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Do you tip the chip runners? Do you tip the chip runners?
View Poll Results: Do you tip the chip runners?
I always tip
7 63.64%
I usually tip
0 0%
I don't tip when I'm losing and reloading
1 9.09%
I'm a douche who never tips
3 27.27%

06-23-2008 , 12:13 PM
I always tip the chip runners. Even when I'm losing. I'm lucky enough to be able to play a game and not be the one with the crappy job of running to a cashier cage back and forth all day. I don't think the chip runners make squat and to not tip them for the service is a serious douche bag behavior, like not tipping a waitress when she brings you a drink. Yet I see it all the time, more often than not it seems, most people just don't give them a measly dollar.

So if you don't tip the chip runners, whats your excuse?

L8r.. BB
06-23-2008 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by Big Bend
I always tip the chip runners. Even when I'm losing. I'm lucky enough to be able to play a game and not be the one with the crappy job of running to a cashier cage back and forth all day. I don't think the chip runners make squat and to not tip them for the service is a serious douche bag behavior, like not tipping a waitress when she brings you a drink. Yet I see it all the time, more often than not it seems, most people just don't give them a measly dollar.

So if you don't tip the chip runners, whats your excuse?

L8r.. BB
I always tip, but I also will avoid the chip runner's services mostly, i.e. buying chips at cage and getting some extra blacks for my pocket or playing cash on a rebuy and buying from another player
06-23-2008 , 12:23 PM
Do you tip the cashier for ringing up your Twix bar? It's not your problem that they are payed a measly wage, it's the casino's.

Although I haven't played live yet, I would plan on getting my own chips before sitting down.
06-23-2008 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by smurg
Although I haven't played live yet...
Couldn't you have opened with this? It would have saved me the time and annoyance of reading the rest of your post.

Anyways, yes, I always tip the chip runner (and the dealers, the floormen, the cashier {when cashing out} the card manager, and the shift manager). I play live poker regularly, and know how it works.

Last edited by LasVegasMichael; 06-23-2008 at 12:50 PM.
06-23-2008 , 12:48 PM
If I go to a cage I don't tip.

If someone has to make a trip there and back for me to get me chips, I tip.

If I want to be cheap I make the walk myself.
06-23-2008 , 12:53 PM
$1 to the chip runner.

btw: I know a retired guy who took a chip runner job just to have something to do. All that walking got him to lose 30 lbs. If this became common knowledge the casinos could get ppl to pay THEM for the job instead of the health clubs.
06-23-2008 , 12:56 PM
I only play at Foxwoods, but haven't played in like 3 months. Last time I checked they don't have this service, but if they did I would always tip.

I could be wrong, do you request for it? They have chips right at the table so...
06-23-2008 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by Big Bend

So if you don't tip the chip runners, whats your excuse?
I do it in order to tick off arrogant people who want to tell me how to spend my money.
06-23-2008 , 12:58 PM
locked - threads about opinions on tipping aren't welcome, tipping is a personal decision.
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