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Dani Stern vs Hellmuth on the Big Game-Who started it? Dani Stern vs Hellmuth on the Big Game-Who started it?
View Poll Results: Who started it
Phil Hellmuth
533 80.39%
Dani Stern
130 19.61%

08-27-2010 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by DCJ001
Who, besides you, cares?
Haters gotta hate.

Phil made a statement, opened it up to 2+2.

Last edited by jonthebook; 08-27-2010 at 08:08 PM. Reason: bit pissed i didn't start anything i've got no beef with no one
Dani Stern vs Hellmuth on the Big Game-Who started it? Quote
08-27-2010 , 08:13 PM
P.S after looking at the show a couple of times it does seem that PH is trying to tilt Stern and it works, DN realises this so fuels the fire.
Dani Stern vs Hellmuth on the Big Game-Who started it? Quote
08-27-2010 , 08:20 PM
old jealous people itt
Dani Stern vs Hellmuth on the Big Game-Who started it? Quote
08-27-2010 , 08:35 PM
I dont blame Stern at all, Phil was being so dumb and way out of line, Stern said one little comment to at least back himself up somewhat and then Phil went off. Stern then used this to his advantage and took down more pots...I say good for Stern!
Dani Stern vs Hellmuth on the Big Game-Who started it? Quote
08-27-2010 , 08:36 PM
i watched that entire ep how could ansky be the bigger jerk? phil was completely out of line and started the whole thing. I think him tipping the dealer extra was basically the rudest thing you could possibly do at a poker table and ansky handled that situation a lot better than I know I would have. Phil realized that and offered him a bottle later (still being a douche but better than nothing).

btw the only reason I wanted to post itt is to figure out if that dude to the right of negreanu is a live or online player. Anyone know?
Dani Stern vs Hellmuth on the Big Game-Who started it? Quote
08-27-2010 , 09:01 PM
I'm not sure why anyone is blaming Danni for doing to Phil what Phil does to 80% of people who put a beat on him, make a bad call ect. I for one admire him for standing up to him and not taking any of his usual ****.
Dani Stern vs Hellmuth on the Big Game-Who started it? Quote
08-27-2010 , 09:21 PM
LOL at Phil acting way out of line and then trying to win the argument by admitting that he was out of line and trying to get Stern to do the same thing when Stern didn't do anything wrong. Thats psychotic ****ing thinking there.
Dani Stern vs Hellmuth on the Big Game-Who started it? Quote
08-27-2010 , 09:25 PM
I don't think I've ever seen Phil come of as a such a big douchebag as I have in that vid

unbelievable, someone should really punch him in the face... again

however, I can't really vote because of the absence of a "bastard" option

Last edited by Hellrabbit; 08-27-2010 at 09:32 PM.
Dani Stern vs Hellmuth on the Big Game-Who started it? Quote
08-27-2010 , 09:40 PM
Phil said something about having the nuts and he hits a miracle.
Stern said: I thought you had T-8 (in reference to the 'nuts')
Phil said something about Stern being stupid to believe him.
Stern said he couldn't believe Phil was stupid enough to call.

Stern said a few things out of line before this hand, and was laughing immaturely occasionally, but Phil started this particular incident and Stern wasn't out of line to respond in kind.
Dani Stern vs Hellmuth on the Big Game-Who started it? Quote
08-27-2010 , 09:41 PM
was does phil always act the ******?
Dani Stern vs Hellmuth on the Big Game-Who started it? Quote
08-27-2010 , 10:16 PM
Televised poker is the only appropriate place to act like an a-hole at the tables, both of them acted fine imo. Hellmuth was the bigger douche, like always.
Dani Stern vs Hellmuth on the Big Game-Who started it? Quote
08-27-2010 , 10:38 PM
Hellmuth deserves to be ridiculed and provoked before he even opens his mouth. Can't believe anyone is questioning ansky's behavior here. Not only was is beyond justified, it make for good TV and good easily result in him getting picked for another lineup that includes Phil Hellmuth (read: a good game).
Dani Stern vs Hellmuth on the Big Game-Who started it? Quote
08-27-2010 , 10:40 PM
lol arguments at the table, whos in the wrong?

U dont even need to watch the tape to know its Phil, come on.

and phil was also way out of line with the tip comment, whats the standard tip anyway?

come on phil , time to grow up. soon maybe=?

edit: stern was being a bit smug, ill give phil that.

double edit: i now like phil again after the dom perignon comment lol at phil, always dom.

....but he prob didnt buy the dom perignon after all so....

Last edited by David123; 08-27-2010 at 10:53 PM.
Dani Stern vs Hellmuth on the Big Game-Who started it? Quote
08-27-2010 , 10:41 PM
Whatever drug phils on its actually helping him...................

Only problem is it makes him into a little ****ing kid
Dani Stern vs Hellmuth on the Big Game-Who started it? Quote
08-27-2010 , 10:46 PM
Stern comes across as the biggest douche here imo. Kid is just an immature cocky douche bag.
Dani Stern vs Hellmuth on the Big Game-Who started it? Quote
08-27-2010 , 10:51 PM
I was shocked at the $5 tip if that's true. That's disgraceful. I tip $10, $15 on any pot over $300. If I won a $100,000 pot, I'd tip at least $500.

They both were douches too.
Dani Stern vs Hellmuth on the Big Game-Who started it? Quote
08-27-2010 , 10:52 PM
lol at tipping 15 dollars on a 300 dollar pot.

im way too cheap i guess, mostly tip the big blind of the game, if its not an all in pot.
Dani Stern vs Hellmuth on the Big Game-Who started it? Quote
08-27-2010 , 11:28 PM
anyone who thinks stern did anything out of line might have a social disorder or something, seriously. also $5 is a lot to tip after you win a pot, and obv that shot was edited to show dani tipping to setup that confrontation, im sure he tips after every big hand he wins
Dani Stern vs Hellmuth on the Big Game-Who started it? Quote
08-27-2010 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by ibelieveinkolb
I was shocked at the $5 tip if that's true. That's disgraceful. I tip $10, $15 on any pot over $300. If I won a $100,000 pot, I'd tip at least $500.

They both were douches too.
if everyone thought like you imagine how much a dealer who deals hs cash games would be making. get real.
Dani Stern vs Hellmuth on the Big Game-Who started it? Quote
08-28-2010 , 12:09 AM
Two people, who had great results in the past but have pretty much sucked in the more recent past. They pretend to be pros but end up behaving like emo kids.

Still, this idiotic argument was fun to watch
Dani Stern vs Hellmuth on the Big Game-Who started it? Quote
08-28-2010 , 12:09 AM
Go Dani Go!
kick his ass, he deserves it!
Dani Stern vs Hellmuth on the Big Game-Who started it? Quote
08-28-2010 , 02:20 AM
Phil started it. I was shocked Phil went the whole I'm a bigger tipper route. Remember when everyone crapped on Calacanis' head for that?
Dani Stern vs Hellmuth on the Big Game-Who started it? Quote
08-28-2010 , 03:24 AM
If you guys watched the big game today and saw this hand

It's Phil vs stern. Stern bets 3000 with KK, phil 3bets to 9000 QQ and stern calls.
The board is Jc 8h Ks Jh Td. Phil checks every street and stern bet every street moving all in on the river.

All the other players get together and start talking about the hand and Daniel mentions a bit in the clip but more in the next hand about how it is impossible for stern to have AJ vs phil in that spot. Anyone know why this would be? I haven't figured out why it's impossible for stern to have AJ there.
Dani Stern vs Hellmuth on the Big Game-Who started it? Quote
08-28-2010 , 03:26 AM
cant believe anyone hating on dani itt. one of our own 2p2ers gets on this show and crushes yet gets hate? what more do u ppl want?
Dani Stern vs Hellmuth on the Big Game-Who started it? Quote
08-28-2010 , 03:33 AM
I would guess just because he's probably often not betting BOTH the flop and the turn with AJ; maybe checking back in pos on the flop.

I dunno, I suck.

But wow, Daniel the last few years has just come off as a pompous ass to me.
Dani Stern vs Hellmuth on the Big Game-Who started it? Quote
