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Dwan Vs Ziigmund raising all in with king 2 flush draw Dwan Vs Ziigmund raising all in with king 2 flush draw

09-09-2009 , 07:20 PM
In poker after dark series 6 ep.1

theres a hand where ivey tries stealing the pot with nothing for like8k i think, dwan calls with a king 2 flush draw (no king or 2 on the flop but 2 diamonds) and zigmund raises with jack high flush draw to 40k - then dwan re raises all in to about 100k (no ace and no card above 10 on the flop)

you can even see the look on ziigmunds face that he was a bit gutted, didnt expect it to happen

But my question is (iff you remember the hand) why do you think dwan did this?

The only reason i can think this is that ziigmund knew ivey was stealing & knew dwan was on a flush draw - but then in turn dwan also knew ziigmund knew this and was re raising knowing ziigmund had air- so either an excellent read by dwan

Orrrr before people go ona bout what an incredible play it was... ive had this happen to me before (im sitting there with pocket queens on a jack high flush draw flop) 1 person bets - another calls (and i thought 1 is stealing the other is flush drawing... plus i have pocket queens...) so i obviously raised - then the other guy re raised all in for slightly more... then the iother guy shoved and... at this point im thinking ah... then i still call anyway

turns out the 1st guy hit bottom pair (so what he was doing i dontknow) and the 2nd guy did have a flush draw (my queens held)

my point being... dwans play could also be seen as a total donk play as well?? And... finally, maybe he plays his king high flush draw as if it was ace king flush draw, with the king being an overcard to the flop and so on

what do you think?
Dwan Vs Ziigmund raising all in with king 2 flush draw Quote
09-09-2009 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by super_dave31
what do you think?
my mom once told to me to shut just up when you have nothing nice to say about some1!
Dwan Vs Ziigmund raising all in with king 2 flush draw Quote
09-09-2009 , 07:56 PM
looks like to me dwan just said "fk it, lets gamble" to himself and shoved
Dwan Vs Ziigmund raising all in with king 2 flush draw Quote
09-09-2009 , 07:58 PM
Its a semi bluff. I gutsy one considering he didnt have the nut draw. The reason he did it is thats how he plays. Super aggresive.

I still dont like Zigs call though.
Dwan Vs Ziigmund raising all in with king 2 flush draw Quote
09-09-2009 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by JohnyCrash

I still dont like Zigs call though.


he alrdy invested like 45k, the pot was over 150k, and he's gotta call like 50k

easy call imo
Dwan Vs Ziigmund raising all in with king 2 flush draw Quote
09-09-2009 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by CruiseR-

he alrdy invested like 45k, the pot was over 150k, and he's gotta call like 50k

easy call imo
Throwing good money after bad imo. Considering he is a substantial dog if Dwan has even a lowly pair of deuces.

But he is super rich and to them its not alot of money.
Dwan Vs Ziigmund raising all in with king 2 flush draw Quote
09-09-2009 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by JohnyCrash
Throwing good money after bad imo. Considering he is a substantial dog if Dwan has even a lowly pair of deuces.

But he is super rich and to them its not alot of money.
Not when you bet 50k on the colour of the flop.
Dwan Vs Ziigmund raising all in with king 2 flush draw Quote
09-09-2009 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by Plow_King27
Not when you bet 50k on the colour of the flop.
Those silly prop bets are ruining the show. If the stakes are not high enough for them why not raise the stakes so that these pros are interested?
Dwan Vs Ziigmund raising all in with king 2 flush draw Quote
09-09-2009 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by super_dave31
my point being... dwans play could also be seen as a total donk play as well?? And... finally, maybe he plays his king high flush draw as if it was ace king flush draw, with the king being an overcard to the flop and so on
You realize a kicker doesn't really matter with flush draws, right?
Originally Posted by JohnyCrash
Those silly prop bets are ruining the show. If the stakes are not high enough for them why not raise the stakes so that these pros are interested?
They still prop bet in Bobby's room when they're playing $2k/4k PLO or whatever insanely high stakes they're playing. Raising the stakes isn't going to end the props.
Dwan Vs Ziigmund raising all in with king 2 flush draw Quote
09-09-2009 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by otatop
You realize a kicker doesn't really matter with flush draws, right?
They still prop bet in Bobby's room when they're playing $2k/4k PLO or whatever insanely high stakes they're playing. Raising the stakes isn't going to end the props.

I understand that. My point is that they look bored and their prop bets are bigger then most of the pots.
Dwan Vs Ziigmund raising all in with king 2 flush draw Quote
09-09-2009 , 11:13 PM
After reviewing that session, Durr states to HL that since he called PI's raise that he should not have two diamonds. What is his reasoning here? With a flat call I would have put him on a flush draw. What am I missing?
Dwan Vs Ziigmund raising all in with king 2 flush draw Quote
09-09-2009 , 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by otatop
You realize a kicker doesn't really matter with flush draws, right?
Um kicker matters a ton with a flushdraw. KQdd would be stronger than K2dd because the queen is a whole lot more likely to be a clean out than the 2.
Dwan Vs Ziigmund raising all in with king 2 flush draw Quote
09-09-2009 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by gt222
After reviewing that session, Durr states to HL that since he called PI's raise that he should not have two diamonds. What is his reasoning here? With a flat call I would have put him on a flush draw. What am I missing?
I would assume he meant because he is almost always raising diamonds in that spot.
Dwan Vs Ziigmund raising all in with king 2 flush draw Quote
09-09-2009 , 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by JohnyCrash
Throwing good money after bad imo. Considering he is a substantial dog if Dwan has even a lowly pair of deuces.

But he is super rich and to them its not alot of money.
Huh? Two overs and a flush draw is a 57% fav over 22.
Dwan Vs Ziigmund raising all in with king 2 flush draw Quote
09-10-2009 , 12:08 AM
I dont think Zigmund knew Dwan was on a flush draw, he made his 40,000$ after Dwan didnt raise flop figuring both were weak and was committed to call the reraise allin.

As for Dwan i think he, again, wasnt folding to the 40,000 bet and its going to be a huge pot if he calls, so he figured hed jam putting Ziidmund on possible draws or marginal hands that give him some additional fold equity.
Dwan Vs Ziigmund raising all in with king 2 flush draw Quote
09-10-2009 , 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by zizek
Huh? Two overs and a flush draw is a 57% fav over 22.
I knew it was a mistake after I posted it. I stand corrected.
Dwan Vs Ziigmund raising all in with king 2 flush draw Quote
09-10-2009 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by JohnyCrash
Those silly prop bets are ruining the show. If the stakes are not high enough for them why not raise the stakes so that these pros are interested?
they still do it in bobbys room.

i guess it's what you get when you ask those guys to be on the show.

personally i dont mind the prop bet. $50k coinflip is actually fun to watch imo. lol.
Dwan Vs Ziigmund raising all in with king 2 flush draw Quote
09-10-2009 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by wubbie412
they still do it in bobbys room.

i guess it's what you get when you ask those guys to be on the show.

personally i dont mind the prop bet. $50k coinflip is actually fun to watch imo. lol.
Fair enough. But besides that one prop between Ivey and Zig, the rest are not explained so half the shows dialog is not understandable.
Dwan Vs Ziigmund raising all in with king 2 flush draw Quote
09-10-2009 , 01:20 AM
Unless the prop bet is actually something interesting, I don't get it. Red or black flop? Are we in Grade 3? How is that interesting?
Dwan Vs Ziigmund raising all in with king 2 flush draw Quote
09-10-2009 , 02:25 AM
such a sad thread
Dwan Vs Ziigmund raising all in with king 2 flush draw Quote
09-10-2009 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by JohnyCrash
Its a semi bluff. I gutsy one considering he didnt have the nut draw. The reason he did it is thats how he plays. Super aggresive.

I still dont like Zigs call though.
Bahahahaha IDIOT
Dwan Vs Ziigmund raising all in with king 2 flush draw Quote
09-10-2009 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by JohnyCrash
Throwing good money after bad imo. Considering he is a substantial dog if Dwan has even a lowly pair of deuces.

But he is super rich and to them its not alot of money.
OmG... FD + 2 overs is favorite over bottom pair moron.
Dwan Vs Ziigmund raising all in with king 2 flush draw Quote
09-10-2009 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by savatage
I dont think Zigmund knew Dwan was on a flush draw
Yes indeed, that would be the worst reason ever to raise with his own J high FD. He thought dwan had some mediocre one pair hand.
Dwan Vs Ziigmund raising all in with king 2 flush draw Quote
09-10-2009 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by jack492505
Um kicker matters a ton with a flushdraw. KQdd would be stronger than K2dd because the queen is a whole lot more likely to be a clean out than the 2.
Um, if both players have the Kd, we have a problem with the deck.
Dwan Vs Ziigmund raising all in with king 2 flush draw Quote
09-10-2009 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by gt222
After reviewing that session, Durr states to HL that since he called PI's raise that he should not have two diamonds. What is his reasoning here? With a flat call I would have put him on a flush draw. What am I missing?
Durr was preflop raiser and considering his style of play if he has 2 diamonds there facing a lead into him he raises a substantial amount of time.

WHile others flatcall with flush draws, theyre more likely to raise when they were preflop raiser, and if its durr then i think he raises like 80% of the time if not more (i suck at giving percentages).

No way Ziigmund puts Durr on flush draw there, and Iveys lead doesnt mean much, and hes still got equity in case someone comes along, theres no way he can put someone else on higher flush draw.

After DUrr raises allin Ziig has to call, its a ridiculously easy call.
Dwan Vs Ziigmund raising all in with king 2 flush draw Quote
