H.O.R.S.E Cash Games at W.S.O.P ??
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 1,136
After reading the list of tournaments at this years WSOP, It seems that there are many more HORSE tourneys then years past. What do you guys think this is going to do to the cash games? I personally predict that you are going to see HORSE cash games all the way down the the 4-8 level. I think that Mix game tourneys and cash games are going to become very popular at the 2008 WSOP....
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 3,048
PM me when you're going to be there and we'll start interest lists. This was really successful in getting PLO/PLO8 games going last year.
Last year Rio didn't do cash games below 10-20 limit and 2-5 big bet.
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 22,860
Unless things change this year you wont find HORSE spread in the cash game section, not even at the high limits. The only mixed games will be 100/200 and up and generally the mix will be lowball games. Badugi/Triple Draw/O8 will be popular as will Chinese Poker, but actual HORSE will be a rather rare animal unless you get a game started at Wynn or Venetian - and even at these rooms the players will probably want to deviate from HORSE because Vegas types tend to hate Stud games (unfortunately)