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Hellmuth's "What about all that money in the box at the Bellagio", possible sexual harrassment Hellmuth's "What about all that money in the box at the Bellagio", possible sexual harrassment

08-28-2013 , 02:56 AM
Hellmuth's "What about all that money in the box at the Bellagio", possible sexual harrassment Quote
08-28-2013 , 04:50 AM
Apparently, Harman's accomplishments were unrecognized during the player introductions at the top of the show. Then, Phil suggests that she keeps, or has previously kept, a lot of currency in a lock box at Bellagio.

The OP suggests that Hellmuth is sexually harrassing her by calling her, "baby" and putting his arm around her.
Hellmuth's "What about all that money in the box at the Bellagio", possible sexual harrassment Quote
08-28-2013 , 09:17 AM
Ironic, coming from Bill Clinton though
Hellmuth's "What about all that money in the box at the Bellagio", possible sexual harrassment Quote
08-28-2013 , 10:13 AM
wtf Id do this to my friends wife in front of him anytime... nothing wrong with what helmuth did...
Hellmuth's "What about all that money in the box at the Bellagio", possible sexual harrassment Quote
08-28-2013 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by jmrd27
wtf Id do this to my friends wife in front of him anytime... nothing wrong with what helmuth did...
My guess would be that if your friend and his wife could choose, they'd rather you didn't do that.
Hellmuth's "What about all that money in the box at the Bellagio", possible sexual harrassment Quote
08-29-2013 , 05:36 AM
Originally Posted by tultfill
My guess would be that if your friend and his wife could choose, they'd rather you didn't do that.
Maybe his friend is a cuckold?
OP - Clip is nonsense.
Hellmuth's "What about all that money in the box at the Bellagio", possible sexual harrassment Quote
08-29-2013 , 10:29 AM
Maybe his friend isn't insecure and realizes when people are just being friendly?
Hellmuth's "What about all that money in the box at the Bellagio", possible sexual harrassment Quote
08-29-2013 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by Pyrochaos
Maybe his friend isn't insecure and realizes when people are just being friendly?
Could be. Could also be friend wants menage a trois. Could also be friend doesn't like his wife. Could be a lot of things.

But it could also be that some people realize that some lines are best uncrossed and it's important to show your friend respect and not cuddle with his wife.

It's what I do and what my friends do to me.
Hellmuth's "What about all that money in the box at the Bellagio", possible sexual harrassment Quote
08-29-2013 , 03:50 PM
so if i would happen to be a longterm friend of your wife and id give her a hug i am crossing a line? give me break.
Hellmuth's "What about all that money in the box at the Bellagio", possible sexual harrassment Quote
08-29-2013 , 08:25 PM
5 star thread
Hellmuth's "What about all that money in the box at the Bellagio", possible sexual harrassment Quote
08-29-2013 , 09:03 PM
I have an update, at the end of the tournament, Hellmuth kisses her on the head:

at 6:17
Hellmuth's "What about all that money in the box at the Bellagio", possible sexual harrassment Quote
08-30-2013 , 12:29 AM
(Why am I even here ? I don't know, I was probably worried for Hellmuth)

I'd advise op not to ever come to a french speaking country (nor to many other european countries). We constantly sexually harass each others by kissing on the cheeks. Friends, friends of friends, married woman, random girls we see for the first time, everyone is constantly sexually harassed by kisses (up to 5 sexual cheek kisses depending on the area). We pretend it's just politeness and friendliness, but the reality is much darker.
Hellmuth's "What about all that money in the box at the Bellagio", possible sexual harrassment Quote
08-30-2013 , 05:18 AM
Originally Posted by donjonnie
so if i would happen to be a longterm friend of your wife and id give her a hug i am crossing a line? give me break.
That's not what I'm saying and you know that's not what I'm saying so go be "funny" somewhere else.
Hellmuth's "What about all that money in the box at the Bellagio", possible sexual harrassment Quote
08-30-2013 , 03:04 PM
i dont know what you are saying and at this point i am doubting you do.
Hellmuth's "What about all that money in the box at the Bellagio", possible sexual harrassment Quote
08-31-2013 , 04:47 AM
Originally Posted by donjonnie
i dont know what you are saying and at this point i am doubting you do.
If you don't know what I'm saying then stop commenting my posts, troll.
Hellmuth's "What about all that money in the box at the Bellagio", possible sexual harrassment Quote
08-31-2013 , 10:40 AM
ok buddy since you are obviiously not the sharpest tool in the shed i will make this real real easy.
you are contradicting yourself. first you say something stupid i call you out on it, so you change your story to i didnt say that and you know it?
go ahewad reread your posts here they are.

Originally Posted by tultfill
My guess would be that if your friend and his wife could choose, they'd rather you didn't do that.
Originally Posted by tultfill
Could be. Could also be friend wants menage a trois. Could also be friend doesn't like his wife. Could be a lot of things.

But it could also be that some people realize that some lines are best uncrossed and it's important to show your friend respect and not cuddle with his wife.

It's what I do and what my friends do to me.
Originally Posted by donjonnie
so if i would happen to be a longterm friend of your wife and id give her a hug i am crossing a line? give me break.
Originally Posted by tultfill
That's not what I'm saying and you know that's not what I'm saying so go be "funny" somewhere else.
you clearly start out saying its a big thing. do you not think that anymore?
Hellmuth's "What about all that money in the box at the Bellagio", possible sexual harrassment Quote
08-31-2013 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by donjonnie
ok buddy since you are obviiously not the sharpest tool in the shed i will make this real real easy.
you are contradicting yourself. first you say something stupid i call you out on it, so you change your story to i didnt say that and you know it?
go ahewad reread your posts here they are.
I am saying that if you touch a friend's wife there is a chance that it is very inappropriate even if you don't see any harm in it, because friends don't confront eachother over small things and rather let it pass. But that doesn't mean that it isn't annoying for the friend or the wife. It is annoying because being jealous and possessive is very usual for human beings. So for a large majority you'd be a better friend if you kept hands off wife than if you didn't. You show some distance, because you want to show your friend respect.

That's what I said. Now what you said in your first quote was basically reducing my reasoning to one sentence, tweaking it so it sounded silly and then being a clown about it. I didn't like that one bit.
Hellmuth's "What about all that money in the box at the Bellagio", possible sexual harrassment Quote
08-31-2013 , 12:08 PM
you allready sound silly you didnt need me to make that happen.
i can guarantee you my friends and their wives would on the contrary be offended if i refused to give the wifey a hug when greeting them.
maybe this is a cultural thing after all i just dont see anything sexual or boundary crossing in a god damn hug. i hug people all day! my family, my male friends if i havent seen em in a long time or i am proud of them or if they look sad and seem like they could use a hug just to show general affection and that i care and the same goes for my female friends.
now if for what ever reason the recipiant of the hug would feel uncomfortable beeing hugged by me thats a whole different story.
Hellmuth's "What about all that money in the box at the Bellagio", possible sexual harrassment Quote
09-01-2013 , 05:28 PM
Oh man not another hugging thread

Last edited by CoronalDischarge; 09-01-2013 at 05:29 PM. Reason: wtf am I doing in this subforum anyway
Hellmuth's "What about all that money in the box at the Bellagio", possible sexual harrassment Quote
09-02-2013 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by donjonnie
you allready sound silly you didnt need me to make that happen.
oh snap
i can guarantee you my friends and their wives would on the contrary be offended if i refused to give the wifey a hug when greeting them.
It was never about a greeting hug. Noone here, except you, have talked about greeting hugs.

It's so insane that you actually think you're arguing against someone who thinks a greeting hug is going over the line. Talk about *swooooooosh*.

maybe this is a cultural thing after all i just dont see anything sexual or boundary crossing in a god damn hug. i hug people all day! my family, my male friends if i havent seen em in a long time or i am proud of them or if they look sad and seem like they could use a hug just to show general affection and that i care and the same goes for my female friends.
This is not close to what I was pointing out, have been discussin or ever have been interested in discussing. Hugging family really?

now if for what ever reason the recipiant of the hug would feel uncomfortable beeing hugged by me thats a whole different story.
Great retreat. So to sum up this great reply:

1. A greeting hug is fine!
2. Family hugs are fine!
3. If someone doesn't like me hugging them it's not fine!

You're not trolling, you're dumb as a rock.
Hellmuth's "What about all that money in the box at the Bellagio", possible sexual harrassment Quote
09-02-2013 , 08:09 AM
dude you are saying someone touching your wife in anyway is crossing a line, you are just beeing silly man. if you are possisive or jealous to such an extend you have a huge problem and the problem isnt some dude hugging your wife.

Last edited by donjonnie; 09-02-2013 at 08:15 AM.
Hellmuth's "What about all that money in the box at the Bellagio", possible sexual harrassment Quote
09-03-2013 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by donjonnie
dude you are saying someone touching your wife in anyway is crossing a line
No, I'm not saying that.
Hellmuth's "What about all that money in the box at the Bellagio", possible sexual harrassment Quote
09-03-2013 , 11:31 PM
This is Philmuth....I don't think he did anything wrong
Hellmuth's "What about all that money in the box at the Bellagio", possible sexual harrassment Quote
09-04-2013 , 10:34 PM
I didn't see it as sexual, but it was definitely really awkward, which I believe is because Phil Helmuth is a really awkward person. And if Phil hugged me at a nosebleed table while I was still acting on a hand I would probably elbow him right in the face, but that's just me. I get very pissed off if a friend comes up to me and tries to talk to me while I'm in a hand, and I generally will just outright ignore them like they're invisible and let them say the same thing 3 times waiting for a response, then explain to them afterwards that I never small talk with anyone not at the table while I am in a hand. Some of them probably think I'm a dick for doing that, but it's something that absolutely ruins my concentration and I would never do it to another player.
Hellmuth's "What about all that money in the box at the Bellagio", possible sexual harrassment Quote
