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GBPT 2008 Edinburgh GBPT 2008 Edinburgh

01-15-2008 , 12:28 PM
Here are the dates all. Will be held in the Gala Maybury Casino Edinburgh at the end of Feb.

27th £100 f/o
28th £200 f/o
29th £500 f/0 main event day 1a
1st £500 f/o main event day 1b
2nd £500 f/o main event day 2 and final
2nd £50 f/o

I would register early for the 100 and 200 f/o's, as they are expected to be sold out

Sats for the main event start 23/01/08 £10 rebuys for five weeks.
No super sat planned, but that couId still change. If there's any changes I well let you know.


GBPT 2008 Edinburgh Quote
02-02-2008 , 02:55 PM
Anyone going to be playing this? Or know of good places to stay, how close it is to which airport etc?
GBPT 2008 Edinburgh Quote
02-02-2008 , 03:09 PM
Yeah im probably gonna be there. I stay in glasgow myself so sorry, i wouldn't know where you would stay. Just fly into edinburgh airport as well...
GBPT 2008 Edinburgh Quote
02-02-2008 , 06:55 PM
This place is really close to the Ediunburgh Airport. I used to take the bus from the University there all the time to play 2 quid black jack. In fact, this was my first live poker experience as the first time I ever played I won the 10 pound freezeout with rebuys for around 600 pounds.
GBPT 2008 Edinburgh Quote
02-04-2008 , 12:53 PM
I have entry to the:
27th £100 f/o
28th £200 f/o

29th £500 f/0 main event day 1a
1st £500 f/o main event day 1b
2nd £500 f/o main event day 2 and final

Due to not being bankrolled for these I would like to look into the option of selling these. Apparently the seats can be traded into someone else's name...confirm/deny any1?

Please post here or PM me with any offers.

-Note to mods: if this is not allowed sry and delete post or w/e
GBPT 2008 Edinburgh Quote
02-14-2008 , 02:46 PM
meh im now playing them, anyone else playing in this? any info on the inkeepers lodge chain that has a hotel near there?
GBPT 2008 Edinburgh Quote
02-14-2008 , 03:15 PM
I bubbled a sat to the ME which sucks, and seen as I aint bankrolled enough for it, I aint playing the ME, I'll probably play the £100 FO and see where I go from there.

If I do go along, it'd be great to have a couple of pints with you guys.
GBPT 2008 Edinburgh Quote
02-14-2008 , 03:45 PM

Jambo, where in/around Edinburgh you from? Do you play on stars?

GBPT 2008 Edinburgh Quote
02-15-2008 , 05:42 AM
probably playing main event
GBPT 2008 Edinburgh Quote
02-15-2008 , 05:48 AM
Originally Posted by keirhamilton

Jambo, where in/around Edinburgh you from? Do you play on stars?

I do play on stars. I live in Musselburgh, just outside Edinburgh on the East Coast.


GBPT 2008 Edinburgh Quote
02-15-2008 , 05:51 AM
Originally Posted by hennnerz
meh im now playing them, anyone else playing in this? any info on the inkeepers lodge chain that has a hotel near there?

The above link has contact detaials for the majority of local hotels.


GBPT 2008 Edinburgh Quote
02-15-2008 , 06:00 AM
which hotels can you recommend?
GBPT 2008 Edinburgh Quote
02-15-2008 , 08:59 PM
Can someone make a post in the MTT forum about this plz.

Anything cool to do around Edinburgh while there? Will there be cash games/stts in the casino too?

Also looking for recommendations regarding hotels please?
GBPT 2008 Edinburgh Quote
02-15-2008 , 10:00 PM
Playing prelim events and hoping to satellite into the main event.
GBPT 2008 Edinburgh Quote
02-18-2008 , 11:07 AM
I'm playing the ME. Has anyone bought in yet? Do you get to pick which starting day you play?
GBPT 2008 Edinburgh Quote
02-21-2008 , 04:14 PM
I got to pick my day and went for 1b, no real reasoning though.

The actual name of the tour is Gala Casino British Poker Tour, GCBPT Edinburgh.

Anyone else that hasnt already posted playing in this? I think I am getting a twin room at the InnKeepers Lodge.
GBPT 2008 Edinburgh Quote
02-21-2008 , 04:28 PM
Are there still spots available for direct buy-in to the main event? I'm sitting in their last online satellite at the moment.

edit: busto QQ vs AK

Last edited by CrispyBacon; 02-21-2008 at 04:57 PM.
GBPT 2008 Edinburgh Quote
02-21-2008 , 07:09 PM
I don't know if there are still spots available, but I haven't seen it advertised anywhere as sold out...

Looking for someone to share room with potentially, PM me.
GBPT 2008 Edinburgh Quote
02-29-2008 , 08:22 AM
Playing main event day two. Will be wearing a green cap with a 1up mushroom on it.
GBPT 2008 Edinburgh Quote
03-03-2008 , 06:05 AM
Gah, gutted I didnt play the ME now. Colin Wu from Dundee done a chop and was the nominal winner. One of my mates had 10% of his action too.

Well done Colin, howd you guys do?
GBPT 2008 Edinburgh Quote
03-03-2008 , 07:59 AM
Busted out last on day 1b, kinda glad I didn't have to go to day 2 with under 10bb. I was playing pretty damn well but lost significant chunks of my stack on these to hands...

1. Button raised, sb flat called and I 3-bet JJ, button folds, sb thinks and then pushes all in, I call. JJ vs ATc , he has about half my stack, so he can seriously dent me, and he does when the board brings 4 s

2. After building my stack up with two nice hands and very aggressive play I've noticed two people in particular gunning for me, a super tight player with a thick glaswegian accent and a loose pakistani player across the table. I raise to 3,500 (600/1,200 with 100 ante) from mp with 88, folds to the pakistani guy who moves all in for about 17,000. I think for the most part he would disguise his monster hands, and he looks at me smugly while I'm thinking, knowing i can't call. I think his range is probably as wide as A7s+ KQs+ 22+, so I call. He turns over A9o, but hits a full house. This again cripples my stack, even worse.

A few hands later I shove AQs over an utg raise from the villain in the first hand and he has AK, board bricks.

Happy with my play for the most part, the event was fun and well organised.
GBPT 2008 Edinburgh Quote
