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Dealer: "I can't a call string raise, only players can call string raise." Dealer: "I can't a call string raise, only players can call string raise."

09-18-2011 , 09:09 PM
There isn't a difference. If people don't know the rules, tough, that's their problem. They'll suffer a penalty and learn their lesson, just like in every other walk of life. If they string bet, they've broken the rules, they should be penalized and the beneficiary should be the other participant in the hand. The other participant in the hand shouldn't be made to lose value because rules nits want dealers to be ever vigilant in calling string bets.
Dealer: "I can't a call string raise, only players can call string raise." Quote
09-18-2011 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by 2OutsNoProb
Who cares about new players?
I do. I love them. I want them to be at my table as much as possible. If they are able to rebuy multiple times, I love them even more.

The last thing I want them to do is decide that poker is a serious game and they need to really start studying poker and becoming better. I'd much rather them decide that a poker room is just like their home game with their high school friends where the money is just getting passed around, but they don't have to self deal.
Dealer: "I can't a call string raise, only players can call string raise." Quote
09-18-2011 , 10:11 PM
I highly doubt that people are going to get up and quit the game forever because they had a string-bet attempt disallowed. For every one time this scenario happens, I'm sure there are 99 where the person hems and haws a bit, then forgets in five minutes later.

If you're in the hand with one of them, and you're convinced that having the ruling be in their favor will keep them fishy and available for you to profit off of, that's lovely. Make the call in their favor. But, in the scenario I created before, if I'm Player A, I'm not having Player B's money go back into his stack because Player C, someone I don't know or care about, wants his winrate maximized.
Dealer: "I can't a call string raise, only players can call string raise." Quote
09-19-2011 , 02:35 AM
I can't believe we're even discussing this. I've never seen a string bet that WASN'T called by a player in the hand, two players not in the hand, and two players on the rail!

BTW, a few years back, I started a thread about a hand where, in a head-up pot, one player pulled out his wallet for more money, his opponent was fine with it, and the table went bananas because I (the dealer) was going to allow it. Sure enough, B&M went bananas as well. Now everyone who wanted to the dealer to dictate whether or not this guy could add to his stack during the hand, wants the dealer to mind his own business during string bets? Account for your inconsistency!
Dealer: "I can't a call string raise, only players can call string raise." Quote
09-19-2011 , 02:58 AM
There's a difference between enforcing 'table stakes' and calling string bets.
Dealer: "I can't a call string raise, only players can call string raise." Quote
09-19-2011 , 05:13 AM
Originally Posted by psandman
One its comepletly unfair to new players to have a rule that is only enforced some of the time.
It isn't a rule "only enforced some of the time." The rule is (or should be) that a player in the hand can call string raise. That rule should be enforced all the time.
Dealer: "I can't a call string raise, only players can call string raise." Quote
09-19-2011 , 05:53 AM
Where I work, dealers are expected to enforce all rules of the game. This includes string bets (not allowing them).

If you were HU and the other player made a string bet, it doesn't matter if you *want* the dealer to allow it, or you *think* only players in the hand can call string raise. It's a rule I have to follow, and if I see it, I have to call it out.

Would you be okay with your dealers ignoring other fundamental rules of the game? Maybe we should let the "verbal is binding" rule slide every once in awhile?
Dealer: "I can't a call string raise, only players can call string raise." Quote
09-19-2011 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
I can't believe we're even discussing this. I've never seen a string bet that WASN'T called by a player in the hand, two players not in the hand, and two players on the rail!
You have never worked any place where the dealer doesn't call them. When the dealer calls them, everyone tries to race to show they are smarter than the dealer by yelling about it before the dealer can speak. In places where the dealer won't be calling it there is no such race so most people stay out of it if they aren't in the hand.
Dealer: "I can't a call string raise, only players can call string raise." Quote
09-21-2011 , 06:28 AM
I've worked in houses where dealers are required to call string raises, and I've worked in houses where only players are allowed to call them.

It's completely house-dependent.

That being said: if you are a player who isn't currently involved in the hand, you should keep quiet.

Dealer: "I can't a call string raise, only players can call string raise." Quote
09-21-2011 , 07:23 AM
Anyone thought about this:

If Player A bets then Player B raises him with a string bet whatever Player A does is potentially giving away information.

Like what was said before if he calls it up then it's putting a sign over your head that you're most likely weak. If it's obvious that Player A has seen it and lets it go then it's possibly giving information to Player B that he is strong.

This is why the dealers should call string bets IMO.
Dealer: "I can't a call string raise, only players can call string raise." Quote
09-21-2011 , 08:44 AM
IMO its either a rule that is enforceable, in which case it should be the dealers and tables responsibility to point out the violation. Or its not enforceable in which cace it should be thrown out. situationally enforcing out rules violates the integrity of the game. As pointed out earlier this rule has a purpose as do all the other rules. Just becuse m
ost people observe it, is not a reason to disgard its enforcment.
Dealer: "I can't a call string raise, only players can call string raise." Quote
09-22-2011 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by hiswadeness
IMO its either a rule that is enforceable, in which case it should be the dealers and tables responsibility to point out the violation. Or its not enforceable in which cace it should be thrown out. situationally enforcing out rules violates the integrity of the game. As pointed out earlier this rule has a purpose as do all the other rules. Just becuse m
ost people observe it, is not a reason to disgard its enforcment.
No one is talking about situational enforcement. The rule should be that it is up to the other players in the hand to call it. That rule should always be enforced.
Not sometimes. Always.
Dealer: "I can't a call string raise, only players can call string raise." Quote
09-22-2011 , 01:42 PM
i think the biggest issue regardless of who enforces it, is the communal understanding of what a string bet is, or should be.
Many string bet rules are written so poorly, that a string is generally understood (incorrectly) to be nothing more than two motions to a pot.

In my opinion, for it to be a true string, there is unclear action that misleads a player that is still yet to act.

The rule of a "player hasn't finished his action until his hand come to rest" is something that should be considered, if a player is still moving his hand(s) he cant "string"
Dealer: "I can't a call string raise, only players can call string raise." Quote
