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FullFlush vs Marc Goodwin on Late Night Poker 2009 FullFlush vs Marc Goodwin on Late Night Poker 2009

10-21-2009 , 09:07 AM
A freak with a boatload of money. Poor durrrr
FullFlush vs Marc Goodwin on Late Night Poker 2009 Quote
10-21-2009 , 09:54 AM
is he right that durr got half his roll off Laliberte?
FullFlush vs Marc Goodwin on Late Night Poker 2009 Quote
10-21-2009 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by Texas Donald
is he right that durr got half his roll off Laliberte?
i'd assume he meant from beating Laliberte...not Guy giving it to him if thats what your asking.
FullFlush vs Marc Goodwin on Late Night Poker 2009 Quote
10-21-2009 , 03:22 PM
well I knew that obviously
FullFlush vs Marc Goodwin on Late Night Poker 2009 Quote
10-21-2009 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by RKi
Marc Goodwin - "mine setting". Nuff said.
FullFlush vs Marc Goodwin on Late Night Poker 2009 Quote
10-21-2009 , 03:56 PM
the bankroll situation


omg that vid is SO GOOD
FullFlush vs Marc Goodwin on Late Night Poker 2009 Quote
10-22-2009 , 04:36 AM
Hey, Goodwin. We play in our underpants because our trousers are TOO HEAVY TO WEAR WITH ALL THE MONEY WE'VE TAKEN OFF YOU, YOU BRUMMIE F**KTARD.

That is all. Oh, and way to play A6 OOP. That's why you're a top, top player. Oh, and this too: . Hand 3 is a live-pro masterclass, complete with classy berating of 20-year-old girl:

"Hand 3.

So last hand of the day.. I told marc when they stopped the clock to play the last 5 hands of the day that I'm probably gonna mess up cuz I like to spew the last hands lol

Still 200-400/50

I'm on the SB with AK... oh god, told ya eh... one guy limps for 400. Marc raises to 1600 on the button. I really really reeally dont wanna play this hand at this point, and I definitely dont wanna see a flop with it OOP against him, so I reraise to 6500 pretty much telling him I'm not going anywhere and that I just wanna get the hand over with... It's probably pretty exploitable against very strong players who will know I have AK here and fold anything but KK+, but marc isn't like that. Limper folds, comes back to Marc, he shoves....sighhhhhhhhhhh. I snapcall cuz I' never ever folding after putting in 25% of my stack preflop with AK on a reraise. I show my hand and he says 'I KNEW I ws ahead, and slams his 7s on the table.. wtffff, like, lol, is logic doesnt make any sensssssse. He told me he thought I had AT, AJ, AQ, AK and maybe small pairs. LOL again. First of all...I'm folding AT, AJ to his single raise preflop, all pairs im prolly set mining.. I'm never gonna turn AQ into a bluff by reraising cuz I wont be able to call a shove. And If I did reraise light I'm not gonna reraise that much of my stack and fold to a shove the last hand of the day to put me on tilt before the next day. So my real range there is QQ+ and AK... I wouldnt say ur 7s does very well against that range, Marc...I'm sorry.

He gets punished for his bad play when I hit a K on the flop to win the pot and then he starts going off on me again telling me how bad i am and that I'm the biggest lucksack in the world and that all I do is run good. Whatever... go beat ur mates in the GUPT instead or whatever that tourney series over there is called lol.

Good way to end the day. "

Last edited by eattheradish; 10-22-2009 at 05:03 AM.
FullFlush vs Marc Goodwin on Late Night Poker 2009 Quote
10-22-2009 , 04:46 AM
Cant believe Goodwins reaction when Feldman had KK v his KQ and thought he was slowrolling him cause he didnt ship it the minute he put it all in. I didnt think Feldman took that long and definately feel Goodwin was jumping on the band wagon with the bashing of Feldman.
Although some of Fullflush's comments were funny he was lucky not to lose this in the end especially with the awful shove with 7T. Suppose he will be good for TV someone just needs to tell him STFU njow and again. Think they should definately have him in next season of Premier League with durrr and Hellmuth that would make good TV
FullFlush vs Marc Goodwin on Late Night Poker 2009 Quote
10-22-2009 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by Jshuttlesworth
Is there no link for this episode yet? I can't find it on any of my favorite sites.
i believe it may now feature on one of your favourite sites, if one of your favourite sites is the same as one of my favourite sites. if one of your favourite sites is not the same as one of my favourite sites, then i recommend you make one of my favourite sites one of your favourite sites forthwith.

having to speak in code is great isn't it? it's just like spying! except without the hot chicks
FullFlush vs Marc Goodwin on Late Night Poker 2009 Quote
10-22-2009 , 10:42 PM
just watched this again, and two points stand out. one; marc goodwin really exposed himself as the mean-spirited prick that he is by accusing feldman of slow-rolling. lol. two, andrew feldman is sadly deluded if he really thinks he was the best player in that heat, as he says at the end of the show. his agonising play in multi-way pots was pretty painful, and he paid off on the river time and time again after letting the other players get there by being way too passive and having no real idea where he's at. that said, he does seem to have good reading ability (on players he's obviously played with before.)
FullFlush vs Marc Goodwin on Late Night Poker 2009 Quote
10-23-2009 , 12:22 AM
Just watched this, great episode.

Was very surprised to see Fullflush wearing on his shirt the logo of my local ipoker skin Boylepoker.

"Fackin' stupid micks init"
FullFlush vs Marc Goodwin on Late Night Poker 2009 Quote
10-23-2009 , 01:19 AM
Full video can be watched here
Goodwin really came across as a total idiot, and Luke Schwartz was class, he really wanted to bust Feldman.

Lol @ Fullflush " I'm too good to be flippin', what am i doing ? "

Def. the best heat of LNT so far.

Last edited by NRP; 10-23-2009 at 01:41 AM.
FullFlush vs Marc Goodwin on Late Night Poker 2009 Quote
10-23-2009 , 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by NRP
Full video can be watched here
grrr its really laggy. Thanks anyway.
FullFlush vs Marc Goodwin on Late Night Poker 2009 Quote
10-23-2009 , 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by Vanity
grrr its really laggy. Thanks anyway.
I've been watchin' the video and it's streaming fine to me..
FullFlush vs Marc Goodwin on Late Night Poker 2009 Quote
10-23-2009 , 03:10 AM
"I've got moves no else has. I'm fearless, I'm aggressive. I'm just too good for this show."


FullFlush outdoes Hellmuth's ego which is a pretty amazing accomplishment!
FullFlush vs Marc Goodwin on Late Night Poker 2009 Quote
10-23-2009 , 04:24 AM
Which is why he has to be in the Premier League with him (assuming they do another series)
FullFlush vs Marc Goodwin on Late Night Poker 2009 Quote
10-23-2009 , 05:10 AM
Video up on youtube
FullFlush vs Marc Goodwin on Late Night Poker 2009 Quote
10-23-2009 , 05:14 AM
Originally Posted by eattheradish
Video up on youtube
Originally Posted by NRP
Full video can be watched here
FullFlush vs Marc Goodwin on Late Night Poker 2009 Quote
10-23-2009 , 06:27 AM
Too good for arguably the best and longest running poker show in the history of poker shows. That should then be the end of all poker shows. There is no need to have any more poker shows.
FullFlush vs Marc Goodwin on Late Night Poker 2009 Quote
10-23-2009 , 06:29 AM
At least Feldman sat there and waited on the outcome during the races, not pacing around and fidgeting every turn, and telling us about how sick these flops are.
FullFlush vs Marc Goodwin on Late Night Poker 2009 Quote
10-23-2009 , 06:45 AM
Haha this episode is hilarious. Marc Goodwin is simply abysmal, Feldman never came even CLOSE to slowrolling him with KK, and overbet shoving like 43778 BB's with KQ vs a BTN open was 2NL bad. Just goes to show how far these live UK tourny donks are behind anything over 50NL online.
FullFlush vs Marc Goodwin on Late Night Poker 2009 Quote
10-23-2009 , 08:23 AM
I was hoping when Schultz said "Nice playing with you" Schwartz would say "It was, it was nice playing with me."
FullFlush vs Marc Goodwin on Late Night Poker 2009 Quote
10-23-2009 , 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by muzzline
I was hoping when Schultz said "Nice playing with you" Schwartz would say "It was, it was nice playing with me."
She seemed a nice person, and didn't do anything terrible during the game.
FullFlush vs Marc Goodwin on Late Night Poker 2009 Quote
10-23-2009 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by RadcliffePoker
Which is why he has to be in the Premier League with him (assuming they do another series)
It has been confirmed to me that they will be doing another season of this. Luke will be there as will favs like hellmuth, and new faces such as Nam Lee
FullFlush vs Marc Goodwin on Late Night Poker 2009 Quote
