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Donk calls me a vag. What's my play? Donk calls me a vag. What's my play?

11-19-2008 , 01:32 AM
At a local cardroom playing $1/2 NL

Disregard how I played the hand

3 limpers to me in the CO and I limp 7c5c...button & both blinds are in

Flop comes Kc Qc 3s

BB pushes all in for $15 and everyone folds to me and I call

Button raises to $80

I fold after about 10 seconds, and old guy sitting beside me who is a terrible player and down 3 buy ins since I sat down 45 mins ago turns up my cards in the muck and sees I folded a flush draw

He then gives me a WTF look and says "Why didnt you call? Are you a fkn pussy?" in a serious tone which gets a laugh out of most of the table. He then mumbles to himself about me whenever I'm in a pot. I'd normally shoot back but the guy is a donk so I don't want to say anything to get him to leave.

Whats the proper play here?
11-19-2008 , 01:36 AM
KITN for flipping over your cards firstly. secondly, same thing you did. you wanna keep this guy around.
11-19-2008 , 01:43 AM
This whole not wanting to say anything to a "donk" so he doesn't leave thing needs to stop. The guy called you a pussy. Ask yourself what you'd do if another man calls you a pussy in public, and you have your answer. If it's kick his ass, fine. If it's ignore it and be a gentleman, fine.

The point is he disrespected you and him being a "donk" is no excuse, and most people who use that excuse wouldn't say anything to the best player at the table either. You were afraid to say anything, are a non-confrontational person, or simply didn't want to get into a fight for the first time since middle school. Just say that and not "LOLZ I DIDNT WANNA SCARE THE DONK AWAY GUYZ".
11-19-2008 , 01:45 AM
This guy once spit food in my face and then ripped up pictures of my family I had in my wallet, as well as pocketing all the money I had in said wallet. I ignored it because he was a donk. Right play, guys?
11-19-2008 , 01:48 AM
I agree with Papi.

But then again I don't earn my living from poker. However, it seems as if poker players will total give up any self respect and eat shirt if it means keeping a 'fish' happy and at the table.

There is no shortage of bad, polite players around,myself included. Obnoxious, overbearing poker players need to be treated in the same way as any other dbag in another walk of life.
11-19-2008 , 01:52 AM
Originally Posted by Papi Shasho
This guy once spit food in my face and then ripped up pictures of my family I had in my wallet, as well as pocketing all the money I had in said wallet. I ignored it because he was a donk. Right play, guys?
I hope you let him have sex with your wife also
11-19-2008 , 01:59 AM
Originally Posted by Papi Shasho
This whole not wanting to say anything to a "donk" so he doesn't leave thing needs to stop. The guy called you a pussy. Ask yourself what you'd do if another man calls you a pussy in public, and you have your answer. If it's kick his ass, fine. If it's ignore it and be a gentleman, fine.

The point is he disrespected you and him being a "donk" is no excuse, and most people who use that excuse wouldn't say anything to the best player at the table either. You were afraid to say anything, are a non-confrontational person, or simply didn't want to get into a fight for the first time since middle school. Just say that and not "LOLZ I DIDNT WANNA SCARE THE DONK AWAY GUYZ".
FWIW the guy was really old and one punch/aggressive contact might have literally killed him or hurt him real bad. Yes he disrespected me I get that and I should have done something but at the time it didn't bother me too much. It was only until the mumbling I started tilting a bit.

I'm not excusing myself, I just don't see anything good coming out of that situation if I chew him out verbally, or in a last resort - hit him. But yes, I didn't say anything at the time and next time will take the advice posted in this thread.

Last edited by Vincepcion; 11-19-2008 at 02:04 AM. Reason: Punching someone at the table would be a last resort, but I'm just using punching as an example of retaliation
11-19-2008 , 02:18 AM
I'd ask him if he was a flaming idiot for grabbing someone else's cards out of the muck. I'd then thank him for comparing me to something I find beautiful, nice to the touch, and delicious.
11-19-2008 , 03:03 AM
Tell him, "I am what I eat sir." "I am a very big huge pussy."
Enough said.
11-19-2008 , 04:00 AM
Flying headbutt
11-19-2008 , 04:14 AM
I would have a problem with him turning over the cards and I would make that clear to him, the dealer, and the floor if necessary. But if a crusty old guy who loses his social security check at the table every month calls me a pussy I would just laugh it off. Not because I am non-confrontational, but because I would find it funny.
11-19-2008 , 05:39 AM
I would have the floor take him off the table for turning your mucked cards over.
11-19-2008 , 07:35 AM
Originally Posted by Papi Shasho
This whole not wanting to say anything to a "donk" so he doesn't leave thing needs to stop. The guy called you a pussy. Ask yourself what you'd do if another man calls you a pussy in public, and you have your answer. If it's kick his ass, fine. If it's ignore it and be a gentleman, fine.

The point is he disrespected you and him being a "donk" is no excuse, and most people who use that excuse wouldn't say anything to the best player at the table either. You were afraid to say anything, are a non-confrontational person, or simply didn't want to get into a fight for the first time since middle school. Just say that and not "LOLZ I DIDNT WANNA SCARE THE DONK AWAY GUYZ".
Do you try and fight everyone that cuts you off in traffic? If not you shouldn't be putting up with that level disrespect. You could try ramming them with your car until and letting them know you are not afraid of confrontation.

Seriously though he should have said something about the guy turning over his cards that's pretty classless. The same reason you don't have to fight old men to prove yourself.....class.
11-19-2008 , 08:31 AM
I would have laughed it off since he was old, then later, turned over cards he mucked. Then would have told him, what? I didnt want you to think im a pussy!
11-19-2008 , 08:51 AM
Just say "There's no ***** here, just a dose that will make you wish you were born a woman". Also, packing Desert Eagle 0.50 helps.
11-19-2008 , 09:25 AM
Same thing happened me, I was in the SB with 9/2 o/s its a loose table and the action is on me and I "Fold" this old guy with a baseball cap on and wearing a dark blue lab coat with long hair and big bulky bottle cap glasses in middle position says "You a pussy for not calling the $1" and starts to laugh and tell the table how silly a play it is to fold in the SB for $1 more. I just looked around the room and then looked behind me as if he was talking to someone else. I then decide to play the hand as if I still had my cards in front of me, the dealer deals a flop and it comes Ace high and I would of missed so I say "missed the flop" "CHECK" then it goes around the table someone bets and it gets round to me and I say "Fold, I had 9 high, good bet" and then go on to say "Saved a $1 there what do you think Sir?"
11-19-2008 , 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by RubberNeck
Do you try and fight everyone that cuts you off in traffic? If not you shouldn't be putting up with that level disrespect. You could try ramming them with your car until and letting them know you are not afraid of confrontation.

Seriously though he should have said something about the guy turning over his cards that's pretty classless. The same reason you don't have to fight old men to prove yourself.....class.
I am certainly not advocating fighting anyone, especially octogenerians. I am simply saying that we should be prepared to react as we normally would if that same comment/action was made in a different context.

For most people that would mean some kind of verbal response but if they want to take it outside.....
11-19-2008 , 10:11 AM
Just ask him how much money he's down already.....
11-19-2008 , 10:13 AM
You are what you eat, sir.
11-19-2008 , 10:23 AM
i try and fight everyone who cuts me off
11-19-2008 , 10:24 AM
If insulted, just consider the source, don't let it get to you. I usually wait to respond after the person goes broke, but sometimes I'll say something. Pretty much I don't want them to leave but sometimes you can insult the ass hat and get their money. Usually a jerk like that will want to fight back so saying something mean to them might actually get them to stay.

Then laugh all the way to the bank.
11-19-2008 , 10:29 AM
Lol at getting cut off in traffic being the same thing as some one deliberatly turning your cards over and calling you a pussy. Most of the time people that cut you off are doing it totally on accident because they're dumb, didn't see you, on a cell phone etc.

I definitely say something and try to keep my cool and prpobably just say something to keep it as a joke and then tell him to never turn mine or anybody but his own cards over again.
11-19-2008 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by Vincepcion
FWIW the guy was really old and one punch/aggressive contact might have literally killed him or hurt him real bad. Yes he disrespected me I get that and I should have done something but at the time it didn't bother me too much. It was only until the mumbling I started tilting a bit.

I'm not excusing myself, I just don't see anything good coming out of that situation if I chew him out verbally, or in a last resort - hit him. But yes, I didn't say anything at the time and next time will take the advice posted in this thread.
lol if he's really old then I would have just ignored it as well, or said something "ooooh grandpa, you so silly"...I won't fight over words. Just saying a person being bad at poker shouldn't influence your decision when they disrespect you.
11-19-2008 , 12:18 PM
It doesnt really seem like he is a "happy" donk at the moment anyway? If you actually felt insulted/need to say something, I would point out that you hadn't re-bought or some such and to play his own cards. If hes already mumbling about you, now he wants to gun for you as well.
11-19-2008 , 12:31 PM
"Hey, not all of us can can drop 3 BI's chasing baby flushes..."

Then every hand he's in after this say "Baby flush draw?...", whether the board is suited or not.
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