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High Stakes Poker: Episode 8 - April 16, 8pm on GSN High Stakes Poker: Episode 8 - April 16, 8pm on GSN
View Poll Results: What grade would you give for High Stakes Poker - Season 7, Episode 8?
25 19.38%
21 16.28%
28 21.71%
20 15.50%
35 27.13%

04-19-2011 , 01:42 AM
Good episode. Lots of big pots, some good and bad plays, and Norm was hilarious.
High Stakes Poker: Episode 8 - April 16, 8pm on GSN Quote
04-19-2011 , 02:01 AM
harlbob biggest moron i had ever seen playing these stakes on top of that he talking about poker n hand analysis n commenting someones play at the table, what a jerk, who the hell selects these players, they really have some problem
High Stakes Poker: Episode 8 - April 16, 8pm on GSN Quote
04-19-2011 , 02:26 AM
The KK fold on the flop with all undercards in a 4-bet pot is just beyond words, why is that vulgar guy even there? Since Barry c-bets 100% the mere possibility of him holding AK makes flop a call, not to mention JJ, AQ and whatever other hand that small 3-bet might have induced shenanigans from (props to Barry for playing the splasher though).

Perkins seemingly gets high in every hand he plays, gotta love his enthusiasm, pretty much saves the show.

Barry steaming a bit and getting owned was kinda fun to see.

Silent Mike seems like a solid player, would probably do well in most games.

Mercier probably has an insane edge in this game.

Duhamel's turn c/r is way too small with all the draws out to rep a big hand. He actually does rep a draw that doesn't want to c/c pretty well though...

Norm doesn't make me cringe anymore, maybe i've gotten used to him, still would like to have someone not clueless comment on the game instead.
High Stakes Poker: Episode 8 - April 16, 8pm on GSN Quote
04-19-2011 , 02:29 AM
I'm surprised no one said anything about hoboalaba's limp fold of AThh to a tilting vpip 90 of bill perkins...almost as ridiculous as the KK fold
High Stakes Poker: Episode 8 - April 16, 8pm on GSN Quote
04-19-2011 , 02:33 AM
Haralolbob put barry on Aces preflop, thats why he just called.. because if he would have raised, only Aces is calling all in
High Stakes Poker: Episode 8 - April 16, 8pm on GSN Quote
04-19-2011 , 02:52 AM
Finally Norm delivers. "Maybe he his deuce queen or Maybe even deuce 10." hahaha too bad Norm gets their just as the DOJ pulls the rug out from underneath. RIP HSP GG
High Stakes Poker: Episode 8 - April 16, 8pm on GSN Quote
04-19-2011 , 03:09 AM
That KK fold was one of the weakest plays I've ever seen. Simply terrible and embarassing.
High Stakes Poker: Episode 8 - April 16, 8pm on GSN Quote
04-19-2011 , 03:29 AM
"every time I flop a bottom pair it gets cracked"

High Stakes Poker: Episode 8 - April 16, 8pm on GSN Quote
04-19-2011 , 03:42 AM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
That KK fold was one of the weakest plays I've ever seen. Simply terrible and embarassing.
That was shocking! But I guess if you have villian pegged to AA or QQ whats a playa to do! gO BG!
High Stakes Poker: Episode 8 - April 16, 8pm on GSN Quote
04-19-2011 , 03:49 AM
I think people being overly critical of haralobs fold of kk are being way too result oriented. Barry 4bet preflop, I think aa and qq make up a large portion of his range. This just happens to be a rare time that he did it with air.
High Stakes Poker: Episode 8 - April 16, 8pm on GSN Quote
04-19-2011 , 05:38 AM
Originally Posted by David S
I think people being overly critical of haralobs fold of kk are being way too result oriented. Barry 4bet preflop, I think aa and qq make up a large portion of his range. This just happens to be a rare time that he did it with air.
Hello bob.

EDIT: That one play with KK brings the overall rating of this ep down at least to grades.
High Stakes Poker: Episode 8 - April 16, 8pm on GSN Quote
04-19-2011 , 06:23 AM
Silent Mike and Mercier playing good pokah and saving the show (or whatever there's anymore left to save). Other than that this is just horrible to watch.
High Stakes Poker: Episode 8 - April 16, 8pm on GSN Quote
04-19-2011 , 06:55 AM
Bob you have no place on this show.
High Stakes Poker: Episode 8 - April 16, 8pm on GSN Quote
04-19-2011 , 07:29 AM
Lol gotta give Movesian credit, he's in there pulling moves and making plays.

Limp-reraising preflop with trash is a cool play.
High Stakes Poker: Episode 8 - April 16, 8pm on GSN Quote
04-19-2011 , 07:29 AM
No one comments on the hand between Mercier and Perkins where they both had two pair and it went check-check on the river? I thought that was weird.
High Stakes Poker: Episode 8 - April 16, 8pm on GSN Quote
04-19-2011 , 07:37 AM
Originally Posted by Mny300zx
Haralolbob put barry on Aces preflop, thats why he just called.. because if he would have raised, only Aces is calling all in
so he is setmining with KK? he should have just folded preflop...rofl
i think there is actually a thread where 2+2ers wanted him to do commentary for hsp.
mercier clearly best player at the table, all other pros suck bigtime

really enjoyed norm in this episode, his comments were spot on

i would have liked mercier to bet/fold the 2pair river against perkins, think it would be the right play since perkins had calmed down (no to likely to fire 3barrel on bluff) and is never valuebetting worse there
High Stakes Poker: Episode 8 - April 16, 8pm on GSN Quote
04-19-2011 , 07:54 AM
Lol at anyone defending the KK snap fold , bob seems like a nice guy but you know he himself cringed up into a ball in the corner when he saw this...might be nittiest hand in poker history, I think even Todd Brunson snap calls flop here
High Stakes Poker: Episode 8 - April 16, 8pm on GSN Quote
04-19-2011 , 08:02 AM
Wow this episode made me hate that Bob guy so much!

"You can never be to careful with two pair". Stfu you ***** nit limpfolding A10suited to single raise by a tilting businessman. And that KK fold? Tht was one of the most embarrassing fold I haave ever seen. 99 not valuebetting the river against Phil Laak. Wow Bob is a ubernit, and makes Lederer look like isildur1.
High Stakes Poker: Episode 8 - April 16, 8pm on GSN Quote
04-19-2011 , 08:19 AM
Much better episode.

Voulgaris KK fold was terrible, did he just automatically put Barry on AA or QQ? Very strange play.

Baxter is playing well, running hot too. Thought his bet sizing with the A4 v Barry was pretty much spot on on every street.

Last hand of the show was also interesting. Good fold from Baxter with TP good kicker. Really don't like Duhamel's check-raise bet size though.
High Stakes Poker: Episode 8 - April 16, 8pm on GSN Quote
04-19-2011 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by DC11GTR
Wow. Barry got straight destroyed in the last half of the episode. Wasn't he up $50k+ until the first hand with Baxter? Now he's down almost $150k.
Barry's off his game this week. Once he has a made hand he can't fold. Calling 75K on the river with top pair 2nd kicker on a paired board when villain oozes confidence and strength ? He keeps up the 'pair on the board means villain probably doesnt have trips' attitude even when proven wrong multiple times.
He donked off 150K of his 200K and now he's playing small stack again, so even if he shoves and wins he'd be at -100K.
High Stakes Poker: Episode 8 - April 16, 8pm on GSN Quote
04-19-2011 , 10:22 AM
Bob's fold wasnt that terrible imo. Barry doesnt 4bet AK JJ 300k deep and probably not even QQ. So his range is AA or bluffs and Bob should call the flop and fold the turn or try to check it down.
High Stakes Poker: Episode 8 - April 16, 8pm on GSN Quote
04-19-2011 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by ShortstackCat
Bob's fold wasnt that terrible imo. Barry doesnt 4bet AK JJ 300k deep and probably not even QQ. So his range is AA or bluffs and Bob should call the flop and fold the turn or try to check it down.
Yeah under normal circumstances, maybe so. But it is pretty clear in this episode that Barry is tilting like a monkey. A good player would pick up on that and realise that in this spot KK is good 95% of the time.
Movesian is the new Ruffin but without the rungood and the overbets. Both had no clue at all what they were doing.
Laak, I am not even gonna say anything after he folded aces.
Haralabob or whatever --> same leaugue as Laak.
Duhamel can't really get anything going, seems desparate to outplay Mercier, which is prolly not gonna work since he has position on you.
Silent Mike played really well, ran even better.
Mercier playing well, although I do wish Duhamel had called that river bet with the 10 9.
Never seen Barry play this bad. He reminds me of myself when I am playing against really bad players but being carddead.
End rant.
High Stakes Poker: Episode 8 - April 16, 8pm on GSN Quote
04-19-2011 , 11:21 AM
I thought Voulgaris flat call Barry's 4bet to trap him (after asking him how much he has left)! Because Barry was kinda tilting and he prob thought a 5bet would just make Barry fold and he wants more (maybe the rest of his stack on a NO Ace flop?).
I meant if Voulgaris put Barry on just QQ or AA and Not/Never on JJ, AK, AQs why not 5bet or fold preflop?
May he doesn't want to have to reload and he wants only to play with Laak + the 2 amateurs?
It's just a weird hand... :/
High Stakes Poker: Episode 8 - April 16, 8pm on GSN Quote
04-19-2011 , 12:08 PM
Cant believe I watched this, what a waste of time. Really goes to show why durrrr can be so successful with a lag, bluffy strategy even when everyone knows his reputation and players like Mercier, Duhamel, and Greenstein cannot. Durrrr has a wayy better gauge of when his opponent is likely to play back at him and as a result chooses NOT to bluff in those spots. As soon as Duhamel called with the K4 of diamonds on the button I knew how the action was going to go if he whiffed the flop. Silent Mike cbet, bluff raise, and then SM 3bet w something marginal. He's a super suspicious player and the way to combat that is to be super aggressive w/ ur value hands. A spot that durrrr, ivey, or antonius would not have bluffed in.
High Stakes Poker: Episode 8 - April 16, 8pm on GSN Quote
