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Horseshoe INDIANA Horseshoe INDIANA

08-18-2008 , 11:48 PM
please o please do not raise hte minimum, the fish buy in for 100 and 1/2 and reload like its there job.. i saw a guy reload 6 times for 100$ a piece
08-18-2008 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by Jay36489
It's now only 20 posts behind "** Official Showboat Atlantic City Poker Thread **", and will overtake it for the #1 spot soon
I think word is getting out about the place. There were a few I even thought might be 2+2ers.
I think it is the most for views not posts... Yet

I get about 5-10 different people each day who come up to me and mention 2+2.
08-18-2008 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by StarWarsMaster9
please o please do not raise hte minimum, the fish buy in for 100 and 1/2 and reload like its there job.. i saw a guy reload 6 times for 100$ a piece

You don't make any sense. The minimum is currently $50 if the minimum was raised to $100 they could STILL buy in for $100... if the max buy in was raised to $300 they could STILL buy in for $100... there are many players/regulars who would like to buy in to 1-2 NL for $300, I don't see what the big deal is.
08-18-2008 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by Rushstreet07
Jeremy, is there any chance you will raise the max buy in to something in the $300-$400 for 1-2 and $750-$1000 for 2-5?
Not right now. We will not make any drastic changes to any game for awhile. We had many thougths before making decisions about buy-ins. I know there are many players for this room but when you raise the caps it hurts the local fish community.

When you mention larger pre-flop raises, many of the games have going all night from the day before and there is alot of money on the tables. This heps contribute to the game playing bigger. If you feel the game is to big or not big enough at times, we can always move you to another table.

Last edited by Raise It; 08-19-2008 at 12:10 AM.
08-18-2008 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by Raise It
Not right now. We will not make any drastic changes to any game for awile. We had many thougths before making decisions about buy-ins. I know there are many players for this room but when you raise the caps it hurts the local fish community.

When you mention larger pre-flop raises, many of the games have going all night from the day before and there is alot of money on the tables. This heps contribute to the game playing bigger. If you feel the game is to big or not big enough at times, we can always move you to another table.
Fair enough. Thanks for the reply.
08-18-2008 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by electrical
Raise It,

Have the alternative games for the mixed games been approved by Indiana yet? I'm talking about 2-7 TD, Badugi, the California draw games?
No it is taking longer than expected. To be honest I have only had a few people since we opened even inquire about the games. The few times they have played HOSE I have mentioned playing Razz too and they said no.
08-18-2008 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by Abe
Keep the NL tables 9 handed. Maybe even get one of those 6 handed tables for the twitchy action junkies. haha

My recommendation of playing 10 handed was only for the Limit tables.
We are not switching it any time soon but 10 handed has been noted for the limit games. For some reason limit players walk much more often than NL players. Especially 20-40 players.
08-19-2008 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by Plastiman
Thanks for the quick response. Yeah, the TR was long but I was very impressed by the room and the staff and wanted to get that out.

I've seen the number for calling in, is there a time limit from call in to check in? I've seen other places allow only an hour and want to gauge where I'd need to be in order to call since my drive is over an hour.
It is one hour but a 5-10 minute grace period is given.
08-19-2008 , 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by Jay36489
Yes I was! Let me guess, #2 seat, Joseph? LOL! I was really considering giving you a "sup bro" or brown trout reference, but I thought what are the chances... I almost knew it after the only hand we played against each other post flop (my KJs vs your KQo). BTW, I love your strategy of having greens in your pocket to fill back up when you get below $200. Nice low key way of keeping topped off.

There were two at the first table I was at that made me wonder as well. Two young guys who looked like brothers both waring black baseball caps. I asked to move from that table hoping to find something softer, and end up with Joe right behind me.
How about some sort of 2+2 poster sticker to identify Kind of like how Full Tilt players on TV just slap it on their shirts....
08-19-2008 , 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by cukman2
Back to the Promo's Jeremy....

I'm the one that always calls you "Raise it" when I see you if your wandering the poker cathedral doing what you do to run a tight

On Saturday you were talking to me and John about about the high hand promos which I thought were awesome ideas! Ex. 1k for anyone hitting Royal Flush, 500 for quads etc....

I think that is a much better idea for the promo dollars instead of the freeroll tourneys
Why not do both?

These were just "ideas" the players were sharing with me. I do like it though!

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say this? I have 2 Cubs bleacher seats for Wednesday night. If anyone is interesed PM me... - Jeremy

Last edited by Raise It; 08-19-2008 at 12:17 AM.
08-19-2008 , 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by Raise It
Why not do both?

These were just "ideas" the players were sharing with me. I do like it though!

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say this? I have 2 Cubs bleacher seats for Wednesday night. If anyone is interesed PM me... - Jeremy
Is that why it is tough to get the White Sox on the TV when the game starts, rather than in the 3rd inning?... Kidding, sort of.
08-19-2008 , 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by LeeElia
Is that why it is tough to get the White Sox on the TV when the game starts, rather than in the 3rd inning?... Kidding, sort of.

We have 12 plasmas to watchs shows. When the Cubs and Sox are both on we accommodate both but there are usually more Cubs fans and we put the majority of the TV's on what THEY want on...
08-19-2008 , 01:20 AM
had another good session tonight, unfortunately it was only a good night at 1/2 and not 2/5, the Cafe food was above what I'm used to... maybe only because I got to spend half of it chatting with the cute girl that works in the lounge right outside the poker room, god I need to be single again.

** bonus fact of the day **

on the recommendation of a fellow 2+2er, took my grandma to the Keno room and couldnt get her out 3 hours later for lunch, ty
08-19-2008 , 01:39 AM
Those of you that had a milkshake issue the other day. They did get rid of them for a few days. I talked with the beverage manager and they are now available again. They are $2.50 and I've heard they are awesome.
08-19-2008 , 05:32 AM
I finally won money at the Horseshoe!!!...+$5 playing 3/6 poo for 3.5 hours!

I was very suprised at how many people were still playing, at 3am...on a Tuesday!

I'm already planning a weekend roadtrip up from school to play some lengthy sessions.
08-19-2008 , 06:12 AM
Originally Posted by Raise It

We have 12 plasmas to watchs shows. When the Cubs and Sox are both on we accommodate both but there are usually more Cubs fans and we put the majority of the TV's on what THEY want on...
As a poker player, it's good to hear that the majority of the players are conditioned to accept losing

Go Sox!
08-19-2008 , 10:36 AM
Checked out the room, it was great. It was a little bit worse then Borgata IMO, but very very nice.

I hate the fact that T-Mobile does not get any service there and that the cards are hard to pick up from the felt. Everything else is great.

What is the phone number for the poker room BTW?
08-19-2008 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by Sylenth
Checked out the room, it was great. It was a little bit worse then Borgata IMO, but very very nice.

I hate the fact that T-Mobile does not get any service there and that the cards are hard to pick up from the felt. Everything else is great.

What is the phone number for the poker room BTW?
It was about 10 pages back....
08-19-2008 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by Raise It
Those of you that had a milkshake issue the other day. They did get rid of them for a few days. I talked with the beverage manager and they are now available again. They are $2.50 and I've heard they are awesome.
can milkshakes or fiji be comped?
08-19-2008 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by Raise It
We are not switching it any time soon but 10 handed has been noted for the limit games. For some reason limit players walk much more often than NL players. Especially 20-40 players.
Thanks Jeremy. Thats all I was asking -- that you consider it.

Yes - I have noticed that several places too. Limit players do like to walk more, and are the ones who get nervous and upset when the game gets shorthanded. Even the 3rd Man Walking rule does not always help. Players figure that floorstaff will really not go thru the trouble to do a pickup, etc.
08-19-2008 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by Sylenth
... It was a little bit worse then Borgata IMO....
Have you ever heard of the word "Than" if so then why not use it?
08-19-2008 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by ilmostro

Please, please, please, please, please do NOT go to ten handed seating on the tables.
Playing full ring is already slow enough, if folks can't hang when the table gets short, boo fkn hoo.

Please, please, please, please, please, please IMPLEMENT ten handed seating at LIMIT tables.

Playing full ring in NO LIMIT is slow. I don't care what is done at NO LIMIT. LIMIT is different. There are more walkers and vacant seats at LIMIT.

08-19-2008 , 02:46 PM
good lord. Jeremy trying to keep up with this thread is another FT job. How many times can you read about comping water, and 9- vs. 10- handed tables, all under the guise of "we're just trying to help..."

Has anyone mentioned that the felt is distracting? lol
08-19-2008 , 07:17 PM
jeremy does Amy work there? Does she have big boobs?
08-19-2008 , 08:22 PM
Bottom Line!!
9 handed is the way hold'em was meant to be played!
I can't believe that the Shoe had the stones to run 9 handed tables but it could be the single best difference in the Midwest.

If you are too scared to play short then you shouldn't be playing! The game plays faster, better, and looser.

The house makes more money, players get more hands(winning players win more), the house gets to open more tables which looks better for the room and poker economy and is better on so many levels, besides midwesterners are too fat to play 10 handed plus a huge dealer!

Besides if you get walkers don't they reduce the rake?

Jeremy, don't listen to the ring game players who want 10 players +1 ready to play over if someone needs to take a leak or get a bite to eat. If it becomes a problem I recommend tougher 3rd man walking rules and shorter player breaks. Players will get used to the difference and it will be best if it is kept 9 handed.

Canterbury, Commerece, Wynn, and Bellagio(high limit) all play with 9 handed, if Shoe wants to be the best then they have to mimic the best.
