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Do most Casinos guard rule books? Do most Casinos guard rule books?

03-26-2012 , 10:10 AM
Does anybody have any information on a rule book in any Kansas City Casinos Harrahs, Ameristar. I have always been curious but for some reason never asked. Thanks
Do most Casinos guard rule books? Quote
03-26-2012 , 06:21 PM
I'm sure they have a phone number. Give them a call. Just don't do it during high traffic times. 2:30 in the afternoon is a good time to try.
Do most Casinos guard rule books? Quote
03-28-2012 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by RR
My opinion on this has lightened a bit over the years. The problem with just handing out rule books is I have never been approached by someone that was just curious and wanted to see one; they have been wanting to argue about something. When I managed a room I did email a copy to a couple of people that came and asked the right way (and my rulebook was already out there with a few minor changes). Where most of the trouble comes from is when someone is upset and grabs a rule book, they always skip over these two rules.
management may owe the bookie you are arguing with money
Do most Casinos guard rule books? Quote
03-28-2012 , 08:23 PM
Sorry if this was mentioned already, I didn't feel like reading everything.

Poker rooms are only required to give you the rules and breakdown of the Bad Beat Jackpot because you are entitled to know how your raked $1 is being spent towards the jackpot. As far as a rule book, the casino is not required to show you their operational procedures(rule book). That is only to be seen by the management staff and their employees (dealers).
Do most Casinos guard rule books? Quote
03-28-2012 , 10:01 PM
There are two casinos in my state and both publish their rule books.

The one closest to me has been mentioned in this thread.I have not played there in nearly a year.

I have heard from their dealers that the Betting Line is:

1. A courtesy line.
2. A muck line ... if one of your cards touches it the hand is dead.
3. A bet line where any and all chips over the line are a bet.
4. Or the first chips you cut off constitute a bet.

And this is a place with published rules!
Do most Casinos guard rule books? Quote
03-29-2012 , 02:38 PM
I never thought about this but yeah it is ridic for a cardroom not to make rules publically available. Yes people will be nitty but overall it will be better for the game. Lots of card rooms do have a list of rules up on the wall that will suffice for 99% of situations. I don't think the public needs access to 100% of the rules manual - it is not necessary. A basic set of rules will be sufficient for almost all situations. Experienced players will learn how to prtoect themselves anyway from getting into sticky situations. And having the floor there for rulings will always be necessary anyway. The floor does make bad rulings but it is pretty rare overall.
Do most Casinos guard rule books? Quote
03-29-2012 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by BIRDY dealer
Sorry if this was mentioned already, I didn't feel like reading everything.

Poker rooms are only required to give you the rules and breakdown of the Bad Beat Jackpot because you are entitled to know how your raked $1 is being spent towards the jackpot. As far as a rule book, the casino is not required to show you their operational procedures(rule book). That is only to be seen by the management staff and their employees (dealers).
Again, as a legal matter, any casino that doesn't make rules that determine the awarding of monetary pots or prizes available is putting itself in a bad situation if there is ever a lawsuit.
Do most Casinos guard rule books? Quote
03-30-2012 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by bav
The only time I've ever been threatened with expulsion from a card room it was for knowing the rules when the TD didn't. He was literally just making stuff up, and it was LOL bad. Dealers tried to correct him but he instantly made it clear they needed to STFU; they were hanging their heads in shame because the TD didn't know this oh-so-basic procedure. So I tried--he can't fire me, right?--and I told him where in the room's own printed tourney rules he could go read the whole procedure spelled out. He instantly made it clear I needed to STFU by screaming and threatening to disqualify me and throw me out.

So yeah, there can be "friction" caused by these things.
exactly. incompetent floor ppl everywhere would be better off if rulebooks weren't available.
Do most Casinos guard rule books? Quote
