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Guys who plant their wives/girlfriends behind them while they play Guys who plant their wives/girlfriends behind them while they play

02-25-2015 , 04:02 PM
the reason she needs to tag along is because she has separation anxiety. those are all the crazy bitches that need to be with their bf's 24/7 or they start freaking out thinking he's cheating on her because she's unsecure.
02-25-2015 , 04:37 PM
I'm glad that I'm single. When I read this thread, it doesn't make me want to start a new relationship with someone. I think it would be at least a little distracting to have a gf/wife sit behind me and watch me play. It would be even more distracting if she gets mad at me for losing, especially if she has no clue about variance and doesn't care about it.

I've had women criticize me and say I should have left much earlier when I was up, and they gave me a weird look when I said I made the right decision to stay.

Last edited by Steve00007; 02-25-2015 at 04:45 PM.
02-25-2015 , 04:45 PM
Some of these guys do it because they have trophy wives, and they want to show off their trophy.

That or they paid for multiple hours for the girl, and only used up 3 minutes in the bedroom. So they make them wait the rest of the time watching them play poker.
02-25-2015 , 05:16 PM
The worst is the guys that bring their girlfriends, when the girl is dressed to go out and party (short dress, high heels)...I see this in AC all the time....and the girl sits there from 11pm - 3am.......wait a minute, maybe thats not the worst thing, at least for the rest of us players.
02-25-2015 , 06:38 PM
heh, every time I see a hot one stuck in the seat I think that the guy is a dope bec if I had her I wouldn't be anywhere near a poker table.
02-26-2015 , 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by nit3.runn3r
You had me until you started assuming things, which was from the beginning. Hey op, stfu.
Calm down bro!! These rules don't apply in states like Wisconsin or Minnesota, most regs there gamble away their heating bill money and the women go there to stay warm.
02-26-2015 , 10:24 AM
Since the guys that do this are almost invariably bad players, it is kind of amusing listening to them explain poker strategy to their significant others.

"Well honey, I had to call there, I was priced in. There's 4 suits in the deck and with 2 cards to come, I had a 50% chance of hitting the flush. Hey, can you run to the ATM for me, babe?"
02-26-2015 , 05:02 PM
The whale trying to show off to the hooker on his shoulder is a very welcomed addition to my table.

A smoking hot girlfriend is a welcomed relief for the eyes after starring at a table full of grinders.

The average looking wife reading a book is just there. The only time they enter the equation is if they are taking up seating space.
02-26-2015 , 05:41 PM
The main reason why I don't like to see the significant others sitting behind their man, is because, if the player is a fish, there's a much higher % rate that they'll leave the game sooner than if the wife hadn't been behind them. And, although this is never said loud enough to actually embarrass the guy, you know full well that it's the woman who's calling the shots:

"C'mon honey, take your win and let's go!" (with racks always in hand)


"You've lost enough, now let's GO!"

And, I know a lot of girls who actually enjoy the game and enjoy watching the game, too. But for all the other woman who don't really care about it?..Guys, pay them a little bit more attention so they won't feel that need to cling on to every being that you are. If you need to drag her along, then make sure you set her up with a nice massage in the spa and then take her to a nice dinner.. But, I'm selfish cause I'd much rather you do those things on the day that you're not playing with me---I just don't want you to leave this great game!

Last edited by Rush17; 02-26-2015 at 05:46 PM.
02-26-2015 , 05:41 PM
If she knows BF's hole cards, watch the GF's reaction to the flop. Free information.
02-26-2015 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by RockyMoose
If she knows BF's hole cards, watch the GF's reaction to the flop. Free information.
"One more heart and you have a flush."
02-26-2015 , 06:09 PM
Me and my gf were in AC last year; had a lot of fun and a great night, and in the morning we walked the boardwalk. I had been showing her poker online and whatnot and she says

"I wanna watch you play."
"No you will be super bored it moves much slower than online and it's though to even see anything happen. Plus I fold most hands."
"No really I want to watch you play."

Well alrighty then. We walk into Bally's and I realize this is the casino I was at with my family when I was 15 and was drooling to play cards, so I had to play here. I end up at a 1/1 table because the 1/2 table is full and like an hour or two into the session I tell my gf that she must be bored and we should get outta there. She says she likes it but I don't believe her so I tell her one more orbit and we'll bounce. At 3:05 I flop quad kings. There was a high hand promo where the high hand at Total Rewards Casinos each hour got $500. I win the pot, show the hand, name on the board, look at gf "we have to stay til 4 now." At 3:55 the 2/4 table next to us has 8 old people yelling "steel wheel! steel wheel!" I was so sad. Gf was excited about high hand and now we waited 50 minutes to not get it. We got outta there and got some candy.

As we're walking away my gf says "it was fun but I could only see your cards about half the time." I had no idea she was trying to see my hands, let alone succeeding in doing so. Hope she had a good poker face!
02-28-2015 , 08:28 AM
I was lolling inside pretty hard last week. Guy is playing our 1-3 game. Wife is there and can't wait to leave. She was pleasant enough at first. She's getting more and more annoyed and eventually won't even talk to him, and he keeps making excuses, one more beer, one more button, whatever. From the sounds of it they came to Vegas and he spent 8 hours the first night (of probably 2 or 3 nights tops) playing poker.

What a dick.

I especially would never want my gf sitting behind because of how much it would suck to have her there if I get stacked.
02-28-2015 , 02:09 PM
I can have personal space bubble issues and generally don't like people railing games in a chair behind me. When this occurs I introduce myself to the woman and politely that she's fine to sit there, but I might get edgy and ask her to move and she shouldn't take it personally if it happens. As a woman I know they're probably more comfortable sitting behind me than a guy.

Oh and I make an exception for the mouthy ones, they put their guy on tilt with embarrassment and it's good for the game.
02-28-2015 , 03:46 PM
I have a new girlfriend as of a couple months ago. I just got my tax return, and plan on going to play live again for the first time in a while (I had been building up a life roll for a bit, finally have enough disposable to transfer to poker roll). She knowing nothing about poker, was disappointed I didn't immediately invite her to come along. I actually told her about this thread and how I thought she'd be bored and other people would think I was a horrible person for making her come along.

She thought that was stupid.

So I guess the answer is sometimes the women are there by choice because they want to spend more time with their guys, and learn more about their hobbies. Who knows, maybe they'll become players too someday.
02-28-2015 , 06:09 PM
There was a guy in Vegas sitting next to me, gf behind, from somewhere in Scandi or maybe Hungary. I couldn't tell from the language. I can understand on how if they flew halfway round the world, the chick doesn't want to be abandoned in a foreign country for a few hours. This chick was a total smokeshow, blond, 5'10" in bare feet, and wouldn't look out of place one bit on the runway of a Victoria's Secret fashion show.

Problem was, she was just letting him have it nonstop. Constant bitching about who knows what. She wouldn't shut up for more than 3 seconds for 5 straight minutes, then get up and stomp off, only to return a minute later for another bitch session. I finally had to seat change to a crappy seat, but it was worth it.
03-01-2015 , 12:09 AM
A couple years ago I was playing a tournament in a roped off area which only tournament players were allowed in. We were 3 tables away from the nearest rail area and this very attractive woman stood there for 3 hours while the guy played the tournament at my table.

He claimed she was his wife. If he hadn't busted out after 3 hours I have no idea how long she would have stood there. It was a deep stack tournament that would go on for 12 hours or more. Every half hour or so he'd go over and talk with her for a minute or two.

It was around a $250 buy in, not the main event or anything.
03-01-2015 , 10:19 AM
What about a female whose bf sits behind her when she plays? I've seen it a couple times. What are your thoughts on that one. Think he gets beat?
03-01-2015 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by TheRyno
What about a female whose bf sits behind her when she plays? I've seen it a couple times. What are your thoughts on that one. Think he gets beat?
I was wondering this also. I have one that every time she comes, he is there and sits behind her looking bored as ever. Doesn't say a word, just is there... It's odd. She's a dime if it matters, but I just don't get it.
03-02-2015 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by Kobold Esq
So I guess the answer is sometimes the women are there by choice because they want to spend more time with their guys, and learn more about their hobbies. Who knows, maybe they'll become players too someday.
This. I have a girlfriend who didn't know anything about poker before but she is interested in it (she even looks up structure sheets online when I am playing tourneys, etc). She is interested in trying to play in a casino, but would want to watch a couple sessions to get a feel of the mechanics, etc. I also had a mother/daughter pair sweat me one time because they were interested/fascinated by poker. Don't judge all by some.
03-02-2015 , 11:18 AM
i like the guy that wont go the girls a chair and asks me can you get me a chair, yep let me call the floor 4 you!
03-02-2015 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by Rizzeedizzee
You're entitled to ask for the rail to be cleared if they're encroaching into the actual table perimeter or making it difficult for folks to be seated. What irks me more is when they're seated behind me, and it can get awkward to ask them to move since they're not actually on the rail. For those bothered by this, how do you address it?
This happens at my reg casino and I think I've found the easiest/stress free way of handling it.

I let the floor do his job. I get up for a quick stretch. "Hey Bobby, give me a second to get seated, but would you mind asking seat 4's date to backup? We can't get in/out and she can see my cards" he comes over a few hands after I get back and asks her to give some space. I can just look kinda surprised like I just noticed her, and now we have room.
03-12-2016 , 11:16 PM
Currently have a girlfriend who really wants to watch me play cards. We went once and I played for a couple hours then got out of there so she wouldn't be too bored. The other couple times we've gone to the casino I've just played blackjack so it wouldn't be so boring but BJ isn't too good for the wallet. I've explained how bad it looks and how bad I would feel for "making" her do that but she's insistent. I really want to play but think she'd be upset if I went without her.

I'm pathetic.
03-13-2016 , 02:02 AM
I personally don't get why anyone would want to sit there and watch. I think the OP is being a tad judgmental. That being said I would never want my girl railing me in a cash game. She gets stressed out just watching be bet 20 bucks on a hand of black jack.
03-13-2016 , 02:25 AM
Originally Posted by tabbaker
Currently have a girlfriend who really wants to watch me play cards. We went once and I played for a couple hours then got out of there so she wouldn't be too bored. The other couple times we've gone to the casino I've just played blackjack so it wouldn't be so boring but BJ isn't too good for the wallet. I've explained how bad it looks and how bad I would feel for "making" her do that but she's insistent. I really want to play but think she'd be upset if I went without her.

I'm pathetic.
Play longer so she will get bored. If she doesn't get bored then just play as long as you want.

Last edited by Steve00007; 03-13-2016 at 02:45 AM.
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