I wouldn't say Foxwoods is the worst poker room room in the country, but it is clearly the worst big room in the country. I am always amazed when I hear about them having games like 75-150. They don't have the staff to handle a 3-6 game, so how do they handle 75-150?
They have been the only game in town for years. And they will run games that have enough interest to survive. So the people who play there pretty much decide whether they want to play big games or not.
I play mostly 20/40 LHE now - and there are relatively few problems. The players for the most part police the game. Recently there was an older woman dealer who got flustered and made about 4 bad mistakes in her down and several players walked her through the proper procedures (boxed card should be treated as paper and discarded, etc.).
I have seen horrendous Floor decisions at bigger games like 10/20 and 20/40 but one thing I will say for the Floors at FW. They do seem to be open to other opinions and I have seen veteran players take a Floor aside to explain what they did wrong and why, without embarrassing them publicly, and with the Floor listening intently.
Its probably much worse at 3/6 where players may not realize what proper procedure is and chaos ensues.