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Grumpy Old Fart talks trash about a player while he's away, Your move?  With Cliffs. Grumpy Old Fart talks trash about a player while he's away, Your move?  With Cliffs.

09-20-2010 , 10:18 PM
As a dealer, you can't do anything about that when the good guy is away. You have to trust that most of the players are thinking in the back of their mind, "God, what an *******, will somebody bust him." I would be. Actually, that's not true. I would be thinking about busting him myself. However, you can make damn sure that the GOF never gets the benefit of rule 1 and all of his opponents do.

As a player, there's not much more you can do. At most, you can give a look of disgust and make sure the good guy is welcomed back.

Unfortunately, poker has lots of *******s. You can't eliminate all of them as a player or dealer. However, if you ever run a room, that can change.
Grumpy Old Fart talks trash about a player while he's away, Your move?  With Cliffs. Quote
09-20-2010 , 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by Quadstriker
I'm going to assume that you really understand the point and are just horsing around.
I am and I'm not. Sure I copied your phrase for laughs, but my point stands. I would say most people say things behind somebodys back, whether it is venting, bad mood, joking, etc.

I guess you'd have a better read on if the guy was trying to joke around and isn't funny or what. But if you are annoyed at him solely for talking behind someones back, it seems like you are doing the same thing; either here or possibly at work. If you are annoyed at him for being grumpy, or not tipping, or everything else... that seems like a different thread.
Grumpy Old Fart talks trash about a player while he's away, Your move?  With Cliffs. Quote
09-20-2010 , 11:09 PM
I guess I shouldn't assume anything.

If you fail to see the difference between talking about someone publicly while they are away for a minute for the purpose of degrading them, and talking about someone privately while maintaining their anonymity (despite requests to me to identify the player) in an effort to discuss what could be done about the situation, then I really don't have anything to say to you.
Grumpy Old Fart talks trash about a player while he's away, Your move?  With Cliffs. Quote
09-20-2010 , 11:17 PM
But was his purpose to degrade him? Or was it a "haha, that guy is loud, amirite?" Type thing. It reads like the joking thing, other then the other stuff you left out.
Grumpy Old Fart talks trash about a player while he's away, Your move?  With Cliffs. Quote
09-20-2010 , 11:21 PM
I know that saying nothing is probably the right thing to do but ....

While BFG is still away (i.e., while GOF is still trashing him), I might just mutter the following to GOF --

"I'm really curious as to how long it will take before you have to go to the bathroom, so we can start talking about you behind your back."
Grumpy Old Fart talks trash about a player while he's away, Your move?  With Cliffs. Quote
09-20-2010 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by OneCrazyDuck
But was his purpose to degrade him?
100% yes. You'll have to take my word for it, as there's no way I can show you.

Or was it a "haha, that guy is loud, amirite?" Type thing.
100% no

It reads like the joking thing, other then the other stuff you left out.
"GOF starts talking complete trash about him, saying that his mouth must be the reason for his wife's migrane, etc. etc. Just completely out of line stuff that of course he would never have the courage to say to the man's face"

I really didn't think this sounded like joking.
Grumpy Old Fart talks trash about a player while he's away, Your move?  With Cliffs. Quote
09-21-2010 , 02:58 AM
Originally Posted by Quadstriker
[ ] rage in this thread.
Originally Posted by Quadstriker
The whole thing made me so angry! I wanted to go off on GOF and call him out for being a scumbag, coward, *******, etc.
My mistake.
Grumpy Old Fart talks trash about a player while he's away, Your move?  With Cliffs. Quote
09-21-2010 , 03:09 AM
Prolly argree with GOF, can't stand loud talkers at the table. Can not believe your losing sleep over this.
Grumpy Old Fart talks trash about a player while he's away, Your move?  With Cliffs. Quote
09-21-2010 , 04:28 AM
Originally Posted by AngusThermopyle
If you are in the box, you shut up. You get involved if there is a confrontation, but it is not your job to defend someone's "honor" when they are gone.
This, although i dont understand all the hate for quadstriker, he hasnt come here to talk smack he wants an opinion on a situation
Grumpy Old Fart talks trash about a player while he's away, Your move?  With Cliffs. Quote
09-21-2010 , 09:19 AM
If I was a player at the table, I'd have told GOF that BFG was my brother-in-law.
Grumpy Old Fart talks trash about a player while he's away, Your move?  With Cliffs. Quote
09-21-2010 , 09:23 AM
As a player I call out the old grumpy nit and embarrass the hell out of him.

As a dealer I immediately tell him to STFU about other players or I will have the floor handle it.

The main problem with these miserable nitwad regulars is that people put up with them. I don't.
Grumpy Old Fart talks trash about a player while he's away, Your move?  With Cliffs. Quote
09-21-2010 , 12:19 PM
respect your elders
Grumpy Old Fart talks trash about a player while he's away, Your move?  With Cliffs. Quote
09-21-2010 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by ActionFreak
respect your elders
Elders can't be considered as such solely by their age. They need respectability to be "elders."

Grumpy old stank coffee/cigarette breath nitwad jerks are not elders and should not receive respect.
Grumpy Old Fart talks trash about a player while he's away, Your move?  With Cliffs. Quote
09-21-2010 , 01:20 PM
Not sure what the big deal is. People talk behind backs all the time. That's a cowardly practice, but at the same time it's also a sign of civilization. I find the situations were people are insulting each other in front of their faces much less pleasant.
Grumpy Old Fart talks trash about a player while he's away, Your move?  With Cliffs. Quote
09-21-2010 , 03:09 PM
Hahaha, tell him the 2-4 limit games are for the gofs. jk
I would have said something to him as a fellow player...not confrontational just a not cool kind of thing. I table changed to a table that had a gof who made rude comments to everyone which was killing the fun and some of the action. So every time he made a rude statement I teased him for being a miserable sob gof. Next thing you know the whole table is happy he's gone and everyone is gladly sharing their money with the guy who made it all happen.
Grumpy Old Fart talks trash about a player while he's away, Your move?  With Cliffs. Quote
09-21-2010 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by No.1 pencil
Wait.. Were you a dealer at the table? If so, don't say anyhing. It's not your place. If you're a player you can tell the guy to stfu or ask why he waited until the guy left to start trash talking. I usually cut old people some slack. 9 times out of 10 they aren't even capable of realizing that they're being rude.

Your job is to deal and run a smooth game. Getting involved is massively -EV.
There are losers out there, don't slip up and let one cost you your job by opening your mouth.

As a player I may have said something to try and slow the old man down when he got started. Nicely at first and if he kept going on and on I would have asked if he formed this opinion the moment the man left or if he was just afraid to speak up.
Grumpy Old Fart talks trash about a player while he's away, Your move?  With Cliffs. Quote
09-22-2010 , 04:58 PM
I had something similar happen at the Tampa Hard Rock Sunday night. There is a regular there who is always acting like such a jerk every time I'm at the table with him. I think he practically lives there so he gets away with it and the staff don't tell him anything. He a mid 50's (maybe older) fat sloppy guy who proudly tells everybody here is only there to play the jackpot. I'll call him Mr. JackPot.

So, anyway, I'm playing the 2-4 limit with this guy and it's a fun table. There are several any-two-cards passive fish at the table but they are enjoying themselves. Mr. JackPot starts berating these players every hand telling them how bad they are. It's not like he's on tilt because he's not even involved in any of the pots. He tells the whole table he only plays jackpot hands (bad beat) because he is already rich and these chips don't matter. Then he takes his greasy nasty "Scottrade" hat off and says here's where I make my money.

It doesn't take long for the two fish to leave. The dealer says nothing. A new fish sits down and he starts it all over again. I try to change the subject and ask Mr. Jackpot how his strategy of playing for jackpots is working and he starts getting real loud listing the casino's where he's won a jackpot and getting very angry about it. At least he's not yelling at the fish.

That only lasted a few minutes, before he tells the new fish, who is all decked out in Florida Gator gear, that he's too crappy a player to be wearing Gator gear. I can't take it any longer so I ask Mr. Jackpot where he went to college. He says Florida. Then I lean in across the table and look him right in the eye and say "I would have guessed you went to South Carolina because you look like a giant **** to me."

I could see the dealer was trying to hold down a laugh and Mr. Jackpot didn't say much at all the rest of the night.
Grumpy Old Fart talks trash about a player while he's away, Your move?  With Cliffs. Quote
09-22-2010 , 09:03 PM
this is nothing to be worried about op. people will always talk **** about people behind others backs when they aren't there to defend themselves. they do it for a lot of different reasons. just don't worry about it and focus on playing good poker.
Grumpy Old Fart talks trash about a player while he's away, Your move?  With Cliffs. Quote
09-22-2010 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
Anybody whose spent significant b&m time has seen this behavior many times. I don't think I've ever heard a dealer respond in any way and that's for the best bec no good can come of it.

Sometimes I'll speak up depending on my mood. Whether I do or not I'm still laughing on the inside bec one of my favorite aspects of live poker is seeing ppl as they really are, not the way they act w/ clients or business associates or their relatives at Thanksgiving dinner. They way they are at the poker table is the way they REALLY are and I love seeing it.
A wise man once said to me, "there are three instances in life where you see the true nature of a person: gambling, women/men, and money."
Grumpy Old Fart talks trash about a player while he's away, Your move?  With Cliffs. Quote
