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An exposed card that wasn't.. An exposed card that wasn't..

06-10-2016 , 12:34 AM
Playing 75 o8 and call a raise in kill with like 3458 some
Guy folds and a card is exposed, I say a black 3 flashed. Card gets mucked but not exposed and nobody says anything....

Flop is 333?

My initial reaction is to just call down whole hand and then of somebody has AA they lose same amount (or less) tha they would have without the error.
An exposed card that wasn't.. Quote
06-10-2016 , 12:46 AM
Are both black 3s on the flop? If so, easy out. If not, not sure what to do, that is a crazy fluke.

I generally also say when I think I see an exposed card, because it seems like the right thing to do. But I always know that I could have possibly been mistaken, and it could lead to a problem like this.
An exposed card that wasn't.. Quote
06-10-2016 , 02:01 AM
Eek. I'd say play as normal. It's not like you could have been planning some kind of angle. You tried to do an honest thing and made an honest mistake. You shouldn't have to give away your hand or sacrifice value just because the dealer didn't check your information.

A more interesting question to me is what the dealer should have done here. I've seen exposed cards handled pretty differently in a lot of cases.
An exposed card that wasn't.. Quote
06-10-2016 , 04:31 AM
How sure are you the card that flashed was a 3 and not a 2 or a 5 instead?
An exposed card that wasn't.. Quote
06-10-2016 , 09:03 AM
Originally Posted by ITT666
How sure are you the card that flashed was a 3 and not a 2 or a 5 instead?
After seeing the flop he was pretty sure the card wasn't a 3. That's the whole point of the thread

It's a super weird situation, but since you clearly didn't angle, I'd play the hand out normal. Imagine what a different player at the table would have done if he had the 3 in his hand and heard your announcement.
An exposed card that wasn't.. Quote
06-10-2016 , 10:29 AM
Depending on the speed of the situation I will say "I think I saw a small black card" and see how the rest of the table and dealer want to handle it.

FWIW .. I announced I saw a black 3 the other day and it ended up being a black 8!! Oops ... GL
An exposed card that wasn't.. Quote
06-10-2016 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by madlex
After seeing the flop he was pretty sure the card wasn't a 3. That's the whole point of the thread

It's a super weird situation, but since you clearly didn't angle, I'd play the hand out normal. Imagine what a different player at the table would have done if he had the 3 in his hand and heard your announcement.
I was reading it as, he thought it was a foul deck situation with 5 3's in the deck.
An exposed card that wasn't.. Quote
06-10-2016 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by Jon_locke
Playing 75 o8 and call a raise in kill with like 3458 some
Guy folds and a card is exposed, I say a black 3 flashed. Card gets mucked but not exposed and nobody says anything....

Flop is 333?

My initial reaction is to just call down whole hand and then of somebody has AA they lose same amount (or less) tha they would have without the error.
Heh, funny situation. If no one heard or acknowledged you at all (this happens to me a lot), I'd play as is. If it's pretty clear you called out a 3 and this flop rolls out I'd literally just say "heh, maybe it wasn't a 3". I'm pretty sure that covers any moral violation you're thinking of.

If you want to make it a good game / be a fun player, say, "maybe it wasn't a 3". Then look at your cards, say "nope, couldn't have been a 3", and bet.

As for bolded, I'm impressed you are even attempting to be ethical here. Most wouldnt. So kudos.
An exposed card that wasn't.. Quote
06-10-2016 , 01:29 PM
If no one said "nice lay down" when they saw the flop, then no one heard you.
An exposed card that wasn't.. Quote
06-10-2016 , 01:47 PM
If this was at Rio, I would actually not be surprised if there was an extra 3 in the deck. I have personally seen a duplicate card in a $1k NLHE event and have also heard from others that this has happened. With the amateur staffing and no automatic shufflers counting the deck each hand, this kind of thing does occur.
An exposed card that wasn't.. Quote
06-10-2016 , 02:11 PM
1) Yes, depending on where this was, it very easily could have been a fouled deck.

2) IME, at least 50% of the time when someone says they saw a card flash, and they say what they think it is, they are wrong. I only speak up when I am certain I saw a specific card.

3) Kudos for attempting to be ethical.

4) I don't think you're under any obligation to behave differently here, but if it was me, I would probably do what Avaritia said.
An exposed card that wasn't.. Quote
06-10-2016 , 02:28 PM
For being certain you see a black 3 you should also be able to say if it was spades or clubs. Not seeing that indicates the value could also be different.

I'd say not to declare if not exactly certain. Maybe try to profit a little less from the hand, out of ethical reasons

Driving this a bit further we could principally end up with something like "I saw something black, fairly sure no paint". That is also information. Doesn't sound feasible. Somebody speaking up every second hand.

Last edited by plaaynde; 06-10-2016 at 02:39 PM.
An exposed card that wasn't.. Quote
06-12-2016 , 10:47 AM
Can someone decipher the OP for me please. I am very confused with what is going on. Thank you.
An exposed card that wasn't.. Quote
06-12-2016 , 11:09 AM
I would bet and say "whoops the exposed card wasnt a 3 I have quads sry (lol)", table the winner, ask the dealer to make sure the deck isn't foul.

Only way to keep the game friendly, easy for a recreational to mis interpret your actions if you play it out normal (omg angles) and turn game into worse mood.

And yeah if I ever run into those spots I usually call the exposed card by the spot or just say "it was a 2 or a 3 i think" etc, less chance you run into a wacky spot.

edit - calling down against AA you can get accused of colluding too
An exposed card that wasn't.. Quote
06-12-2016 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by 2013
Can someone decipher the OP for me please. I am very confused with what is going on. Thank you.
hero is playing 75/150 o8 and is dealt 3458

a card is flashed, hero thinks it was a 3 and tells the table.

the flop comes 333.

so now either the deck is foul (five threes) or hero accidently misled the table into thinking that nobody could have quads
An exposed card that wasn't.. Quote
06-12-2016 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
If no one said "nice lay down" when they saw the flop, then no one heard you.
An exposed card that wasn't.. Quote
06-12-2016 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by Clayton
hero is playing 75/150 o8 and is dealt 3458

a card is flashed, hero thinks it was a 3 and tells the table.

the flop comes 333.

so now either the deck is foul (five threes) or hero accidently misled the table into thinking that nobody could have quads
An exposed card that wasn't.. Quote
06-12-2016 , 06:52 PM
I would just call down and then re-evaluate my confidence in what I saw.

If you don't have sufficient confidence in what you saw, you probably shouldn't say anything to begin with. Like I often see cards that flash where I only catch a tidbit, e.g., black pips and either 3 or 4 pips on the outside rows. I don't feel compelled to speak up in those cases. I also feel less compelled to speak up when the card tumbles in air and everyone got the same chance to see it, as opposed to a case where I saw something because of my location.
An exposed card that wasn't.. Quote
06-12-2016 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by callipygian
I would just call down and then re-evaluate my confidence in what I saw.

If you don't have sufficient confidence in what you saw, you probably shouldn't say anything to begin with. Like I often see cards that flash where I only catch a tidbit, e.g., black pips and either 3 or 4 pips on the outside rows. I don't feel compelled to speak up in those cases. I also feel less compelled to speak up when the card tumbles in air and everyone got the same chance to see it, as opposed to a case where I saw something because of my location.
Tumbling in the air it still depends on your position if you could see it or not.
An exposed card that wasn't.. Quote
06-12-2016 , 09:36 PM
People are very often wrong about flashed cards. I was dead sure one time I saw a red 5 flash, turned out it was a black 8. Anyone who took what you said to the bank and lost money because of it is out of luck. Play the hand out normally and apologize later.

Dealer should not flip a card up unless he or she knows exactly which card was exposed based on where it landed. Maybe if it's between two cards it's ok, but if it's 20 cards in a pile picking through it could give people information they shouldn't have.

1) Let's say you know it was 3C and the dealer pulls out 3S. You now know two 3's are dead but nobody else does.
2) Dealer looks through all mucked cards and finds no 3. Now everyone knows it's more likely other players have them. Same issue if they report finding both black 3's.

I'd say in the future if you see something flash try to track where it lands and say "That card right there flashed." rather than attempting to say what it was.
An exposed card that wasn't.. Quote
06-12-2016 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by Reducto
People are very often wrong about flashed cards.
One time I was playing a hand in the 2 seat when everyone folded to my bet. I must have appeared to have lifted my cards when folding because someone across the table invoked SOSA.

I knew I hadn't revealed my cards to a subset of players, so I told the guy I was not going to show all what I was sure to have shown none, and then I buried my hand into an unprotected muck.

The dealer was not pleased, and neither was the guy who demanded SOSA. To help rectify the situation, the 1, 3, and 4 seats all told the other player what they had seen.

All three were stated confidently, all three were different, and none correctly identified the ranks of my cards.
An exposed card that wasn't.. Quote
06-12-2016 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by albedoa

All three were stated confidently, all three were different, and none correctly identified the ranks of my cards.
Ever cross your mind that the three just named any two cards to shut the idiot up?
An exposed card that wasn't.. Quote
06-12-2016 , 11:24 PM
Eh. I would have made Dealer flip over card if I thought I saw it. Now I think you have to say something. I'd show the three and let him take his bet back and keep the rest.
An exposed card that wasn't.. Quote
06-13-2016 , 05:37 AM
Originally Posted by AngusThermopyle
Ever cross your mind that the three just named any two cards to shut the idiot up?
Yup, up to the point when they started arguing with each other over it 😅
An exposed card that wasn't.. Quote
