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Fake Bills & Missing Cards At Charity Event Fake Bills & Missing Cards At Charity Event

04-23-2010 , 01:45 AM
Originally Posted by MSPChris
This by far the worst shill thread I've seen ever in B&M. Worst as in completely full of posts from shills for competing poker "road show" games that sound pretty dodgy to begin with. AND worst as in total BS factor being spewed by the shills.

Enough!!! How much more bandwidth are we gonna waste before we start to see some locks and bans???
Here are the facts:

1)Fake bills have been passed on to players at Rockford Charitables. This has been confirmed by the owners themeselves. This is a true statement and occurence that they have since corrected according to them.

2) No one has given clear indication that the four kings theory is true. There has been a dealer who has worked at CCG who has heard about the rumor but can not confirm it.

The two deck shuffling system has been questioned by many with no clear understanding as to why they allow it?? Is it to speed up the game and increase the rakes.. Why do players have to deal when they are paying rake?? We just want some answers to some very simple questions.
04-23-2010 , 03:26 AM
Not only is paying rake and shuffling completely stupid. But please for gods sake, get tables slightly bigger than the shoe boxes that were playing on. I was sitting in the 1 seat not too long ago and was elbowed by the dealer nine (9) times. I also don't like having my knee jammed into some other dudes crotch.

RCG, no rails? wtf?
CCG, crap ass rails.

Those tables are uncomfortable as all hell. I can build a full size table, with casino quality rail for about 250 bucks. I can also fit 4 of them bad boys in my suburban.

Also, way to go RCG for ditching your chipco ceramics and buying nexgen pro clays. Kinda makes me wanna get some for $0.17 each and cash em out for a hefty profit. Also dice chips for the tournaments...tsk tsk. At least the cards are good, except for the fact they haven't been washed in god knows how long. They stick together like sperm in briefs and the paint is fading.

What I'm trying to say is, if I'm paying rake, I'd like to play comfortably and with good equipment.
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