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High Stakes Poker: Season 7, Episode 1 - February 26, 8pm ET on GSN High Stakes Poker: Season 7, Episode 1 - February 26, 8pm ET on GSN
View Poll Results: What grade would you give for High Stakes Poker - Season 7, Episode 1
75 6.63%
236 20.87%
283 25.02%
253 22.37%
219 19.36%
65 5.75%

02-28-2011 , 01:41 PM
that was the worst hsp show ever, I dont mind gabe missing ( he was great tho )

the standard of poker was so bad it felt like a sit n go, 2 many whales and tourney donks... its not looking good, pitty
High Stakes Poker: Season 7, Episode 1 - February 26, 8pm ET on GSN Quote
02-28-2011 , 01:43 PM
On the Vanessa vs. Croak hand, is there any holding that beats JJ that would've just called the flop min-raise, and then donked the turn when the heart came? I can't think of a single one.
High Stakes Poker: Season 7, Episode 1 - February 26, 8pm ET on GSN Quote
02-28-2011 , 01:46 PM
I hope the mix of players improves because that first episode was crap. I also hope Norm loosens up.

They need one less recreational player per table...maybe two.

also either get rid of Kara Scott or have her actually do something....and have her use her English Accent.
High Stakes Poker: Season 7, Episode 1 - February 26, 8pm ET on GSN Quote
02-28-2011 , 01:47 PM
I read the forums before I watched the show, so I was expecting something much worse than what I got. Yes the shoving and whatnot was bad (you could tell Doyle was aggrivated/licking his chops) but overall I think for a first show Norm did pretty well. He had some duds but he also had some funny deadpan stuff. I can see why the younger generation would not like it, it is more old-school comedy than the modern physical/slapstick comedy that seems to prevail these days
High Stakes Poker: Season 7, Episode 1 - February 26, 8pm ET on GSN Quote
02-28-2011 , 01:50 PM
lets mass ban the show! repeat after me, i will never wach hp .

the show is sd not even wide screen. high stakes poker? high definition? cheap basterds
High Stakes Poker: Season 7, Episode 1 - February 26, 8pm ET on GSN Quote
02-28-2011 , 01:58 PM
Speaking as someone who thought Norm would be horrible.. he wasn't. He had a few good jokes and handled himself decently. That being said, Gabe is much better, no debate here. However, the bigger issue is having only ONE PERSON in the booth. There's a universal system of broadcasting where TWO people broadcast an event. It's been that way and it will always be that way because it WORKS WELL! GSN decided to violate this universal law of broadcasting to save, about what, 3% of the shows budget? lame.
High Stakes Poker: Season 7, Episode 1 - February 26, 8pm ET on GSN Quote
02-28-2011 , 01:58 PM
Did anyone watch this in 3D? If so, did you find the effects entertaining?
High Stakes Poker: Season 7, Episode 1 - February 26, 8pm ET on GSN Quote
02-28-2011 , 02:00 PM
I hope the upcoming series would change drastically because this is just a sure way of ruining HSP. 3 whales, 2 tourney players and countless all ins with overpairs and top pairs ain't a proper 250BB+ HSNL game.
High Stakes Poker: Season 7, Episode 1 - February 26, 8pm ET on GSN Quote
02-28-2011 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by Stoynov
I hope the upcoming series would change drastically because this is just a sure way of ruining HSP. 3 whales, 2 tourney players and countless all ins w overpairs and top pairs ain't a proper 250BB+ HSNL game.
sums it all up+1!
High Stakes Poker: Season 7, Episode 1 - February 26, 8pm ET on GSN Quote
02-28-2011 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by alvaro612
WOW only 1 episode has aired and still so much to say

1) Commentaries : Everything has been said. It's awful, annoying, and not funny at all. Gabe was perfect for the show. He has great knowledge of the game combined with excellent sense of humor. Norm has none of that.

2) Vanessa...She deserves the hatred she's getting. She's the female version of Phil Hellmuth (even though she does look and act like a male). It feels so good to watch her lose and go on tilt !

Her plays were all wrong in all hands she played : preflop, and postflop. She didn't win a single pot although she played most of them;

-The QQ hand is an example of how not to play QQ in that position: no reraise preflop with limpers to act behind, and shoving the amateur float antonio/then minraise her raise was the weakest play I've seen on TV.

-The tiny river bet against Doyle when he has 22 is a joke !

-The min raise preflop on a double straddled pot with KJ off in early position showed how tilted she was. Viffer's all in preflop play is just a response to that in order to make her tilt even more

-The 5 Bet all in against Antonio is just silly and EV- all the time. She is really playing like in a tournament. She was all in like 3 times at least in the 45 min session with 200 000 buy in and 300BB wtf ?

She's just an arrogant person who thought she was gonna dominate the table and is getting punished las she deserves to be.

3) Doyle: Rest in peace man you showed the world that it is possible to play QQ 300BB deep worse than Vanessa did.

-again just a call preflop
-OMG the check fold on the flop against a fish ! Who cares it s an overbet are you scared money ? you don t have enough dough to make a flop call ? You think an amateur can 2 barrel you with your nit image ? Come on !

4) These amateurs/Rich donks

-The JJ hand from that blond guy was the funniest TV hand in a while. The weakest player at the table. It's tough to be the worst in that lineup !

-Ruffin : Ok you don't know how to bet into a pot. Ok you don't know how to hide it when you got a monster. But still man, that UTG limp in a full ring with A8 off, then call the pf raise from the nitty Antonio and raise the AK4 flop wth do you represent ? So we can't blame Antonio for shoving. The only thing he can't beat is a bottom set and AK.

-Klein why the *** do you need to bet that Q on the river you got lucky to end up with top pair just check it down. Or else don't fold to Barry's obvious bluff that represents nothing. So weak...

5) Barry G He's definitely the best player at the table pokerwise. But still he would have bet any strong hand on the river when he did that c/r bluff to Klein. Obvious bluff. He doesn't represent anything here. He had showdown value as well.

6) Kara Still as hot but still as useless. Lee ann much hotter though

7) Missing players Yeah it's a shame no Ivey/Antonius/Dwan = no metagame poker. No move with air. No skills.

What about Daniel NEGREANU not being there ??? For once he could find a lineup he could beat !!!

8)Conclusion: 2nd worst TV poker show after the latest PAD nitfest which was the ugliest and most boring thing i have ever seen.

Now i'm a go back to the season 4 of HSP extra episodes with 500k mn buy in with Phara, Gold, Antonius, Hellmuth, Brunsson, Benyamine and Laliberte at the table, with hilarious commentaries from AJ and Game...enjoy
High Stakes Poker: Season 7, Episode 1 - February 26, 8pm ET on GSN Quote
02-28-2011 , 02:14 PM
Here's a Did You Know segment brought to you by GSN:

We have disabled the following material as a result of a third-party notification from Game Show Network and claiming that this material is infringing:

High Stakes Poker Season 7 Part 1


I just got this from YouTube, and it looks like all uploads of this episode have been taken down. Not like anyone would watch this again or anything.
High Stakes Poker: Season 7, Episode 1 - February 26, 8pm ET on GSN Quote
02-28-2011 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by MontyBurns
Speaking as someone who thought Norm would be horrible.. he wasn't. He had a few good jokes and handled himself decently. That being said, Gabe is much better, no debate here. However, the bigger issue is having only ONE PERSON in the booth. There's a universal system of broadcasting where TWO people broadcast an event. It's been that way and it will always be that way because it WORKS WELL! GSN decided to violate this universal law of broadcasting to save, about what, 3% of the shows budget? lame.
A lot of truth to this. If it's a budget issue make note that Barry Greenstein in this thread said he'd announce for free. Not HSP per se since he's already on the show, but I have a hard time imagining that pros would turn down a chance at the exposure or price themselves out of the market (e.g. Hellmuth hanging around the WSOP ME booth during the final table, I got the impression he wasn't getting paid as he kind of came and went as he pleased).

A good example is the Phil Gordon / Dave Foley dynamic on Celebrity Poker Showdown. Foley would deliver often hilarious lines that didn't even pretend to have anything to do with poker and Gordon would play straight man and give advice. Of course that particular combo may be better suited to a celebrity donkfest but I'm not so sure.
High Stakes Poker: Season 7, Episode 1 - February 26, 8pm ET on GSN Quote
02-28-2011 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by philivey2010
Here's a Did You Know segment brought to you by GSN:

We have disabled the following material as a result of a third-party notification from Game Show Network and claiming that this material is infringing:

High Stakes Poker Season 7 Part 1


I just got this from YouTube, and it looks like all uploads of this episode have been taken down. Not like anyone would watch this again or anything.
This is pretty fantastic news because it means we now get treated to 5189843153213185 more posts than before by droolers asking for links.
High Stakes Poker: Season 7, Episode 1 - February 26, 8pm ET on GSN Quote
02-28-2011 , 02:21 PM
My lord is Norm a trainwreck. Whomever made the call to bring him on should be fired. This is worse than Dennis Miller on Monday Night Football.
High Stakes Poker: Season 7, Episode 1 - February 26, 8pm ET on GSN Quote
02-28-2011 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by ralph666
Barry's river check raise: right move at the right time, why would you think about what you represent if your opponent doesn't and will fold 85% of the time?
I agree but I don't think very many people were hating on BG.

Possibly interesting issues are whether it was SO transparent to a non-amateur that Villain could have sniffed it out anyway (doubtful) or whether a similar move would ever make sense against a stronger player (doubtful).
High Stakes Poker: Season 7, Episode 1 - February 26, 8pm ET on GSN Quote
02-28-2011 , 02:24 PM
On the Doyle QQ hand, it seemed lolwut for sure. But I think we should remember that Doyle probably has more experience playing against super-rich businessmen fish than anyone else on the planet. He may even have played with Ruffin before, who knows.

It's surprising that he would put Ruffin's range on AA or KK only, and the fold was very curious. And he didn't seem to give it much thought at all. Very strange.
High Stakes Poker: Season 7, Episode 1 - February 26, 8pm ET on GSN Quote
02-28-2011 , 02:25 PM
Season 7 is ok. Not great, but ok.

Norm is fine. In the beggining I thought wtf but it was better later. Gabe was better but I laughed at least once.

2+2 posters are worse than ever though, good for us!
High Stakes Poker: Season 7, Episode 1 - February 26, 8pm ET on GSN Quote
02-28-2011 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by Texter
I hope the mix of players improves because that first episode was crap. I also hope Norm loosens up.

They need one less recreational player per table...maybe two.
Agreed - that lineup was god awful to watch.

What was with the constant chip shuffling noise in the background? That made it even more painful.
High Stakes Poker: Season 7, Episode 1 - February 26, 8pm ET on GSN Quote
02-28-2011 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by kylephilly

I wonder if it's just a matter of time before that's gone too, 'cuz most others are gone.
High Stakes Poker: Season 7, Episode 1 - February 26, 8pm ET on GSN Quote
02-28-2011 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by AshleyC
Vanessa didn't play as bad as many are saying. QQ vs a range of draws / sets / random TPs / TT / JJ etc isn't in bad shape there and against a rich amateur I think getting it in is ok there.

Doyle played worse imo. His c/f w QQ on 237r after just calling a single-raise pf was just LOL bad. Also his call down w 22 vs Vanessa (although right) is pretty terrible.

Also Viffer's oversbet shove w AcTc vs Vanessa was obv atrocious. It seems that her presence (don't know if it's because she's female or because of her personality) makes people play aggro & bad vs her.
yeah, let's just forget that the guy tried to back-raise out of turn for less than the minimum, do you really think he plays a draw or JJ/TT that way? come on people, it was seriously THE MOST OBVIOUS SET EVER!
High Stakes Poker: Season 7, Episode 1 - February 26, 8pm ET on GSN Quote
02-28-2011 , 02:44 PM
The reason for Doyle folding the QQ is very simple: nowadays, Doyle is not fond of playing huge pots with marginal hands (3rd best overpair). Anyone who has watched him on tv should know this.

Even if Doyle knows hes ahead (and he probably does), he knows that Ruffian has got plenty of outs. Basically, rich fish obv wants to play a huge pot, and Doyle doesn't.
High Stakes Poker: Season 7, Episode 1 - February 26, 8pm ET on GSN Quote
02-28-2011 , 02:45 PM
3D + New Host= Jumped Shark
High Stakes Poker: Season 7, Episode 1 - February 26, 8pm ET on GSN Quote
02-28-2011 , 02:51 PM
About 15 mins in, and this is a snoozefest. WTF @ Ruffin acting out of turn lol, and the chick...bleh.
High Stakes Poker: Season 7, Episode 1 - February 26, 8pm ET on GSN Quote
02-28-2011 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by pineapple888
I agree but I don't think very many people were hating on BG.

Possibly interesting issues are whether it was SO transparent to a non-amateur that Villain could have sniffed it out anyway (doubtful) or whether a similar move would ever make sense against a stronger player (doubtful).
he prob wouldn't even consider this move against most people, unless he thought the 'non-amateur' was scared money..., either way, when you pull this move w/o history you are basically saying you don't respect the guys game...
High Stakes Poker: Season 7, Episode 1 - February 26, 8pm ET on GSN Quote
