning a big pot so as not to "hit and run" Quote
03-03-2011 , 04:16 AM
Personally, I think it's a bad idea to tell anyone when you're leaving. Sometimes it makes someone play differently against you if they know you only have a few hands left to play.

I guess it's not as much of a worry if you're a reg or something. I know i've pulled off some pretty big bluffs against a player who is taking a shot and has profit, but has his chips in the rack ready to leave. Sick cash game ICM spots yo.

That said I usually play at least 1 full orbit if i win a monster pot. Unless i'm on a time crunch.
How long do you stay after winning a big pot so as not to "hit and run" Quote
03-03-2011 , 03:37 PM
After my blinds, Ill rack up with a working stack infont for one more orbit. It's obvoius that I'm leaving withut even saying anything.
How long do you stay after winning a big pot so as not to "hit and run" Quote
