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discussion of Stations' bad beat jackpots in here discussion of Stations' bad beat jackpots in here

05-24-2008 , 02:36 PM
Muck it and act like you've seen kings before?
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05-24-2008 , 03:29 PM
Art does not make a ruling but calls me aside away from the table and tells me 1) don’t shout at my dealers ( I didn’t), 2) apologize to shawn, and his ruling was that the two hands should have been ruled “dead”, not missdeal.

I would bet 8 zillion dollars that the other players at the table would disagree with your assessment that you didn't shout at the dealer.
People don't generally get thrown out of poker rooms just for kicks even if they aren't tipping. If you got thrown out then you really should be looking at yourself and wondering if your tone/behavior is worse than you imagine it to be.
As I said, in this case I have to think the others at the table would probably agree that your tone was bad.
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05-24-2008 , 05:54 PM
I don't find the $40K/day estimate COMPLETELY outta line. It's plausible, though feels a bit heavy. OP suggests it could be $30K... yeah, that's more believable. When the jackpot gets big, people supposedly keep the rooms busy all the time. (I've played at a Stations like 4 times in my life, so it's all hearsay to me, but I have heard stories where ALL of the tables were going in various rooms until 2am with lists a mile long as the jackpots got gigantic.) So yeah... $40K on a busy day is not out of the question. But that's not important...

5% goes into the main jackpot? ok... fine. Whatever. Lotsa places do things like that. They even have scaled breakdowns... "If the reserve pool is less than $100K then 30% of the drop will go the reserve, 10% to the jackpot, 30% to high hands, and 30% to promotions... when the reserve is >$100K, do it THIS way... etc." They even have 'em start scaling down how much goes into the jackpot as the prize gets bigger--I think Sahara does that, so once the BBJ hits $12K or some such figure, only a tiny fraction of the drop goes into making the jackpot bigger, and the rest goes into the reserve. That sorta thing.

Basically, it doesn't matter what they do with it, long as 100% of it comes back out.

As for being thrown out? It's impossible to believe OP's version of the story is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. People don't get thrown out for politely asking for the floor.
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05-24-2008 , 06:12 PM
Does 100% really come back out? Online they take out some 30%, you know, because they can.
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05-24-2008 , 06:18 PM
When I played Santa Fe a week or so ago, there was 1 table going in the room. I don't think Santa Fe, Texas & Sunset do anything close to what Red Rock & GVR do in volume.

Best Wishes

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05-24-2008 , 06:52 PM
Why would you want to play at Station Casino properties that are raking $5 a hand plus $1 for the jackpot? Compared to the bigger properties on the strip (Bellagio, Wynn, Mirage, etc.) that drop $4, you are in essence paying $2 a hand for the right to win the jackpot or table share. I'm sure there is probably a thread in here somewhere that outlines how negative EV a jackpot is for a regular player.

FWIW, I could be biased as I have been dealing and playing pretty regularly for 7+ years and I have never dealt, been at a table that has hit the jackpot, or been in a room that has hit the jackpot. Maybe I'm just unlucky.

Imagine you play 25 hours per week (possibly more when the jackpot gets high). You win 4 hands per hour on average (40 hands/10 players). You pay $100 per week into jackpot or $5,200 per year. I think Stations pays a set amount 35k/45k to the winning/losing jackpot hand regardless of how high the jackpot is. You have to hit one of these every 8 years to break even. That doesn't factor in that at Stations you are paying $1 more rake than needed. You may need to hit jackpot once every four years. Good luck with that. I'll make the 15 min drive to the strip and play with the tourists.
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05-24-2008 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by CardSharpCook
Does 100% really come back out? Online they take out some 30%, you know, because they can.
In most jurisdictions 100% must be returned to the players. In NV 100% must be returned to the players.
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05-24-2008 , 07:00 PM
When I played Santa Fe last friday night the room was running at full capacity with lists 20 deep on the 1-2nl and 4-8L. This was due to the jumbo being at $220,000 for quad 6's beaten.

In addition to Station Casinos Jumbo jackpot that is network wide they also have an in- house jackpot for aces full of tens beaten by quads. Its $10,000 and players share is for the table only. I too have wondered about all the money going back into the jackpots.

At the recent 500K freeroll. If you qualified and showed up at the tourney you were given $125 for busting out the first day. Players that qualified but didn't show up forfeited they're prize money. Station did not put that money back into the prize pool for the freeroll. I assume it was kept for funding the reserve account for the jumbo.

Does 100% of the jackpot rake get returned? I doubt it.

What about the interest on the reserve money? Is that put back into the kitty?
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05-24-2008 , 07:02 PM

Last edited by lasmoody; 05-24-2008 at 07:05 PM. Reason: already posted
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05-24-2008 , 07:08 PM
Why would you want to play at Station Casino properties that are raking $5 a hand plus $1 for the jackpot?
For the Record, They rake 4 + 1 for jackpot
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05-24-2008 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by lasmoody
For the Record, They rake 4 + 1 for jackpot
Well, they must have changed it last week since they were raking $5 + $1 for jackpot at Sante Fe last weekend.
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05-24-2008 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by 3Rivers
Why would you want to play at Station Casino properties that are raking $5 a hand plus $1 for the jackpot?
They aren't and haven't since last year.

On a side note, from a reliable source in Station poker management, the reserve promotional funds are in or around the 2 million mark FYI.
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05-25-2008 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by lasmoody
Does 100% of the jackpot rake get returned? I doubt it.

What about the interest on the reserve money? Is that put back into the kitty?
Nevada Gaming regs only allow them to take 10%. If they have a 10% rake AND take $1 at $10 for the jackpots, they would be taking >10% if they kept any of it. Ergo, only if they're violating Gaming regulations could they be pocketing any of it.

And of course they don't pay interest on it. LDO. That's just another reason they like the enormous jackpots, and why they're tickled to have $2M in the reserve.
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05-25-2008 , 02:46 AM
Originally Posted by bav
Nevada Gaming regs only allow them to take 10%. If they have a 10% rake AND take $1 at $10 for the jackpots, they would be taking >10% if they kept any of it. Ergo, only if they're violating Gaming regulations could they be pocketing any of it.

And of course they don't pay interest on it. LDO. That's just another reason they like the enormous jackpots, and why they're tickled to have $2M in the reserve.

Well the harrah's properties have found a way around that. They run promos with seats to the WSOP. they transfer the money from the jackpot fund to the tournament buy-in and then rake the buy-in, thereby effectiveloy taking aportion of the jackpot money.
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05-25-2008 , 01:19 PM
After reading the initial post in this thread, I contacted a Stations Casinos manager, who in turn put me in touch with the corporate head of poker - I thought they might like to have some input into the jackpot drop question. Below are the salient points of the reply, quoted with permission. I hope this will settle the question once and for all.

"Gaming Regs require us to return 100% of ALL jackpot rake to the players.

We paid out a little over $500,000 at the Poker Plus Tournament because Gaming requires us to pay out what is posted and not a penny less. We have to adjust as we go because we don't know how many players will show up at Poker Plus till the day. We paid $125 instead of $100 to the day one players, because of the number of no shows that we had. The balance was paid out to the players that went through to Sunday.

We also pay out over $200,000 in in-house jackpots each month and about $50,000 in Royals.

We are audited by Gaming to insure that all jackpot money is paid out to the players. We inform them when we add a promotion so they are aware at all times what we do with your money.

We had 3 jackpots hit last month in 7 days and in case no-one can add that is $450,000 in reset money alone so I think you can figure that out."
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05-25-2008 , 01:49 PM
Why didn't you yell at Seat 8 for causing the misdeal?
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05-25-2008 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by psandman
Well the harrah's properties have found a way around that. They run promos with seats to the WSOP. they transfer the money from the jackpot fund to the tournament buy-in and then rake the buy-in, thereby effectiveloy taking aportion of the jackpot money.
Yes, the Harrah's freerolls tick me off because of that (not because of the rake alone, but because they bind you to use the proceeds to play in one of their events). Freerolls run at every other property pay out in cash. ONLY at Harrah's do they insist you MUST play in the WSOP, and the seat is not transferable--use it or lose it. I suspect if someone wanted to fight the good fight over it, they'd have a decent chance of winning.

But then the WPT tourneys I find annoying in the same way. You don't get paid all in cash. You get paid in cash, PLUS you automatically get entered into the WPT championship, like it or not. They insist on taking prize money out of what they're giving you, and force you to enter still again yet another of their tourneys. And if you win the championship? STILL don't get paid all you are due--you HAVE to come back and play next year.

And thank you iykisa for doing some calling and verifying the info. I'd never heard the claim that they are regularly audited by Gaming, but that's what I expected to hear.
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05-25-2008 , 04:58 PM
We'd save a lot of time in these situations if everyone would just agree to the misdeal.
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05-25-2008 , 05:22 PM
Might just be me but I think OP's story is the greatest piece of fiction since The Great Gatsby.
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05-25-2008 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by DayTripping
Might just be me but I think OP's story is the greatest piece of fiction since The Great Gatsby.
It's not just you. You'll notice that he stopped posting once everybody pointed out the obvious.
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05-25-2008 , 07:55 PM
LOL here is another thread where he claims there is rampant cheating going on at the Bellagio poker room.
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05-25-2008 , 10:22 PM
I can usually spot a dick within 10 seconds of reading a post.

6 seconds from this OP.
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05-25-2008 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by DayTripping
LOL here is another thread where he claims there is rampant cheating going on at the Bellagio poker room.
LOL, he went ballistic at the casino personnel in that thread too:

Originally Posted by David Troyer
Cheating at the Belagio Poker Room

It’s a Thursday afternoon at the Belagio,


I confront swing supervisor and tell him hes running a corrupt room. Tell him about team players and he swears he knows nothing. The day shift supervisor had given them permission to cheat at the same table, 45 minutes after I had told him about the cheating. Swing supervisor is irate and threatens to ban me, I ask for security.


Last edited by frommagio; 05-26-2008 at 12:04 AM.
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05-26-2008 , 07:27 AM
The first half of that thread is everyone else trying to get him to clarify why a signal would be needed for a raise because he was so vague on his explanations. Then he comes up with this gem.
Originally Posted by David Troyer
Yea, sue is a cute small asian chick with black hair.
Thanks for describing about 85% of all Asian women. That really narrows things down!
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05-26-2008 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by strongsauce
The first half of that thread is everyone else trying to get him to clarify why a signal would be needed for a raise because he was so vague on his explanations. Then he comes up with this gem.

Thanks for describing about 85% of all Asian women. That really narrows things down!
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