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Floor ruling, "You can't lie about your hand." Floor ruling, "You can't lie about your hand."

11-13-2009 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by pfapfap
True, but I meant rules. Some places, you can't lie about your hand. Other places, you can't tell the truth. I've seen actual rules referenced.
Well telling the truth about your hand to someone yet to act is very hard to distinguish from soft play or collusion so should be prohibited in any serious tournament. Telling the truth or exposing your hand when you're last to act on the river is much easier to allow. I don't have a problem with either in a heads-up cash situation.
Floor ruling, "You can't lie about your hand." Quote
11-13-2009 , 06:47 PM
Some will like this, some will not;
When someone declares their hand( without showing it) at showdown, and the other player trys to muck, i stop the hand being mucked and say to the declaring player..."prove it".

That hand will be exposed before i kill the other hand.

IF the exposed hand is what he said it was, the other hand gets killed.
If the hand ISNT what they declared, i keep my hand on the "mucked" cards and call the floor.
I explain to the floor, that one player had mis declared their hand, i had stopped the other hand ( still unexposed, but in my control).

Floor makes decision as to whether mucked hand gets to play.

Last edited by UbinTook; 11-13-2009 at 06:56 PM.
Floor ruling, "You can't lie about your hand." Quote
11-13-2009 , 09:24 PM
I've never come across anyone getting any trouble for lieing about their hand during the hand.

A couple of weeks ago, I reraised a guy preflop, he asked what I had, I told him "quad 2's", he laughed and folded.

I would have been pretty p1ssed if my AK had been declared dead, maybe I should be more careful with the stupid table banter.
Floor ruling, "You can't lie about your hand." Quote
11-13-2009 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by pfapfap
This is why it's best to just shut up entirely. Some places have stupid rules.

Or, my personal suggestion...

Shuttupa you face!
Why do people insist on doing stupid things, then looking for sympathy when it bites them in the hind quarters?

Let's look at the alternatives here...

  • you shuttupa you face, he probably calls, you get dough
  • you open your mouth, put foot in, lose pot due to the general ignorance of others more moronic than you, and lose dough

You're sposeda be using your smarts to beat these people, but when you do something stupid, well, that's not very smart, now is it?

Floor ruling, "You can't lie about your hand." Quote
11-13-2009 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by javi
Um, isnt this the entire concept behind bluffing? What the **** kind of pansy card rooms are you playing at where you cant rep certain hands? So if I shove the river on a AAKKJ board and my opponent folds and I show 65o, is my hand declared dead because I lied and had absolutely nothing at all?
only if you check-raised
Floor ruling, "You can't lie about your hand." Quote
11-14-2009 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by dgiharris

Very true.

I've 'rarely' seen a hand declared dead for lying on the river. At worst, I've seen a warning or two. I've been playing a LONG time, many many years and I can't remember a hand being declared dead on the river for misrepresenation. Only a couple of warnings.

usually, players fiegn ignorance, "Oh, I thought I had the flush".

I've also noticed that the lying on the river is becoming much more commonplace. This is why I always show my hand. ALWAYS.

Also, I'm a big fan of keeping your mouthing f'ing shut while you are in a hand. You aren't near as clever as you think you are. It is almost impossible to NOT give a tell while talking. If not that hand, then future hands when you aren't talking. Better to just strive for the same demeanor in EVERY hand, vs running off at the mouth trying to be clever.

I have ran into many players who are super chatty about their hands while playing and they are almost always very easy to read. They usually act strong when weak/weak when strong or just plain straightforward. I rarely see a super-talker be deceptive in some hands and honest in others. I personally never talk about the stregnth of my hand. If some one ask me about my hand I usually say. " Sir I cannot disclose the stregnth of my hand because it would jepordize the integrity of this fine game."
Floor ruling, "You can't lie about your hand." Quote
11-14-2009 , 07:24 PM
talking about your hand in a headup pot is just poker chatter and never should be wrong or illegal.
Floor ruling, "You can't lie about your hand." Quote
11-14-2009 , 11:34 PM
Too many people getting caught up with the poker that they watch on tv (which is primarily tournament poker, which has a different set of rules all together) with the poker that they play live. As long as the hand is HU, you can say whatever you want before showdown. Of course, if the hand is not HU, then no discussion should take place. OP: not knowing if this hand was HU or not is a pretty big deal.

Agree with Ray Zee.
Floor ruling, "You can't lie about your hand." Quote
11-16-2009 , 07:23 AM
Originally Posted by Jack Bando
You can't lie AT showdown. You couldn't say quads and have the other guy fold his full house. It's called overdeclaring and you had could/should be dead.
that actually happened at the hustler. the floor was called over and the decision was made for the player who lied about his hand. the floorman said that the 'hands talk' and what the players say means nothing. i've heard the same rulings at various casinos around los angeles also.
Floor ruling, "You can't lie about your hand." Quote
11-16-2009 , 08:35 AM
I have a weird scenario with lying about your hand in mind...

Jd-10s-8c rainbow board.

2/5 NL

Player A checks
Player B bets $50 ($65 pot)
Player C calls
Players A check-raises in ($165 total)
Player B calls
Player C raises in ($275 total)

Gets back to Player B goes into the tank (not sure why!!!). Player C then says dude I have the nuts. The dealer immediatelly says "sir, you cant talk about your hand". Player C shuts up, but eventually gets B to fold.

Player A turns over J-9
Player C turns over SAME HAND.

What should the penalty, if any, be for player C obvouisly angle-shooting and lying during that hand?
Floor ruling, "You can't lie about your hand." Quote
11-16-2009 , 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by BoDiddleyMacau
Sounds like they took a page out of the rulebook of Australian poker rooms. They have some ridiculous rules about telling the truth/lying about your hand even in heads up pots.

I don't know specifics, maybe someone from there can explain because I've never quite understood it. All I know is that I get players yelling "He can't say what he has, his hand is dead" and citing the rules from Melbourne or Sydney.
In Australia its commonly known that you cant declare your hand (tell the truth) during the hand , im pretty sure this is to stop collusion .
And in sure this is just a wierd interpretation of the rules.

but ive never seen a hand called Dead due to this,
Floor ruling, "You can't lie about your hand." Quote
11-16-2009 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by yankee grinder
What should the penalty, if any, be for player C obvouisly angle-shooting and lying during that hand?
None, it's just table talk, and the action is effectively HU.

A's presence in the hand is irrelevant. He's all-in, so C's chatter didn't cost him any money from callers. Actually, it could cost A money because it might make B more likely to call with a bluff-catcher rather than eliminating part of the field.

I see the lie, obviously, but where's the angle shot you refer to, yankee grinder?
Floor ruling, "You can't lie about your hand." Quote
11-18-2009 , 10:40 AM
Here is the actual rule from Seneca which is posted around the room.

21. A player miscalling a hand with the intent to cause another player to act on their hand risks forfeiture of the pot and/or expulsion from the Poker Room.

This is a common rule. I don't know why everyone is so shocked. I agree you should be able to say whatever you want and even expose your cards when it's heads up. The fact is that poker rooms don't want that happening.

Here is the WSOP rule:
"Although verbal declarations as to the contents of a hand are not binding, deliberately miscalling a hand with the intent of causing another player to discard a winning hand is unethical and may result in forfeiture of the pot"
Floor ruling, "You can't lie about your hand." Quote
11-18-2009 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by SenecaDLR
Here is the actual rule from Seneca which is posted around the room.

21. A player miscalling a hand with the intent to cause another player to act on their hand risks forfeiture of the pot and/or expulsion from the Poker Room.

This is a common rule. I don't know why everyone is so shocked. I agree you should be able to say whatever you want and even expose your cards when it's heads up. The fact is that poker rooms don't want that happening.

Here is the WSOP rule:
"Although verbal declarations as to the contents of a hand are not binding, deliberately miscalling a hand with the intent of causing another player to discard a winning hand is unethical and may result in forfeiture of the pot"
The bold is the problem with the rule and why it is RARELY enforced. Notice the language. It is not a 100% "shall" but the ambigious 'maybe' language...

"Oh, I misread my hand" is the common excuse and the floor then gives a warning while reminding players that it is there responsibility to table their hands to win a pot.

But I do agree it is unethical but at the same time, I don't fall for that old trick and I always show my hand
Floor ruling, "You can't lie about your hand." Quote
11-18-2009 , 02:41 PM
some of those rules are about at showdown where you can lie about having a better hand than you do as it may make someone discard the winner. each casino makes its own rules but anytime the rules are different than the long established ones problems arise.
Floor ruling, "You can't lie about your hand." Quote
11-18-2009 , 04:28 PM
as long as its not at showdown I see no reason why you cant tell anyone what you have or what you don't have as long as its HU.
Floor ruling, "You can't lie about your hand." Quote
11-18-2009 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by pokerroomdude
If they did declare your hand dead you could tell them you didn't lie . Technically you do have an ACE it just happens to be the same one he has and its on the board. So you probably have JJJAX but there is an ACE in the hand you are playing.

It's kind of like saying you have a straight while holding 88 when the board is 10JQKA.

This is all true if you don't misrepresent your hand at showdown, but if heads up and before showdown I don't a problem with it.
Unless he had a hand like 55 trying to fold out bigger PPs.
Floor ruling, "You can't lie about your hand." Quote
