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Dealer oddly influenced action. How should this have been handled? Dealer oddly influenced action. How should this have been handled?

01-01-2017 , 05:42 AM
Originally Posted by psandman
The dealer should not have done that. But there is NOTHING to be gained by calling the floor to the table.
Of course there is.

Originally Posted by AngusThermopyle
My guess is that the dealer has gotten away with this sort of behavior before.
And this is exactly why a public admonition is not only warranted, but preferable to a private tete-a-tete. This dealer should be publicly embarrassed in front of the entire table for such an egregious transgression.

That said, I don't believe this is a firing offense...

...until it happens again.
Dealer oddly influenced action. How should this have been handled? Quote
01-01-2017 , 05:43 AM
Originally Posted by Captain Vere
This happened in a 5/5 game in a SoCal card room. I am HU on the turn when the action is checked to me. I bet $230 and he has about $350 left. He goes in the tank and after about 1 minute she throws him the all in chip. I asked if he had went all in and he said, "no, I haven't acted."

So I ask her, "why did you throw him the all in chip, I don't understand?" And she replies with a smile, "Just in case he think you bluffing."

Total wtf moment. I had a reasonable hand and was fine with whatever decision the player made so I didn't press the issue. I was in a good mood and didn't want to deal with it so I didn't call the floor, but I started thinking about it more and believe I definitely should have.

Is this as out of line as I feel it is? How should it have been handled?
Hi Captain:

Dealers need to understand that there should be no extraneous talking when in the box (with the possible exception of very small stakes games). This is something we emphasized in our boon The Professional Poker Dealer's Handbook and yes you should have called the floor over and made it clear to them that this dealer needed to be removed from your game.

Best wishes,
Dealer oddly influenced action. How should this have been handled? Quote
01-01-2017 , 05:44 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
That dealer should be fired on the spot
Hi Dominic:

I agree except that some cardrooms would quickly run out of dealers.

Best wishes,
Dealer oddly influenced action. How should this have been handled? Quote
01-01-2017 , 05:48 AM
Originally Posted by psandman
The dealer should not have done that. But there is NOTHING to be gained by calling the floor to the table. This is the kind of thing that you should discuss with the floor away from the table after the hand.
Hi psandman:

I disagree. By making an issue of it there, even though it'll slow the game down, it makes it clear to both the dealer and the floor that this is something which should not be tolerated, and I would demand for dealer misbehavior of this magnitude that he be removed from the game (even though that's unlikely to happen).

Best wishes,
Dealer oddly influenced action. How should this have been handled? Quote
01-01-2017 , 05:51 AM
Originally Posted by psandman
No reasonable floor person is going to discipline a dealer at the table in front of guests, and no reasonable person is going to participate in or tolerate your calling her out.

All you manage to do by trying to do this at the table is make yourself look like a jerk even though you are correct about the dealer being out of line.
Hi psandman:

While I agree it doesn't happen often, I have seen dealers removed from the table and even once saw a dealer fired on the spot. I have also seen, and this was many years ago in California, the floor take money out of the dealers tray and hand it to a player.

Best wishes,
Dealer oddly influenced action. How should this have been handled? Quote
01-01-2017 , 05:55 AM
Originally Posted by psandman
Just out of curiosity since this is so egregious to you that it is "pretty close: to automatic firing .....

Suppose the dealer didn't do this. Suppose a player out of the hand announced "Well he can't just call he has to fold or go all-in" (that is the essence of what the dealer was indicating). What penalty should be imposed on a player who makes the statement influencing action?
The player should be told in no uncertain terms that there is only one player to a hand and if he does it again he'll get a vacation from the cardroom.

Best wishes,
Dealer oddly influenced action. How should this have been handled? Quote
01-01-2017 , 05:59 AM
Originally Posted by Didace
Let me ask you a question first - Do you think it is unreasonable for a dealer to be held to a higher standard in regards to influencing action?
Hi Didace:

Dealers are receiving a salary to be there, players are paying for the privledge to be there. That means the dealer should be held to a much different code of conduct than the players. For example, while players can talk all they want about the current football game, the dealer should not participate in the conversation, and I do occasionally tell an egregious dealer to quit talking and pay attention to his job.

Best wishes,
Dealer oddly influenced action. How should this have been handled? Quote
01-01-2017 , 06:36 AM
I would make a fuss about this, whether that was with dealer immediately after hand or floor, after hand or later, would depend on various factors.

This sounds like a misplaced joke to me but playing jokes with my money is not funny to me and this should be conveyed to the dealer in no uncertain terms.

I also consider this a 'don't do it ever again' offence, not an instant dismissal. I've done some ******ed things in my life with zero malice intended, and been given second chances. Instant dismissal should be reserved for utterly egregious first offences e.g. theft, initiating violence etc.
Dealer oddly influenced action. How should this have been handled? Quote
01-01-2017 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by WereBeer
I would make a fuss about this, whether that was with dealer immediately after hand or floor, after hand or later, would depend on various factors.

This sounds like a misplaced joke to me but playing jokes with my money is not funny to me and this should be conveyed to the dealer in no uncertain terms.

I also consider this a 'don't do it ever again' offence, not an instant dismissal. I've done some ******ed things in my life with zero malice intended, and been given second chances. Instant dismissal should be reserved for utterly egregious first offences e.g. theft, initiating violence etc.
Well said, i agree with you 100%
Dealer oddly influenced action. How should this have been handled? Quote
01-01-2017 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by psandman
No reasonable floor person is going to discipline a dealer at the table in front of guests
I hoped to convey in my post that having her disciplined on the spot would not be my goal. Mason better explained the purpose.

and no reasonable person is going to participate in or tolerate your calling her out.
Uh, whether or not we agree on what makes a reasonable person or how many reasonable people are likely to be present, nobody really has a choice in the matter.

All you manage to do by trying to do this at the table is make yourself look like a jerk
Oh I am totally willing to be the jerk here. This is the battle I would pick that would make people say they've never seen that side of me. It's a really bad offense.

And I just don't see how you think that "NOTHING" (all caps) is accomplished by calling the floor to the table. That doesn't even pass a scratch test.

Originally Posted by TEKEE
I dont want to keep bad employees, but im not going to fire someone for doing something wrong once
Surely there are some things you would fire an employee over for doing once, right? So I guess it comes down to personal opinion about how egregious this is. (Though I am as satisfied knowing that management agrees this is a fireable offense as I am them actually firing her, if that makes sense. If when considering her qualities they decide she deserves a "last chance" reprimand, that's fine.)
Dealer oddly influenced action. How should this have been handled? Quote
01-01-2017 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by albedoa
Uh, whether or not we agree on what makes a reasonable person or how many reasonable people are likely to be present, nobody really has a choice in the matter.
That was a typo. It should have said "No reasonable Floorperson" not "person" and they do have a choice in the matter. Granted there are lots of floorpeople who may not qualify as reasonable....
Dealer oddly influenced action. How should this have been handled? Quote
01-01-2017 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by TEKEE
I think the dealer should be disciplined, not fired, damn why people wanna fire employees so quickly, you must be a young person
You must be an old person and how come old people are always so judgemental?
Dealer oddly influenced action. How should this have been handled? Quote
01-01-2017 , 01:23 PM
I don't understand why some of you wouldn't want the floor immediately. I call the floor immediately because there is inevitably going to be one person with a brain sitting at the table who wasn't in the hand. I want the impartial 3rd party to also speak up, at the very least giving a recount of what happened, in addition to me because floors always brush off heated players complaints. This is pretty serious IMO and while I don't think it's a "fire on the spot" offense, if this dealer has other times been reprimanded, it might be
Dealer oddly influenced action. How should this have been handled? Quote
01-01-2017 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by johnny_on_the_spot
I want the impartial 3rd party to also speak up, at the very least giving a recount of what happened, in addition to me because floors always brush off heated players complaints.
Maybe you should consider the value of talking with management cally and cool instead of making heated complaints.
Dealer oddly influenced action. How should this have been handled? Quote
01-01-2017 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by TEKEE
I think the dealer should be disciplined, not fired, damn why people wanna fire employees so quickly, you must be a young person
lol I'm 53. This is egregious. If she was a good employee and this is her very first offense, fine, remove her from the box for a down or two and admonish her. But if this is not the first time I've had problems with her, she's gone.
Dealer oddly influenced action. How should this have been handled? Quote
01-01-2017 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by psandman
Maybe you should consider the value of talking with management cally and cool instead of making heated complaints.

I didn't say I get heated, I said "heated players". My advice is based on the population read that when players get something going against them that they need a floor, they tend to be a little over dramatic about it, so an impartial 3rd party to explain the situation is always helpful, especially on something so egregious that many players should all have the same opinion about what happened like this case

Edit: I can see how my 1st quote could have been misinterpreted, maybe a better phrasing would be "perceived heated players, from the floors perspective"
Dealer oddly influenced action. How should this have been handled? Quote
01-01-2017 , 08:00 PM
That's nuts!

Closest thing I've seen is a dealer saying "scrrrraaaaaaaaaam..." under his breath (but still very audible at the quite table) as I bet the river in an mtt. My reaction was about the same as yours, and in my head I was saying "WTF?"
Dealer oddly influenced action. How should this have been handled? Quote
01-01-2017 , 09:58 PM
player would be handed a rack and told they were done for the night.

Originally Posted by psandman
Just out of curiosity since this is so egregious to you that it is "pretty close: to automatic firing .....

Suppose the dealer didn't do this. Suppose a player out of the hand announced "Well he can't just call he has to fold or go all-in" (that is the essence of what the dealer was indicating). What penalty should be imposed on a player who makes the statement influencing action?
Dealer oddly influenced action. How should this have been handled? Quote
01-01-2017 , 10:25 PM
Thanks for the feedback guys.

One thing I'd like to add is the vibe I got from her "joke" (or whatever you'd like to call it) seemed to be completely innocent. It was obviously very negligent as well, but I didn't feel like she meant malicious intent. That's what made it such a "wtf" moment. Like, how can this lady be a dealer and not know that this is bad?

I guess what ultimately held me back from saying anything is that I just didn't want to be the ******* that called the floor on the poor little old Asian lady who looks like she's pushing 80...

Next time I'm in I'm going to bring it up with a floor person in a nice manner and will add that I don't want her disciplined, but definitely want somebody to talk to her about it.

Last edited by Captain Vere; 01-01-2017 at 10:27 PM. Reason: Typo
Dealer oddly influenced action. How should this have been handled? Quote
01-01-2017 , 11:10 PM
So did OP win the hand?

Anyway, just because you call the floor doesn't automatically=jerk. If I was OP I'd be srsly confused and want to make the floor aware of this mess-up and also what's gonna happen next.
Dealer oddly influenced action. How should this have been handled? Quote
01-02-2017 , 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by TEKEE
I think the dealer should be disciplined, not fired, damn why people wanna fire employees so quickly, you must be a young person
This comment has received a lot of hate, which of course it should. I want to add that if we accept your premise to be true, it is the management who should want bad employees to be fired. We Millennials are armed with options, Yelp, and GPS. Shaming us isn't going to stop us from bringing our business elsewhere.
Dealer oddly influenced action. How should this have been handled? Quote
01-02-2017 , 05:58 AM
How I handle this depends on the history of the dealer.

As a player I may calk the floor over right away and call her out publically and maybe harshly if I have had a lot of problems with her in past.

If she has been really good to this point I may say something to her like "you really shouldnt say that" and or talk to floor privately.

As a floor, I would have no problem with a player calling me over right away, however I would not allow them to berate her (different than being harsh). I am not a fan of yelling at dealers that are in the box unless no other choice...however in this case I would have her immediately removed from the game. Fired right away depends on history.

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Dealer oddly influenced action. How should this have been handled? Quote
01-02-2017 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
lol I'm 53. This is egregious. If she was a good employee and this is her very first offense, fine, remove her from the box for a down or two and admonish her. But if this is not the first time I've had problems with her, she's gone.
I agree with this
Dealer oddly influenced action. How should this have been handled? Quote
01-02-2017 , 03:32 PM
I don't see how this dealer's actions, while certainly inexplicable, had any "influence" on anybody...unless she's won 4-5 bracelets, I doubt anyone is taking her "advice" even remotely seriously.
Dealer oddly influenced action. How should this have been handled? Quote
01-02-2017 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
I don't see how this dealer's actions, while certainly inexplicable, had any "influence" on anybody...unless she's won 4-5 bracelets, I doubt anyone is taking her "advice" even remotely seriously.
Which is one of the variations of what I hear when I tell a player not to do this.

One thing I am shocked by is the uniformity with which evryone here considers this to be be one of the most horrendous acts around ... yet when players do it and I say something the whole table often turns on me like I am out of line for telling people to not discuss the hand in progress or how to play it.

"We are just having fun"
"Its obvious"
"He's not listening to what we say"

which is why I asked about it earlier.
Dealer oddly influenced action. How should this have been handled? Quote
