-Interestingly played hand with the check/call on the first two streets imo. I probably play it way differently, but I'm interested in your analysis of it if you wouldn't mind.
-What happened absolutely sucks and you have a right to be pissed. I have no clue why others at the table wouldn't vouch for your hand. Its also very very strange that they claim to be able to make out the board but not your hand on the tape- you saw the tape, what did you think?
-Despite all of that, I think it was a simple dealer mistake and the floor really couldn't do much else. I'm not saying it doesn't suck, but I do think you sometimes go overboard on this "me against the world" philosophy. I don't think its a big conspiracy to help out the regular donator; Its probably just a mistake.
-Your "plan" to get them back is pretty silly. For one, you're punishing innocent dealers for one dealer's mistake the the floor's/management's mistake. Two, you're still helping out the Bellagio by playing there. Third, it just makes you look bad to many who won't understand why you're not tipping even on big pots. Fourth, if you are correct and maybe the dealer/floor were trying to help out a donator because hes better for the game, then this is the worst possible way to ensure that it doesn't happen again. The best way you could "get the Bellagio back" would be to try to get a regular $10/20 going at the Wynn every day, which would hurt Bellagio's business a lot. You know that I'd be all for getting that started.
-LOL@ all of the "well you should've protected your cards better" posts. Turning your hand face up and letting the dealer muck the losing hand and put the winning hand face up in the center of the table is completely standard- the dealer is supposed to do this, so if you try to hold on to your cards right by you then the dealer should ask for them so that he can place them in the middle of the table for everyone to see(including cameras), the dealer then is supposed to push forward the board cards that you are playing along with your hand to make a 5 card hand, AND THEN push you the pot.
-Bellagio still sucks and I hate that people(including myself) are forced to play there because its often the only $10/20+ game in town. For the love of God, lets change this people.
On the wall of most rooms is says "Players are responsible for protecting their hand." Or at least some version that means the same thing. It doesn't say "until they get tired of it" or "until they think someone else has seen it."
This is talking about during the hand. After showdown, you are not supposed to hold on to your hand, as its the dealers job to do what I said above.
Originally Posted by TheJacob
If you tabled your hand and floor was called...
What did the dealer say you had?
Obviously if you table your hand, a mistake is made, and floor is immediately called then the dealer should know what hand you tabled.
How else would the dealer determine a winner?
Agreed 100% here. What did the dealer claim you had?
Originally Posted by Beaudog
let me get this straight, if someone agrees with you, they are knights in shinning armor and if someone disagrees with you they are trolls....ok I get it.
Joe, while I agree with you almost 100% here, I do agree that your posts do come across this way.