Originally Posted by Chaosti
wait...it seems like from the OP's description that it wasn't noticed that the cards were on the floor until showdown, and the player with that hand didn't say anything? And the cards happen to be the best hand? Fishy imho. If that's the case, then it should be a dead hand or go to the tape and verify for sure that no card switching occurred.
The problem is that this is someone who was told the story relaying it here.
It could been that as the player went to flip his cards they were knocked to the floor.
Originally Posted by Ramon Scott
Floor is called over to pick up the card and rules that it is just a dead card since it hit te ground and put into the deck, and the deck will be reshuffled. River comes something else, showdown occurs, and player "B" was open-ended King High. He hates the ruling and argues the river should've been the Ace since it was the card that came off the deck in the first place.
That is exactly what RROP says. If the card is dealt off the table it is dead.
This is what the floor said, however, seen as it was the river card, they allowed it to be put back into the deck.