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Have you been accused of cheating? Have you been accused of cheating?

09-24-2014 , 11:35 PM
I ran into an old friend and poker buddy from years ago. Of course, the discussion turned to poker. He brought up the time we were accused of cheating (by a guy who didn't even get the "suspicious" play right when telling the floor). I'm sure that in the time we played there were instances where other people were thought to be cheaters, but I can't recall them. I wouldn't be surprised if any successful player, who played long enough, faced such an accusation (correct or not).

In order to satisfy my curiosity on that point, I ask the forum if anyone here has been accused of cheating (alone or with friends). Share your story if you want, but it's not necessary.
Have you been accused of cheating? Quote
09-25-2014 , 12:08 AM
Well, most of the real cheating is done at the higher limits so I wouldn't be surprised to hear that a lot of those successful, well known players were actually accused of cheating. I know quite a few who are cheaters.

Keep in mind, there are many shades of grey and the higher you climb, the more sophisticated and subtle it will be.

I was never accused of cheating.
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09-25-2014 , 04:56 PM
nope. least not yet
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09-25-2014 , 08:15 PM
Yep. I'm from saint louis and a player sitting at my table was from a city called saint louis bay which is in Mississippi somewhere I think. Another player accused us of cheating since we were from the "same" city

Oops, just realized this was a bm post. Never been accused live.
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09-26-2014 , 07:28 AM
I was just a few months ago. I was in the 1 seat and the 2 seat was in a hand with the 8 seat. I mucked preflop and didn't even pay attention to the action. I realize it's starting to get serious. 2 seat goes all-in and the 8 seat is getting agitated. 8 seat is all disgusted and mucks his hand demanding the dealer call the floor because those guys are showing cards, talking during the hand, and helping each other other. I'm like wtf? How did I miss all that? It turns out he was apparently talking about me and the 2 seat. I guess he thought he saw something that wasn't there.
Have you been accused of cheating? Quote
09-26-2014 , 10:43 AM
I was playing in a 1/2 NL game, and after I built a stack of over $600, I announced I was leaving. The player to my immediate right asked me to sell him $100 of my chips, which I did. My $500+ stack still easily covered the everyone else left at the table.

While I was standing up and selling the chips to the player to my right, the dealer started to deal out the next hand, and he gave me cards. The player to my left immediately starting belly-aching. I thought his complaint was an accusation that I had gone south for the hand (since I had sold chips to my neighbor). That complaint would have had some technical validity, even if it had no practical substance since the remainder of my stack still covered everyone at the table.

However, as best I can articulate his concern, it was as follows: (a) I had announced I was leaving; (b) despite the announcement, the dealer gave me cards; (c) by having cards, I had an opportunity to stack him; and (d) it would be just incredibly awful if I stacked him on a hand that I had previously expressed a desire not to play.

I folded to avoid a catastrophe out of courtesy.
Have you been accused of cheating? Quote
09-26-2014 , 11:19 AM
Once got accused of whipsawing someone with my friend in an o/8 game. I had the nut flush on the river, so I was raising no matter what. My friend had the nut low, the guy in the middle was whining, but there was at least one other person in the hand also, so my friend was probably right (especially because he didn't get quartered).

He called the floor but nothing came of it. People that lose get upset.
Have you been accused of cheating? Quote
09-26-2014 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by Caputop
Once got accused of whipsawing someone with my friend in an o/8 game.
If I were a floor and someone called me over to a split pot game for a whipsaw accusation, I wouldn't say a word and just walk away.

If I got called back, I'd begin with, "Oh, you were serious?"
Have you been accused of cheating? Quote
09-28-2014 , 08:04 AM
No, never been accused of cheating. Have picked up on collusion by others at my table though in the past. Two times in particular come to mind right now. During one I just did a table change. The other time I just kept it to myself and used it to my advantage since both were to my right.
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09-28-2014 , 09:38 AM
I was playing a while back when i was pretty inexperienced in a 1/2 game with a friend. We would discuss hands away from the table a lot (I know it looked bad now but i was inexperienced back then) and at one point in the night I opend utg w qjss and my friend 3b button with aces to which a reg said "oh so its finally happened" and began berating my friend... never called the floor though
Have you been accused of cheating? Quote
09-28-2014 , 12:25 PM
Many moons ago I was playing 2/5 at the Borgata (It was still downstairs).. A guy won a big hand, and I rapped the table with my fist to say good hand. Guy calls the floor and says I was giving him signals! LOL
Have you been accused of cheating? Quote
10-08-2014 , 07:13 PM
I have never been accused of cheating, but was involved in a hand where this guy accused an old lady of it.

Late stages of a tournament, I go all in with 55 (shortstack), guy thinks and eventually shoves too. Then the old lady asks how much, and calls us.

Thinking I'm drawing to two outs, I sigh and flip my cards up. Somehow, I'm against 89 suited (guy said he thought I was making a move and has to get lucky on me, lol). The grandma has... Q5!

Flop comes out like 5 K x. I give out a "yes!" Turn is a Q. I start saying no Q, no Q...

Grandma starts laughing, not caring at all, just having fun. I obv didn't want the Q, but would've laughed it off.

Suddenly, the guy starts yelling that the old lady is cheating! I mean, making a scene. Yelling that there's no way she calls with Q5 and turns it, she had to know the river's coming, etc.

Eventually the river blanks, I triple up and the dude slams his fist on the table, still mumbling "she cheated, she cheated..."

Still legitimately lol thinking about it.
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10-08-2014 , 08:19 PM
It's pathetic just how sore some of these sore losers can really be.^ but, then again, it was the same guy that also thought you were making a move(as the shortstack) and decided that 9 high was good enough. The old lady probably had more of a clue than the joker.
Have you been accused of cheating? Quote
10-14-2014 , 10:37 PM
Only once. After a player tried to string raise, I asked the dealer, "that's just a call, right?" Dealer says yes. Guy then accuses the dealer and I of working together. Nothing really came of it, but I laughed quite a bit at the time.
Have you been accused of cheating? Quote
10-15-2014 , 01:59 PM
Never been accused of cheating...

But I have accused two guys with cheating, the collusion was so obvious. V1 and V2 were sitting together. When either was in a hand and had a big hand the other would come along. One would bet, opponents would call, then the other would would min raise to reopen the action allowing the other to squeeze or call or raise.

After a couple of hours, I noticed that V1 was limp calling 100% of the raises from V2 and then once other players folded on later streets, V1 would muck face down on river and V2 would just scoop the pot.

What tipped me off was an hour into the session all three of us where in a hand together and the action was just ridiculously weird, it made no sense for V1 to take the line he was taking to keep limp calling and min-raising. At the time I didn't connect the dots but by an hour later I had the dots connected.

THey were in a hand against an ABC player and I called the floor over and openly accused them of cheating and demanded to see both hands.

Board: K 4 J 2 4
V1 had Q5o
V2 had AK

What annoyed me was that even with the hands shown and description of the action where V1 kept limp-calling-min-raising on every street, the floor didn't do anything. It was as if they had never encountered this situation before. A few regs had come to the table to see the hand and what I was talking about, a couple of regs at the table backed me up and we branded the two players as cheaters and word got around.

I did a table change and announced I'm not playing with those cheating scum bags, other two regs at the table sat out and refused to play until they got a table change or the two players left... After about 10 minutes the players left. Few days later they returned and we immediately told the table they sat at how these two players like to collude and cheat and how they do it, they ended up leaving after a few orbits. They came back a week later (i wasn't there) but a few regs there sounded the alarm and they left. Haven't seen them since...
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