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Charity Poker Room vs Casino (Michigan Question) Charity Poker Room vs Casino (Michigan Question)

10-25-2010 , 12:24 PM
An update from The Pub in Southfield:

I went last night to see what was running. I walked in and the setup is pretty bland but it's a nice small little joint. Nice bar, nice seating area for the restaurant, and 3 tables setup. Very small.

I asked the floor what was running and it was the standard 200nl. About five degens, a German guy, an old guy, and a younger dude about my age. - Two of the degens are being obnoxiously loud, slamming the table, throwing cards at the dealer because their made straight lost to a 4-flush; stupid crap. Already putting me in a bad mood, but I sat down with 75bb (don't judge).

I sat to the left of one of the degens that kepts throwing his money away. Showing me his cards, being an overall moron. He kept rebuying for $100, telling the whole table "I don't give a fk, I play for fun. I gots so much monies, I just go home and fk my woman." - I've been around some filthy people, but these guys were pretty damn bad. Being in Detroit, I always keep my guard up at these "charity" rooms, and always have myself strapped (legally) for the walk out to the car when I leave.

Anyways, after about 1.5hrs of play, I couldn't take the language anymore, and the dead money was pretty much leaving or blowing their cash on BJ. I left, up $42.

With the exception of one dealer, nobody running that place knew what they were doing. The floor is teaching one of the dealers as we're all playing, and he TRIES to collect rake from a pot that never even made it to the flop. I got livid and spoke up, and the only two other guys that understood the structure spoke up after I did.

Anyways, I want to say I won't ever go back there, but there was a lot of dead cash, so I probably will, but I won't like it.
Charity Poker Room vs Casino (Michigan Question) Quote
10-25-2010 , 12:55 PM
Thanks for the TR. I was wondering about The Pub.

You might want to check out the Big Beaver Tavern sometime or Northville Downs.

And I agree, dead money is a great incentive to put up with people who have no class - but even then my tolerance is not infinite. Don't let silly things like language at the table or classless people spoil your Poker fun. But if it does, don't hesitate to get up and find a game with guys you don't despise. I don't tolerate classless people at my "real" job - why would I choose to spend my Poker time feeling miserable?
Charity Poker Room vs Casino (Michigan Question) Quote
10-25-2010 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by Pot Odds RAC
Thanks for the TR. I was wondering about The Pub.

You might want to check out the Big Beaver Tavern sometime or Northville Downs.

And I agree, dead money is a great incentive to put up with people who have no class - but even then my tolerance is not infinite. Don't let silly things like language at the table or classless people spoil your Poker fun. But if it does, don't hesitate to get up and find a game with guys you don't despise. I don't tolerate classless people at my "real" job - why would I choose to spend my Poker time feeling miserable?
Okay, I'll check out Big Beaver. I believe that's closer to me anyways. Do they have games running all week? I'm open tonight after I workout. Maybe I'll check it out. What do you like about it there?

Edit: Answered one of my own questions -

Thanks man!
Charity Poker Room vs Casino (Michigan Question) Quote
10-25-2010 , 01:48 PM
BTW, I need to tell one more story from The Pub...

There is a lot of interesting/funny/pissy words and actions from last night, but I just want to tell you about one:

This dude, who is known only by a nickname that I won't say, totally dckwad slow-rolled the only other decent player at the table. Both players flopped a straight, the degen with the nuts, good player with the 2nd nuts. After the players were AI on the turn and the hand played out, the better played immediately flipped over his cards showing the 2nd nuts. The other player, for about 15 seconds, sulked and said "ah sit dawg you got the straight" and just being a whiny btch, standing up, and then says, "but I got the higher one!" and threw his cards down on the table.

Classy, huh?
Charity Poker Room vs Casino (Michigan Question) Quote
10-25-2010 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by mirinmycards
Okay, I'll check out Big Beaver. I believe that's closer to me anyways. Do they have games running all week? I'm open tonight after I workout. Maybe I'll check it out. What do you like about it there?

Edit: Answered one of my own questions -

Thanks man!
Like most places it will be a little lean during the week. I'm not a huge fan, but the location is good. I haven't played there in a while. Last time, their cash game structures sort of stunk. Very short minimums even for the 1/5 game. But OK floor and dealers. I just figured that if you were playing at Hazel Park, then Big Beaver would be closer for you than The Pub. And it sounded at least comparable to The Pub. I've had some friends play in the Tourneys at Big Beaver and they enjoyed them.
Charity Poker Room vs Casino (Michigan Question) Quote
10-25-2010 , 03:35 PM

So, given the horrendous players in the area, do most of you feel that 200nl in the charity rooms is profitable even after rake? - I talked with Jonathan Little a while back and he cautioned me not to play anything less than 2/4 live because the rake takes such a huge chunk, but wouldn't the Detroit area be an exception to this?
Charity Poker Room vs Casino (Michigan Question) Quote
10-25-2010 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by mirinmycards

So, given the horrendous players in the area, do most of you feel that 200nl in the charity rooms is profitable even after rake? - I talked with Jonathan Little a while back and he cautioned me not to play anything less than 2/4 live because the rake takes such a huge chunk, but wouldn't the Detroit area be an exception to this?
Meh. Thing is, you're going to pay rake in any non-home game. At least the "Charity" Rooms are better at lowering the rake at short handed tables, they don't drop for a BBJ, and you don't tip dealers at the "Charity" Rooms. So while any 1/2 game could be considered "over raked", I think that is a little of an over simplification. I'm a Donk and have managed to eek out a marginal win each year at 1/2.
Charity Poker Room vs Casino (Michigan Question) Quote
10-25-2010 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by Pot Odds RAC
Meh. Thing is, you're going to pay rake in any non-home game. At least the "Charity" Rooms are better at lowering the rake at short handed tables, they don't drop for a BBJ, and you don't tip dealers at the "Charity" Rooms. So while any 1/2 game could be considered "over raked", I think that is a little of an over simplification. I'm a Donk and have managed to eek out a marginal win each year at 1/2.
Alright, good to know. I'm really hoping to bring up my roll and be playing 2/5nl at MGM/MC by the Summer.

I'd love to get in some 3/6 Limit Omaha H/L action that these rooms advertise, but you never actually see it. I could probably hit 2-3BB/hr judging from these players. That wouldn't be bad money either. At least it would be more stable.
Charity Poker Room vs Casino (Michigan Question) Quote
10-27-2010 , 07:05 PM
- I would much rather play at the charity poker rooms based on the fact that the play is significantly worse and there is usually one much closer than downtown.
- Sadly few of them can keep a consistent $2/$5 of $5/$10 game going so I'm forced down to $1/$2.
- I move around between them, if I'm killing time or playing a short session I'll stay local and play a charity room, if I'm devoting the day to poker I'll head downtown and play bigger.
Charity Poker Room vs Casino (Michigan Question) Quote
10-28-2010 , 06:03 AM
what is the most western charity in Michigan
Charity Poker Room vs Casino (Michigan Question) Quote
10-28-2010 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by Dcpepper12
what is the most western charity in Michigan
"Mothers and Sisters United to Save the Cowboy"?

Seriously though, this site lists a number of "Charity" rooms by county:
Charity Poker Room vs Casino (Michigan Question) Quote
10-28-2010 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by Mad_Irish
- I would much rather play at the charity poker rooms based on the fact that the play is significantly worse and there is usually one much closer than downtown.
- Sadly few of them can keep a consistent $2/$5 of $5/$10 game going so I'm forced down to $1/$2.
- I move around between them, if I'm killing time or playing a short session I'll stay local and play a charity room, if I'm devoting the day to poker I'll head downtown and play bigger.
Do you play any limit games downtown? - I'd love to get on some L08 if there is a casino that runs it regularly. I just haven't seen one.
Charity Poker Room vs Casino (Michigan Question) Quote
10-30-2010 , 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by mirinmycards
Do you play any limit games downtown? - I'd love to get on some L08 if there is a casino that runs it regularly. I just haven't seen one.
- No I always play NLHE or round by round myself.
- As for limit action there is very little that runs with any regularity
Charity Poker Room vs Casino (Michigan Question) Quote
10-30-2010 , 04:17 AM
Are there any rooms that spread nlhe under 1/2? I know fairlanes used to, but have since stopped.
Charity Poker Room vs Casino (Michigan Question) Quote
10-30-2010 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by Jeffawesome
Are there any rooms that spread nlhe under 1/2? I know fairlanes used to, but have since stopped.
I haven't found any . Been looking for a good 100nl game for a while.
Charity Poker Room vs Casino (Michigan Question) Quote
10-30-2010 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by Jeffawesome
Are there any rooms that spread nlhe under 1/2? I know fairlanes used to, but have since stopped.
I think a place in madison heights does. Don't know the details though.
Charity Poker Room vs Casino (Michigan Question) Quote
10-31-2010 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by Pot Odds RAC
Meh. Thing is, you're going to pay rake in any non-home game. At least the "Charity" Rooms are better at lowering the rake at short handed tables, they don't drop for a BBJ, and you don't tip dealers at the "Charity" Rooms. So while any 1/2 game could be considered "over raked", I think that is a little of an over simplification. I'm a Donk and have managed to eek out a marginal win each year at 1/2.
I heard last night at my local charity room that tipping has been approved and will finally be allowed in about a month.
Charity Poker Room vs Casino (Michigan Question) Quote
10-31-2010 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by secpoker
I heard last night at my local charity room that tipping has been approved and will finally be allowed in about a month.
Because I'm sure everyone just can't wait to further decrease their profitability by tipping dealers!!!
Charity Poker Room vs Casino (Michigan Question) Quote
10-31-2010 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by mirinmycards
Because I'm sure everyone just can't wait to further decrease their profitability by tipping dealers!!!
You sound fun.
Charity Poker Room vs Casino (Michigan Question) Quote
10-31-2010 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by Jeffawesome
You sound fun.
Actually I happily tip dealers but was going to make a similar comment.
Charity Poker Room vs Casino (Michigan Question) Quote
10-31-2010 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by Jeffawesome
You sound fun.
Part of the reason charity rooms are so profitable is the fact that they can't accept tips. Now they're changing rules, and you're going to be a dick if you don't. It has nothing to do with being "fun."
Charity Poker Room vs Casino (Michigan Question) Quote
11-01-2010 , 07:53 AM
Originally Posted by Jeffawesome
Are there any rooms that spread nlhe under 1/2? I know fairlanes used to, but have since stopped.
Legends poker room in Fenton regularly spreads a .50/1 game thurs-sun with a buyin of $40-200
Charity Poker Room vs Casino (Michigan Question) Quote
11-01-2010 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by sevup
Legends poker room in Fenton regularly spreads a .50/1 game thurs-sun with a buyin of $40-200
That looks like a decent room. Have you played there?

40min drive (each way) in an F-150 for me. I don't know if that would justify the cost of gas.
Charity Poker Room vs Casino (Michigan Question) Quote
11-03-2010 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by mirinmycards
An update from The Pub in Southfield:

I went last night to see what was running. I walked in and the setup is pretty bland but it's a nice small little joint. Nice bar, nice seating area for the restaurant, and 3 tables setup. Very small.

I asked the floor what was running and it was the standard 200nl. About five degens, a German guy, an old guy, and a younger dude about my age. - Two of the degens are being obnoxiously loud, slamming the table, throwing cards at the dealer because their made straight lost to a 4-flush; stupid crap. Already putting me in a bad mood, but I sat down with 75bb (don't judge).

I sat to the left of one of the degens that kepts throwing his money away. Showing me his cards, being an overall moron. He kept rebuying for $100, telling the whole table "I don't give a fk, I play for fun. I gots so much monies, I just go home and fk my woman." - I've been around some filthy people, but these guys were pretty damn bad. Being in Detroit, I always keep my guard up at these "charity" rooms, and always have myself strapped (legally) for the walk out to the car when I leave.

Anyways, after about 1.5hrs of play, I couldn't take the language anymore, and the dead money was pretty much leaving or blowing their cash on BJ. I left, up $42.

With the exception of one dealer, nobody running that place knew what they were doing. The floor is teaching one of the dealers as we're all playing, and he TRIES to collect rake from a pot that never even made it to the flop. I got livid and spoke up, and the only two other guys that understood the structure spoke up after I did.

Anyways, I want to say I won't ever go back there, but there was a lot of dead cash, so I probably will, but I won't like it.

BTW, I need to tell one more story from The Pub...

There is a lot of interesting/funny/pissy words and actions from last night, but I just want to tell you about one:

This dude, who is known only by a nickname that I won't say, totally dckwad slow-rolled the only other decent player at the table. Both players flopped a straight, the degen with the nuts, good player with the 2nd nuts. After the players were AI on the turn and the hand played out, the better played immediately flipped over his cards showing the 2nd nuts. The other player, for about 15 seconds, sulked and said "ah sit dawg you got the straight" and just being a whiny btch, standing up, and then says, "but I got the higher one!" and threw his cards down on the table.

Classy, huh?
Well, if you're interested, I was there the night this happened and have the real story.

Mirinmycards bought in for $200 was shortly felted and started talking trash with the player he describes as a "degenerate who keeps throwing his money away". Said "degenerate" ..we'll call him player A, challenged Mirinmycards to a "showdown" for $500 - high card. He said "no, I want to play heads up". Player A said if you can't do show down high card, I'll do show down poker and Mirinmycards again said "No, you're a donkey I'll play what I want when I want". Player A said "I'll play you heads up for $500, but Mirinmycards didn't have $500 and continued to berate Player A stating "You have no idea how to play cards, I'll play you any day one on one". Player A then said "put your money on the table and I'll take it all from you" which point
Mirinmycards then proceeded to sit down and play for another 45 minutes and another $220 buy in and after getting felted and broke he walked out of the room. MINUS $420, not up $42.

Moral of the story: Don't believe everything you read here. I have played in this room and the money is to be had...if you know how to get it. There are players here that are good and challenging, and those who are there for entertainment. Good players walk away with money in their pockets and plans to return.

As for the language and behavior. It's a poker room in a bar. What do you expect?

This card room has ACTION and it can get a little on the noisy side. If you play for fun - this room is great. If you play to make's even better.

Oh yeah...they have free pizza and pop too.
Charity Poker Room vs Casino (Michigan Question) Quote
11-04-2010 , 07:21 PM
Hope this brings out some dead money...2p2rs stay off my plo table!! *retrieves knife and fork*

The Big Games at Sunnybrook Starting Nov 4

Beginning November 4!
Proceeds Benefit Bozymowski Center Lic# 60059 – General Fund

Play the Biggest Game in Charity Poker!

$5/$10 Texas Hold’em ($1,000 max buy-in)
$2/$5 Pot Limit Omaha ($1,000 max buy-in)
$10/$20 Fixed Limit Omaha ($200 Minimum) ½ Kill
$5/$10 Fixed Limit Omaha ($100 Minimum)

The Big Game will play
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 6PM-2AM
Charity Poker Room vs Casino (Michigan Question) Quote
