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Dumbest plays you've ever seen live Dumbest plays you've ever seen live

06-07-2012 , 09:41 PM
Ive had a guy at Choctaw casino in Oklahoma play 2/5 just jam 1k+ into guys cbet with Ax on AQJsss board multiple times trying to "protect" his hand
Dumbest plays you've ever seen live Quote
06-08-2012 , 12:23 PM
Live Tournament, 2nd level, blinds 50/100 no ante.

Villain is an older man in his 50's or 60's and I have never played with him before. The only thing I know of him is that he limps in a lot and calls way too much but usually gives up on the river. He's seen me raise 3 or 4 times since the tourney started so he probably already just assumes I'm a young aggressive bluffer. 10K effective stacks

Villain is in MP and limps in, two more limpers behind...Hero is in CO and pops it to 350 with AA. Folds to Villain who calls and the other limpers fold.

Flop is Q 6 4 rainbow. Villain donks 250, Hero raises to 750. Villain calls. Turn is 2. Villain bets 1200, Hero raises to 3400. Villain calls. River is a 10 and Villain checks. Hero tanks for 10 seconds then shoves. Villain snap calls and turns up AJ for no pair, no draw, no nothing. I honestly was confused. I asked him if he thought he had AQ? and he gives me a dirty look and walks away.
Dumbest plays you've ever seen live Quote
06-08-2012 , 09:21 PM
Posted this in another thread but this one is probably more appropriate.

I've seen a lot of really dumb plays, but after this one I have no room to talk. So I'll nominate myself for the dumbest play.

A few days ago in a 2-5 game I called off $100 on the river with jack high.

V was drunk and playing very agressively, but we have played quite a few hands together over time, and I don't expect him to run a stone bluff against me. Effective stacks are about $400.

V straddled, several limpers and I called the straddle from BB with J-9h. Flop was Q, T, 2 with one heart. I check, V bet the flop $25, rest folded, I called (could have raised of course but decided not to). Turn was A rainbow. I checked, V bet $50 I called. I never looked back at my hand and somehow I was saying in my mind after the turn "ok if it's a K or a 7 on the river I'm probably good". River 7 rolled off, I checked again and he bet 100, and I was thinking - hmm, should I shove my bottom straight or not? He could have KJ, and probably would not call a shove with worse than the same straight (he was drunk but he's not a fish). I wimped out and called - he showed two pair and I rolled over my jack high, noticing at that point that I had completely misread the hand/board situation. A couple of regular opponents said - "wow you called with Jack high - must have had a read". And I had to say, no just being a moron.

As we all know if you think you are playing your A game you should play on. But what if you are playing your F game, but it's early and still looks like a good game? I played on
Dumbest plays you've ever seen live Quote
06-09-2012 , 05:00 PM
I did a stupid thing back when I was new to live poker. I would listen to my ipod at the table (stupid thing to do, but I was younger then). I didn't have it on very loud but I guess it was loud enough to mess me up on this hand.

I don't remember the hand i was actually holding, but I know it was the absolute nuts on the turn and there had already been a lot of action. The pot was somewhere around $800. On the turn I check-raised the only guy in the pot. and we each had about 500 behind. He called the check-raise and the river card was a blank.

On the river I wanted to check-raise him again (another silly poker play I've gotten rid of...the slow play). I checked, and he thought for about 5 seconds and then I saw him make a hand motion that resembled a backhanded sweep towards the middle of the table, just above his chips. I also thought I heard him say all-in.

I immediately yelled out "I Call!" and threw my two cards face up. I was expecting a huge payday and all I got was a strange look from everyone and the dealer saying "your opponent never raised." The guy was offered the opportunity to check, raise, or muck. He chose to muck
Dumbest plays you've ever seen live Quote
06-09-2012 , 05:37 PM
Another one, this one is worse than the last one.

Bounty tournament, level 3, blinds are 100/200, average stack around 6000.

Folded round to Button, button limps
Sb folds, BB raises to 600, button flats.
Flop Kd7h9h
BB bets 1000 into 1300 pot
button flats
Turn 3c
BB bets 1000
Button flats
River Kh
BB bets 500 into 3300 pot
Button flats
Button shows 6c3d for two pair KK339
BB mucks.
Dumbest plays you've ever seen live Quote
06-09-2012 , 07:54 PM
Played a 1-2 NL cash game at Showboat in AC 6 months ago. Guy raises to 12$ pre-flop, gets back to a lady in the BB and she calls, everyone else folds and the flop comes J-10-4...initial raiser fires 20$, she makes it 40$, he thinks for about a minute and calls, turn is a 6, he checks, she bets 50$, he folds pocket 10s face up...he was right, she had a set of Jacks but if you're seriously going to fold that hand there then why not just stay home? Its the best and dumbest fold I think I've ever seen.
Dumbest plays you've ever seen live Quote
06-09-2012 , 09:39 PM
I had been at the $1/$3 table for four orbits or so, and hadn't seen this one guy raise a single pot. All of a sudden he makes it $100 to go UTG. Folds to the BTN who makes it $300 to go. UTG shoves for $1200 and the BTN calls. UTG obv flips over AA and BTN sighs and tables AKs.
Dumbest plays you've ever seen live Quote
06-11-2012 , 03:10 AM
I'm still not sure what happened here....and I can't recall the exact cards but:

2 players have been raising each other on all the streets, there's a big flush draw (4 hearts on the board). Pot is about $600 total.
Player 1 on the river checks but forgets he's the first to act and flips his cards over thinking he's at the showdown.
Player 2 and everyone else at the table are dumbfounded.
Player 1 shows 2 pair.
Player 2 goes all in with another $200 approx. and puts Player 1 all-in.
Player 1 CALLS........

Even though player 2 has seen his cards and goes all in the other guy calls...
Of course player 2 has the nut flush with ace of hearts.

Why the **** would you call a bet where the other player has seen your cards and is willing to put in another $200 which obviously means he has him beat....?

That was amazing.
Dumbest plays you've ever seen live Quote
06-11-2012 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by harborlaw387
I haven't seen anything particularly crazy before, I've seen calls with K high OTR from people which ended up being good.

One thing I see quite often is I'll be bluffing when I raise the flop and c-bet the turn, then when the river comes my opponent who is first to act just openly mucks his hand before I act. Or something that happens less often but still happens is I check the river and they muck instantly. A lot of those times I have like 9 high and their hands are likely good. Usually I just muck and make up a mediocre hand saying I was going to bet anyways. For some reason this happens to me quite often. The most recent time I had JTs and raised 55 pre only villain calls, 8,9,3r flop, I checked and villain bets 100 otf and I reraise to 300, villain calls.. 4 ott, villain checks and I bet 600, villain calls. When the river came a 9 I planned on checking back or folding, but he instantly open mucks JT, which would've chopped a nearly 2k pot. This actually happens more often than imagined.
I was in the SB in a 1/2 game. I flop a bd str8 and bd flush draw with 35dd. I check, BB checks button checks. Turn gives me 4d so i have an open ended str flush draw. I bet, BB calls, button folds. BB had just sat down and not one to bluff in tiny pots I check the end.

I flip up right away and he looks at his hand. Axdd and mucks. I win with 5 high!

Yeah checking the river was the worst play I ever saw.
Dumbest plays you've ever seen live Quote
06-12-2012 , 10:03 AM
Playing 1/2 cash the other night, villain raises button, I call in bb with a7s.
flop 765. he bets, I call.
Turn 6, he checks, I bet, he calls.
River 5. He checks, i bet 3/4 pot, expecting a call from ace high.
He snaps me off, and I'm slightly worried about an overpair now.
I table my hand, he takes a look, and then shows.... 44?
The strangest thing was, he tabled his hand like he thought it was good. The look on his face when I got pushed the pot...
Dumbest plays you've ever seen live Quote
06-12-2012 , 02:57 PM
Mike_McDee, Ive seen similar plays so often its ridiculous... once some dude called All-in on the river with 55 when the board was like 77776 or something like that

obv the guy who shoved had the A kicker
Dumbest plays you've ever seen live Quote
06-14-2012 , 04:58 PM
Bounty tourney, first hand.

Starting stacks 5000, blinds 25/50.

Folded round to seat six.
Seat six opens for 1000 (20x BB)
Seat seven flats
Everyone else folds
Flop AK4 rainbow
Seat six checks seat seven checks
Turn 10
Seat six bets 1000
Seat seven folds
Seat six shows K7

My head hurts.
Dumbest plays you've ever seen live Quote
06-14-2012 , 06:08 PM
Playing at a table for about 2 hours when a lady sits down. She buys in for 200, and hasn't raised a pot (pre or post) in about 4 orbits. On this hand in MP she raises 20 pre-flop. Guy to my right instantly re-raises for 50. Fold around to the lady who calls.

Flop 4-5-7 rainbow. Lady goes all in for ~130. Guy insta-calls. Lady flips pocket Aces, guy flips 3-6 offsuit.

$50 re-raise pre-flop with 3-6 offsuit and you flop a straight??? Unreal
Dumbest plays you've ever seen live Quote
06-15-2012 , 06:29 AM
Originally Posted by yg13
Playing at a table for about 2 hours when a lady sits down. She buys in for 200, and hasn't raised a pot (pre or post) in about 4 orbits. On this hand in MP she raises 20 pre-flop. Guy to my right instantly re-raises for 50. Fold around to the lady who calls.

Flop 4-5-7 rainbow. Lady goes all in for ~130. Guy insta-calls. Lady flips pocket Aces, guy flips 3-6 offsuit.

$50 re-raise pre-flop with 3-6 offsuit and you flop a straight??? Unreal
The dumb play there was her calling, not him making a move.
Dumbest plays you've ever seen live Quote
06-15-2012 , 07:16 AM
Originally Posted by m1l
The dumb play there was her calling, then not checking the flop so he could bluff if his range that wide, not him making a move.
Dumbest plays you've ever seen live Quote
06-15-2012 , 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by FromACtoLV
I'm playing 2/5 at Borgata. I'm small blind with 9-9. There's 6 limpers and I know if I raise at least 4 are calling so I just limp.

Flop comes 9-9-7 (WOW!)

I check, a guy in mid position bets $30, I'm the only caller.

Turn 7

I check and villain bets $100 and I call

river x

I bet $50 and villain shoves for his last $80.

I am positive he has 7-7 and we've hit the bad beat. I was wrong.

He turns over A-7 and says "I didn't think you had a 9."

Really? What did you think I kept calling you with?
AA, KK, QQ, JJ, TT, 88, T8, 86, 76, 87, and possibly 9x.
Dumbest plays you've ever seen live Quote
06-15-2012 , 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by SaintTino
Live Tournament, 2nd level, blinds 50/100 no ante.

Villain is an older man in his 50's or 60's and I have never played with him before. The only thing I know of him is that he limps in a lot and calls way too much but usually gives up on the river. He's seen me raise 3 or 4 times since the tourney started so he probably already just assumes I'm a young aggressive bluffer. 10K effective stacks

Villain is in MP and limps in, two more limpers behind...Hero is in CO and pops it to 350 with AA. Folds to Villain who calls and the other limpers fold.

Flop is Q 6 4 rainbow. Villain donks 250, Hero raises to 750. Villain calls. Turn is 2. Villain bets 1200, Hero raises to 3400. Villain calls. River is a 10 and Villain checks. Hero tanks for 10 seconds then shoves. Villain snap calls and turns up AJ for no pair, no draw, no nothing. I honestly was confused. I asked him if he thought he had AQ? and he gives me a dirty look and walks away.
WOW! What a freaking super donk-fish.
Dumbest plays you've ever seen live Quote
06-15-2012 , 09:09 AM
Live sng, lol small buyin:

Stacks about 1500, i raise from CO with 45o, BB calls.
Flop is 784r, he donks small, i call. The turn is a 6, he bets again, i jam, he insta calls and slams his cards at the table as if he had the nuts. He had J9o.
Dumbest plays you've ever seen live Quote
06-15-2012 , 09:18 AM
Originally Posted by Alficor1
Live sng, lol small buyin:

Stacks about 1500, i raise from CO with 45o, BB calls.
Flop is 784r, he donks small, i call. The turn is a 6, he bets again, i jam, he insta calls and slams his cards at the table as if he had the nuts. He had J9o.
lolwat the f...
Dumbest plays you've ever seen live Quote
06-16-2012 , 03:49 AM
Well this isn't the dumbest thing I've ever seen, but it was pretty dumb, and funny to boot:

Live 6/12 limit holdem. Several players have built up a massive pot by the turn, which shows QJT2 rainbow. There are three players left.

First player checks.

Next player bets, and flashes a K, as if to suggest that he has the straight. Dealer admonishes him for flashing cards while there is a third player in the hand.

Third player tanks for a bit, and (despite the dealer's admonishment 20 seconds ago) holds up his QJ for the whole table to see. Then he folds, while grinning as if to say "Look at what a great laydown I'm making!" This, despite the fact that he still has four outs to a full house, and the pot is laying him about 30-to-1. Other player calls.

Naturally, the river comes a J. Dude who flashed a K takes it down with KT. Third moron was like:

He then spent several minutes explaining to the table why it was such a good laydown...

Last edited by MApoker; 06-16-2012 at 04:00 AM.
Dumbest plays you've ever seen live Quote
06-16-2012 , 03:57 AM
Playing the 1k WSOP last week.

I called a lead from the blind on the turn with 43hh on AJ85hh board.
Check from him after he plays with his chips. I can't tell if a bluff will work so I just check it back (poor/nitty play).
He looks at the dealer "Do I have to show or can I just muck?"
Me -silence
Dealer -"You can just fold"
Him-"Yea then I fold"
Me-"I wanted to bet but I didn't trust you not to check raise" (just for fun- sounded fishy enough in my mind)-fold without showing/win pot

Same tournament-
Folds to SB who folds AJcc face up to my BB

Same tournament-
Folds to Bu who minraise. Same sb makes it 12x with AA and shows it, then looks at me and says "I would have folded if he didn't raise" (I believed him too).
Dumbest plays you've ever seen live Quote
06-16-2012 , 04:08 AM
NLH circuit event. 1st level deep stack. Seat 10 raises utg w/ AA. I call from seat 1 w/ JJ. Another player calls from the button. Jxx flop. AA bets. I call, button calls. J on turn. Bet, call, call. A on rvr. Aces full bets. I raise, button folds. Aces full mucks face up and reaches for the pot. He never knew I was in the hand. He thought his river bet took it down. Cost me his stack.
Dumbest plays you've ever seen live Quote
06-16-2012 , 11:41 AM
Last night a young college kid was heads up with an older lady.

He was betting pot on every street and she just kept on calling until he finally shoved the river.

Board was 4610 6 9

She calls the shove and he smiles and slams down Q 5 thinking he won. haha.

She had 10 J.

Then he starts cussing saying that he thought he had Q 6. What a fish.

Last edited by Empowerment; 06-16-2012 at 11:42 AM. Reason: ....
Dumbest plays you've ever seen live Quote
06-16-2012 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by PokerZombie

Same tournament-
Folds to SB who folds AJcc face up to my BB
Was playing in a small home game doubles tourney a few weeks ago.

We're 4 handed. Technically not the bubble since it paid top 3 and we agreed to give 4th their buyin back.

My partner is playing for us and we have a huge CL. Blinds are 1k/2k (we have over 200k). Partner is in the BB. Folds to the SB who has like 25k and he tanks forever. Finally after a minute he folds his SB.

SB - You have pocket 7s beat?
Partner - Uh, no
SB - Damn... Nice bet.
Dumbest plays you've ever seen live Quote
06-16-2012 , 01:45 PM
I was playing in casino Niagara and I flopped a set of Jacks. the board was AJ569. I bet approx half the others guy chips on the river (1/2 the pot) and he called. I threw my jacks face up and the guy folded and said "pretty sick I had the flush draw and the nut str8 draw" Im like you had 10q? He's like no 78 pretty brutal miss I shoulda shipped it all in. Im like wtf nice level but someone says dude its too late now but you hit your str8. He grabs the cards that were in the muck the dealer was taking a drink had some sort of throat issue where he could drink at the table.. so took him longer to collect the cards and turns them face up. He felt like a pretty big idiot when he showed the table he mucked the winning hand.

Playing $5/$10 plo and had the nut flush the board was Aq568. I bet $300 (pot was $450) on the river and the guy called and said split it up. He turned over his cards and he had 23910. He thought it was plo8 which is pretty odd considering this casino didnt offer that game.

Last edited by Byrung; 06-16-2012 at 01:52 PM. Reason: added
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