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Has Tiffany Michelle ever apologized for her act? or does she think she's cool? Has Tiffany Michelle ever apologized for her act? or does she think she's cool?

12-03-2008 , 08:14 PM
she is busted
Has Tiffany Michelle ever apologized for her act? or does she think she's cool? Quote
12-03-2008 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by Jeremy517
She's dating Hollywood Dave. I think she's been punished enough already.
anyone else think that hollywood dave refuses anything other then rough anal and i mean w/ tiff using a strap on obviously
Has Tiffany Michelle ever apologized for her act? or does she think she's cool? Quote
12-04-2008 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by Matt Savage
We invited her to be a Bay 101 WPT Shooting Star but her agent declined demanding more than the standard $1,500 appearance fee

So let me get this straight. She'd get $1500 off the top (plus hotel accomodations, I'm sure, if she'd asked), plus the registration fee paid ($10k?), plus if she went deep like Harman did last year, her purse (or do you take the 10k back and give her the rest?)? And all that wasn't enough?

That agent is probably the same one who looked over her contract with Pokernews and told her there's nothing wrong with signing with UB.

Btw, if one pro takes out another, does he/she still get the $500 bounty? These bounties are great, imo. The Bay 101 is one of my fave WPT's to watch.

Thanks for your participation in these forums, btw. It's nice when a real industry insider offers insight.
Has Tiffany Michelle ever apologized for her act? or does she think she's cool? Quote
12-04-2008 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by Matt Savage
We invited her to be a Bay 101 WPT Shooting Star but her agent declined demanding more than the standard $1,500 appearance fee
Thread saved.
Has Tiffany Michelle ever apologized for her act? or does she think she's cool? Quote
12-04-2008 , 01:54 PM
She should pay you $1500 to appear.
Has Tiffany Michelle ever apologized for her act? or does she think she's cool? Quote
12-04-2008 , 03:45 PM
Yes, she did act like a disgusting person at the WSOP. But honestly I've seen plenty of men over the years at the WSOP act the same if not worse than her. I mean, jesus, look at any Phil Helmuth clip.

The main reason Tiffany is getting all this flack is she is a woman. Because a guy who acted like this wouldn't have gotten half the posts that Tiffany did in her thread. Sorry, but it's a fact.

Again, I'm not defending her at all. But I am pointing out the huge double standard that is going on here.
Has Tiffany Michelle ever apologized for her act? or does she think she's cool? Quote
12-04-2008 , 03:48 PM
[ ] tiffany apologized
Has Tiffany Michelle ever apologized for her act? or does she think she's cool? Quote
12-04-2008 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by slupo
Yes, she did act like a disgusting person at the WSOP. But honestly I've seen plenty of men over the years at the WSOP act the same if not worse than her. I mean, jesus, look at any Phil Helmuth clip.

The main reason Tiffany is getting all this flack is she is a woman. Because a guy who acted like this wouldn't have gotten half the posts that Tiffany did in her thread. Sorry, but it's a fact.

Again, I'm not defending her at all. But I am pointing out the huge double standard that is going on here.
You can't have it both ways. She got all that exposure because she's a woman. And she understood this, which was why she was jumping for joy when the other chick busted out, leaving her the last female.

It's a male dominated activity (sorry, poker is not a sport, any more than chess, backgammon, or the spelling bee), so of course much more scrutiny and attention is focused on females that do well. The fact that she's cute as hell makes it all the more focused.

She's got noone to blame for the negative attention but herself. She brought it on herself with her garbage table antics and her ridiculous sense of entitlement.
Has Tiffany Michelle ever apologized for her act? or does she think she's cool? Quote
12-05-2008 , 04:02 PM
Clearly you didn't read the original thread. In it, TM explains that she was simply engaging in some light hearted table banter and if you ask any of the people who played at her table(s) they would confirm that it was 'all good'.

Has Tiffany Michelle ever apologized for her act? or does she think she's cool? Quote
12-06-2008 , 01:26 AM
ESPN did something this year that they havent been doing last years. Instead of hide what kind of douchebags some of these idiots are they just showed it to us. Like Scotty case and Tiffanys, espn could have cut it different but it was like enuff is enuff lets show the american puplic(stole this line from mister poker) what kind of deg douches are out there. Also give espn big prop for not going much after that frikking attention whore Phil Laak, he dressed as old fart they did show like 5 sec of it but didnt make that much about this stupidity and imo cheating. Now what poker on tv needs is that we get to see what kind of people these tards are i will name few here that i would very much never wanna see on tv becouse of the way they act.

Scotty-da shark-unibomber-kahn-Todd Brunson-Guy with royal vs 4aces-Jerry Yang-Man the douchebag Master-Annie Duke-Tiffany Michelle

Probably more that make me wanna puke but these are at the top of my list.
Has Tiffany Michelle ever apologized for her act? or does she think she's cool? Quote
12-06-2008 , 02:36 AM
Wow. I do agree with most of those people on that list.
Has Tiffany Michelle ever apologized for her act? or does she think she's cool? Quote
12-06-2008 , 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by molinn9
ESPN did something this year that they havent been doing last years. Instead of hide what kind of douchebags some of these idiots are they just showed it to us. Like Scotty case and Tiffanys, espn could have cut it different but it was like enuff is enuff lets show the american puplic(stole this line from mister poker) what kind of deg douches are out there. Also give espn big prop for not going much after that frikking attention whore Phil Laak, he dressed as old fart they did show like 5 sec of it but didnt make that much about this stupidity and imo cheating. Now what poker on tv needs is that we get to see what kind of people these tards are i will name few here that i would very much never wanna see on tv becouse of the way they act.

Scotty-da shark-unibomber-kahn-Todd Brunson-Guy with royal vs 4aces-Jerry Yang-Man the douchebag Master-Annie Duke-Tiffany Michelle

Probably more that make me wanna puke but these are at the top of my list.
douchebags = entertainment value
Has Tiffany Michelle ever apologized for her act? or does she think she's cool? Quote
12-06-2008 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by molinn9
Also give espn big prop for not going much after that frikking attention whore Phil Laak, he dressed as old fart they did show like 5 sec of it but didnt make that much about this stupidity and imo cheating.
The guy used a goofy gimmick to have some fun, so what? He said it took several hours in the makeup chair, so give him props for going through such trouble. I guess he could have come dressed like a gay "Tour de France" cyclist and attacked the Planter's Peanut guy, but someone's already done that.

What the hell's cheating about it? Oh! You liken it to multi-accounting online! So all the people he played thought they were playing some annonymous old geezer instead of a seasoned pro. Couldn't use the reads they'd garnered by watching HSP re-runs over and over.

Gimme a break! "Day 1" was broken into 4 days and consisted of thousands of players! The odds of sitting with name pro can't be that great, so his opponents couldn't have had any expectation to have any knowledge of their opponents anyway. And it's not like Laak had any great knowledge of his opponents and thus had an edge.

Why all the hate for Phil Laak? He plays good poker and has a hell of a personality. Yeah, I guess he's a bit of an attention whore, but for me he delivers.
Has Tiffany Michelle ever apologized for her act? or does she think she's cool? Quote
12-07-2008 , 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by napolewan
do we really need another tiffany williamson thread?
apparently you do not see what he did there
Has Tiffany Michelle ever apologized for her act? or does she think she's cool? Quote
12-07-2008 , 05:19 AM
Bulls Horn.
Do you really not understand that what Phil Laak did is cheating??
Maybe someone at the table thought they were playing against someone old rookie not season pro????? I really hope iam not the only one who thinks that what he did is so frikking wrong and so unfair to the hole table.
Has Tiffany Michelle ever apologized for her act? or does she think she's cool? Quote
12-07-2008 , 08:53 AM
ESPN did something this year that they havent been doing last years. Instead of hide what kind of douchebags some of these idiots are they just showed it to us. Like Scotty case and Tiffanys, espn could have cut it different
I doubt this was a deliberate decision on ESPN's part. With Scotty in particular, he was acting like such a big douche all of the time ; the only way they could have cut it out would have been by stopping the playback three handed and saying "and in the end Scotty Nguyen became the HORSE champion".
Has Tiffany Michelle ever apologized for her act? or does she think she's cool? Quote
12-07-2008 , 03:27 PM
No, Mollin, I don't understand how it's cheating. Enlighten me. Laak didn't know what kind of opponents he had, so he leveled the playing field. We're not talking about some ringer beating up on the locals, this is the World Series of Poker.
Has Tiffany Michelle ever apologized for her act? or does she think she's cool? Quote
12-07-2008 , 08:35 PM
He is sitting at the table with 8 other players. Lets say Phil Ivey sits down. Ivey looks around and sees well i dont know anyone here, and who shall i pick on ok that old fart looks like someone i can pick on. This is tilting me why i need to explain why this is wrong. And Ivey has maybe sick read on Laak and it is his right to use these reads but noooooooooo he cant becouse he is beeing fooled, how is it not possible to understand how wrong this is???
Has Tiffany Michelle ever apologized for her act? or does she think she's cool? Quote
12-07-2008 , 11:02 PM
While this is hijacking the thread, what the WSOP did was not in their best interest. The players were told that Phil Laak was going to be at the table. When the "old man" showed up, the players at the table were told to just let it go.

Poker is an amoral activity. If the rules (or those who write them) allow it, then the player is not to blame. If the WSOP wants to deceive people, I think it turns people off of poker and not a good idea.

As for Tiffany, she wants to cash in on her 15 minutes of fame. Her agent over estimates her appeal considerably, but that's their problem.
Has Tiffany Michelle ever apologized for her act? or does she think she's cool? Quote
12-07-2008 , 11:32 PM
Ok if this is true that all players at the table new it was Phil Laak i obv take back about it beeing unethical and more or less cheating other players.
Has Tiffany Michelle ever apologized for her act? or does she think she's cool? Quote
12-08-2008 , 12:32 PM
I thought Laak's disguise was funny, but it looked like a disguise, at least on tv. I can't imagine that someone sitting a few feet away couldn't tell this.

Laak's opponents may not have known who he was, but they must have known he wasn't some old geezer.
Has Tiffany Michelle ever apologized for her act? or does she think she's cool? Quote
12-08-2008 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by Matt Savage
We invited her to be a Bay 101 WPT Shooting Star but her agent declined demanding more than the standard $1,500 appearance fee
lol, this sounds about right...
Has Tiffany Michelle ever apologized for her act? or does she think she's cool? Quote
12-09-2008 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by molinn9
Scotty-da shark-unibomber-kahn-Todd Brunson-Guy with royal vs 4aces-Jerry Yang-Man the douchebag Master-Annie Duke-Tiffany Michelle
you forgot that Molina kid from a year or two ago. Epic that mom and dad had to have a talk with him overnight. What a child LOL
Has Tiffany Michelle ever apologized for her act? or does she think she's cool? Quote
12-21-2008 , 04:08 AM
Originally Posted by bulls_horn
The guy used a goofy gimmick to have some fun, so what? He said it took several hours in the makeup chair, so give him props for going through such trouble. I guess he could have come dressed like a gay "Tour de France" cyclist and attacked the Planter's Peanut guy, but someone's already done that.

What the hell's cheating about it? Oh! You liken it to multi-accounting online! So all the people he played thought they were playing some annonymous old geezer instead of a seasoned pro. Couldn't use the reads they'd garnered by watching HSP re-runs over and over.

Gimme a break! "Day 1" was broken into 4 days and consisted of thousands of players! The odds of sitting with name pro can't be that great, so his opponents couldn't have had any expectation to have any knowledge of their opponents anyway. And it's not like Laak had any great knowledge of his opponents and thus had an edge.

Why all the hate for Phil Laak? He plays good poker and has a hell of a personality. Yeah, I guess he's a bit of an attention whore, but for me he delivers.

i don't think phil broke any rules, and i don't think it gives him an unfair advantage, but showing up at a casino disguised as someone else does sound borderline illegal, imHo.
Has Tiffany Michelle ever apologized for her act? or does she think she's cool? Quote
12-23-2008 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by molinn9
He is sitting at the table with 8 other players. Lets say Phil Ivey sits down. Ivey looks around and sees well i dont know anyone here, and who shall i pick on ok that old fart looks like someone i can pick on. This is tilting me why i need to explain why this is wrong. And Ivey has maybe sick read on Laak and it is his right to use these reads but noooooooooo he cant becouse he is beeing fooled, how is it not possible to understand how wrong this is???
this is rediculous...

So if i decide to come in wearing just a cloak that shows only my eyes that have blue contacts in thats against the rules? What about people who dont dress the same everytime they play? people who die there hair and change there hair style every week? What about someone who just had facial reconstruction surgergy because they were attacked? The point of poker is to LEARN to adapt your opponents. If you dont recognize a guy you cant call him a cheater, you just have to learn how he plays and then exploit him.

The guy was just having fun, and you sir are just a nit... theres 0% illegal/against the rules here

gg Phil Laak, personally i liked it, made the first day not so damn drabby
Has Tiffany Michelle ever apologized for her act? or does she think she's cool? Quote
