So I was down there yesterday, decided to kill a few hours around rush hour before heading out to meet up with a few friends. Though I was born and raised in LA, this was my first time down there as a 21 year old.
Anyways, the floor being huge it took me 10 minutes of navigating through the maze of tables to find the 200 nl board, finally found it and was met by one the most pleasing floor people I have ever met. She was a slightly plump older (to me) lady with an accent, and she genuinely seemed to care about her players. I sat down to a table with 4-5 regs, as she "warned me" not to let them bully me around etc, and she checked up on me an hour later making sure I hadn't gone broke already, which was funny. I get that's part of her job, to make sure the tables are full, but still it was as nice a welcome that I have ever gotten.
So I sit down to the 3/5 200nl, which I know is terrible considering the rake but its all my BR can afford, and I couldn't believe how crazy the action was. I play at CAZ, and you get your share of loose players there, but these people had no conscious almost, regularly risking half there stack and 150 dollar pots were the norm. I quickly go from 200 to about 550, then back down to 250 (got rivered by a decent LAG regular there twice) , and back to 700 within 2 hours of play my most notable pot going down like this
UTG raises to 20, 7 callers (WTF?), I'm SB with 6
, call, flop comes
Checks around to MP who bet's 100, folded to me, I call, 3 more fold. turns a blank 2
I shove for 250 more, he calls with AK.
Anyways played a few more hands and left, but the commerce definitely had me impressed compared to what CAZ has to offer.