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Forced Exposure and Some Additional Extra-Curricular Activity--Suitable Punishment? Forced Exposure and Some Additional Extra-Curricular Activity--Suitable Punishment?

02-01-2012 , 08:55 AM
The subject of this case is a well-known 5/10+ NL regular of his venue, usually mild-mannered, friendly, and helpful, but is asocial and meek. The other party is a loud, obnoxious businessman who has had one too many drinks. He made it clear that he was only at the table to have fun.

Before this chain of events, the regular is sitting up about 5000 on the day at the 5/10 NL. The other gentleman sits down and makes the game 4-handed.

The regular opens a pot and is immediately over 3bet by the gentleman, which produces a quick fold. The regular opens another pot and this gentleman calls again, raises the flop c-bet, and produces another fold. At this point, the regular is a little bit shaken, but nothing significant. This happens two more times, and the regular is visibly ticked off. The gentleman is clearly loving this.

The gentleman then opens a pot, and the regular calls, gentleman bets, regular raises the flop, gentleman 3bets, and the regular sigh-folds.

This is where things get interesting. Next orbit, the gentleman opens the CO, regular flats the BTN, and the blinds fold. Flop is KQ6, gentleman checks, regular bets 50, gentleman raises to 250, regular insta-flats. Turn 2, gentleman bets 400, regular raises to 1300, gentleman ships it for about 2800, and the regular snap folds.

The gentleman goes to muck, but before the dealer pulls the cards in, the regular says, "Oh no, you can't have it every time, you are full of such bull****!" and flips the gentleman's hand over, shocking the few people sitting at the table.

It gets better. The gentleman FLIPS when AK is tabled and demands that something be done, and the regular says "don't worry, the tabled hand is the least of your worries," knocks the gentleman's chip stack over the felt, and walks away with his own stack (which is still about a 2000 profit, it seemed).

The floor quickly caught up with the regular and gave him a talk and likely a punishment, although I have not talked to him since.

So what would you, the poster, do to punish this regular, someone who clearly overreacted, but who counts on poker as a large part of his livelihood?
Forced Exposure and Some Additional Extra-Curricular Activity--Suitable Punishment? Quote
02-01-2012 , 09:43 AM
Forced Exposure and Some Additional Extra-Curricular Activity--Suitable Punishment? Quote
02-01-2012 , 11:11 AM
Permaban may be a little harsh but a reprimand is definitely in order. I'd say at least a 3-6 month ban.
Forced Exposure and Some Additional Extra-Curricular Activity--Suitable Punishment? Quote
02-01-2012 , 11:23 AM
If this guy is a regular who has NEVER been a problem before I'm going to give him some slack and not give him a perma-ban. I'd say 24 hours would be appropriate.
(especially if he is apologizing to the floor for his behavior)

On the other hand ..... If this guy has already been the beneficiary of some slack on prior occasions then a longer ban would be in order depending on his history......
Forced Exposure and Some Additional Extra-Curricular Activity--Suitable Punishment? Quote
02-01-2012 , 11:46 AM
a mild beatdown applied by other regs in the parking lot should do the trick
Forced Exposure and Some Additional Extra-Curricular Activity--Suitable Punishment? Quote
02-01-2012 , 03:15 PM
24-48 hr. ban, unless reg had other previous discipline issues.
Forced Exposure and Some Additional Extra-Curricular Activity--Suitable Punishment? Quote
02-01-2012 , 03:43 PM
I think that a 30 day ban should be sufficient. What a prick move by the reg.

Last edited by jpsychlady; 02-01-2012 at 03:51 PM.
Forced Exposure and Some Additional Extra-Curricular Activity--Suitable Punishment? Quote
02-01-2012 , 05:18 PM
Throw him out, let him apologize and come back a day or two later.

Permaban, give me a break. It's not like he punched the guy. I'm not even sure what he did would get him kicked out anywhere in LA.
Forced Exposure and Some Additional Extra-Curricular Activity--Suitable Punishment? Quote
02-01-2012 , 05:26 PM
I think 24 - 48 hours is way too lenient for these offenses, even considering a clean history. A 30-day ban sounds about right to me, with leniency granted if he apologizes to the victim.
Forced Exposure and Some Additional Extra-Curricular Activity--Suitable Punishment? Quote
02-01-2012 , 05:40 PM
A short ban is probably in order. If he's a daily player... 24-48 hrs should do the trick. Weekends only... See you in 2 weeks...
Forced Exposure and Some Additional Extra-Curricular Activity--Suitable Punishment? Quote
02-01-2012 , 06:26 PM
I give him 24 hours off. Along with his final warning.
Forced Exposure and Some Additional Extra-Curricular Activity--Suitable Punishment? Quote
02-01-2012 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
I think that a 30 day ban should be sufficient. What a prick move by the reg.
Obviously a prick move, but he'll also be really embarrassed by what he did in just a few minutes. A sincere apology could be all that is necessary. If this is a first time thing, a warning and a talking-to seem sufficient.
Forced Exposure and Some Additional Extra-Curricular Activity--Suitable Punishment? Quote
02-01-2012 , 08:07 PM
What did he do wrong ???

He invoked IWTSYMFHNMF rule

and then while leaving he tripped knocking over a stack...

guys stuff happens it's not always ban worthy accidents be acccidents
Forced Exposure and Some Additional Extra-Curricular Activity--Suitable Punishment? Quote
02-01-2012 , 08:55 PM
description fits Smiley but can't see him knocking the chips over after the fact, his arms aren't long enough
Forced Exposure and Some Additional Extra-Curricular Activity--Suitable Punishment? Quote
