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Dealer explicitly rules against non-tipping players/How should I handle it? Dealer explicitly rules against non-tipping players/How should I handle it?

03-17-2014 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by madlex
You haven't been around much?

In countries that don't have a tipping culture, usually there is some service fee already included (for poker it's the rake) and people in the service industry have base salaries that are above minimum wage.

I consider a tip to be a friendly gesture. Most people, including me, tend to treat friendly people better than non-friendly people. Therefore if I was a dealer, I probably would treat tippers (significantly) better than non-tippers. Not sure where I would draw the line, but I fear I would factor that into a close ruling decision. Even though I know it's not the right thing to do.
When I am in the box you get the same treatment as regards the game. My integrity can't be bought for the small amount you are talking about (not that I don't have a price .... its not that cheap).
03-17-2014 , 04:02 PM
I believe that you should have called for the floor immediately - the first time that this happened. And then talked with the floor away from the table. Let the supervisors decide whether this is a "good dealer" just having a bad day (in which case a simple warning might suffice, or if this is someone who should be looking for work elsewhere.

I can't think of any good reason for dealers (or anyone else, for that matter) to extort money from the players. Whats next, whoever tips the most gets the good rulings?

Not fair at all, and if the floor refused to to take action I would take my play elsewhere, or at least sit out whenever that person is dealing. He can't be trusted, pure and simple.

03-17-2014 , 11:27 PM
Thanks everyone for their responses in this thread. They are all well taken.

Today was my first time back at the room since posting this thread. I spoke with the dealer privately, and he was very apologetic, and assured me that it was just a really bad day. We'll see.
03-18-2014 , 09:48 PM
Having a really bad day might excuse a dealer who is being gruff, unfriendly, not putting up with any crap, etc. It does not excuse cheating casino patrons which is what this dealer did. This situation is the equivalent of seeing a waitress spit in another customer's food. It doesn't matter if she is having a bad day, some behaviors are over the line and need to be called out immediately.

Originally Posted by Mayo
This dealer is NEVER like this. I've never seen him be vindictive like that at all. I think he was clearly just having a very very bad day, and I'm really worried that if I give his name to a supervisor, he could be out of a job. But at the same time, I REALLY don't want a dealer who is openly refusing to be impartial running a game where I put serious money on the line. And, besides that, It's Just Wrong.
03-18-2014 , 11:35 PM
But look at it from the other way. I've been at craps tables where I am tipping well and sometimes my lost bet conveniently doesn't get taken down and stays on the table.

Should a non-tipper now report that to the pit boss and have the guy suspended or fired?

I tip at a bar and I occasionally get a free drink or a little extra in my rum and coke. Should the non-tipper at the bar go and complain?

03-18-2014 , 11:50 PM
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