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Casino illegal activity Casino illegal activity

12-13-2017 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by Fy1975
I'm not going to debate you on this but I'll say it really good tournament structure you should redraw at 27 and then Final Table of 10.
Originally Posted by Fy1975
I've suggested that they do a redraw at 36
So two days ago you thought that a well run tournament should redraw at 36 players. Then some experienced players/dealers in here told you that none of the big tournaments redraws at 36 players and you change your mind and now say they should redraw at 27.

The least you could do is acknowledge that you were wrong in the first place and not that you know it should be 27 because you made "over a dozen final tables".

TBH, this starts to look like another thread where somebody complains about poker room staff not liking him and after a couple posts, people start to understand why that might be the case.

FWIW, 20 minute levels with 10k starting chips is probably one of the most common structures for small stakes tournaments out there.

Last edited by madlex; 12-13-2017 at 07:35 PM.
Casino illegal activity Quote
12-13-2017 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by psandman
Really redraw at 27. Does it matter how big the tournament is or is 27 a magic number. And is it still 27 if you are playing 10 handed? Is any tournament that doesn't do it your way automatically a bad tournament....

Sent from my PH-1 using Tapatalk
If you grind through a large field like me and somebody cheated you. You you don't want that all you ask for is honesty play. Because you have to put up money for you investment okay I hope you get it
Casino illegal activity Quote
12-13-2017 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by Fy1975
It's just a Cheesy tournament structure 20-minute level 10000 starting chips. If you don't play tornament you probably wouldn't understand what I'm talking about but thanks
I have never played one of these that redrew at anything other than 9. I have played many of these. I don't understand what you are talking about. Please edify me.
Casino illegal activity Quote
12-13-2017 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by madlex
So two days ago you thought that a well run tournament should redraw at 36 players. Then some experienced players/dealers in here told you that none of the big tournaments redraws at 36 players and you change your mind and now say they should redraw at 27.

The least you could do is acknowledge that you were wrong in the first place and not that you know it should be 27 because you made "over a dozen final tables".

TBH, this starts to look like another thread where somebody complains about poker room staff not liking him and after a couple posts, people start to understand why that might be the case.
I'm not trying to debate you here on the Forum friend calm down.
Casino illegal activity Quote
12-13-2017 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by Fy1975
I'm not trying to debate you here on the Forum friend calm down.
Not really a debate if you're the only one on one side of the argument

But yeah, I guess I know why the tournament director feels that way about you. Hard to blame him for that.
Casino illegal activity Quote
12-13-2017 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by Fy1975
It's just a Cheesy tournament structure 20-minute level 10000 starting chips. If you don't play tornament you probably wouldn't understand what I'm talking about but thanks
You got me, I don't play tournaments. I've just been dealing them full time for the last 5 years on the 3 biggest US circuits.
Casino illegal activity Quote
12-13-2017 , 08:39 PM
I love to mash my keyboard frantically while telling others to calm down.
Casino illegal activity Quote
12-13-2017 , 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by Fy1975
If you grind through a large field like me and somebody cheated you. You you don't want that all you ask for is honesty play. Because you have to put up money for you investment okay I hope you get it
But you haven't established you have been cheated. You've established you feel cheated. But not redrawing could only be cheating if the rules required a redraw. And it appears you don't know the rules but feel that whatever weird superstition you have is the basis for universal rules.

Sent from my PH-1 using Tapatalk
Casino illegal activity Quote
12-13-2017 , 11:09 PM
Guys you don't understand.

He's made over a dozen final tables.
Casino illegal activity Quote
12-14-2017 , 09:31 AM
This has got to be a level. Consider

1. New account, only posted to this trhead
2. Substantiates his claims with a boast of making a dozen final tables
3. Makes conflicting claims as to what the impropriety is
4. Makes claims of proper procedures that are in fact fairly uncommon
5. Never logically explains the 'cheating' or why it is cheating

Even giving the OP benefit of the doubt, I can't believe this to be a serious posting anymore.
Casino illegal activity Quote
12-14-2017 , 11:21 AM
Clickbaited everyone with "Casino illegal activity" and then solidly trolled with the responses; much time and effort was wasted by all....well played OP.
Casino illegal activity Quote
12-14-2017 , 12:12 PM
Why can't he just be wrong?

Believe it or not, a lot of people who play poker overestimate their skill.
Casino illegal activity Quote
12-14-2017 , 12:33 PM
It's one thing to have been wrong and accepted correction. It's another thing entirely to constantly move the definition of right in realtime. Generally, these forums are welcoming of the former.
Casino illegal activity Quote
12-14-2017 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by albedoa
It's one thing to have been wrong and accepted correction. It's another thing entirely to constantly move the definition of right in realtime. Generally, these forums are welcoming of the former.
Being unwelcoming and accusing of trolling are pretty different things.

To be clear, I really have zero clue what his complaint is. It doesn't seem like anyone is now complaining that anything illegal is happening (that is, if the OP believed it when he made the thread he seems to have backed off). If that's the case, then all that's left is to change the thread title.

"Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."
Casino illegal activity Quote
12-14-2017 , 01:33 PM
This is the same old stereotype of the "that's the way it's done everywhere" guy that has only really played in one or two places so he thinks the way they do it there is the standard. Also, fits the other stereotype of when they lose, they need an excuse. It's because they kept moving that regular and I never got to move. That's unfair and why I lost.

OP, can you tell me the universally standard rule on how the TD should decide who moves from one table to another in a tournament and why?
Casino illegal activity Quote
12-14-2017 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by Suit
This is the same old stereotype of the "that's the way it's done everywhere" guy that has only really played in one or two places so he thinks the way they do it there is the standard. Also, fits the other stereotype of when they lose, they need an excuse. It's because they kept moving that regular and I never got to move. That's unfair and why I lost.
On top of this, there are possibilities for innocent mistakes. Maybe the casino has a rule that the tables are assigned in a predetermined order; the reg has figured this out and times his registration to get the seat he wants. Stupid, yes; malice, no. Maybe the tournament director is actually a volunteer and not employed by the casino; he organizes the tournaments because he loves poker so much. Should he make this clear to avoid the perception of impropriety? Of course. Should he go to jail for it? LOL no.

It takes a certain type to look at the entire range of possibilities and say, "I put you on the AK of Paranoia" and assume it's rigged.

It's the same type who looks at a confused/angry poster's posts and assume they must be trolling rather than confused/angry.
Casino illegal activity Quote
12-14-2017 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by callipygian
Being unwelcoming and accusing of trolling are pretty different things.

To be clear, I really have zero clue what his complaint is. It doesn't seem like anyone is now complaining that anything illegal is happening (that is, if the OP believed it when he made the thread he seems to have backed off). If that's the case, then all that's left is to change the thread title.

"Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."
I am not usually one to quickly accuse someone of trolling, but the evidence seems compelling in this case, and I just dislike being manipulated like this. Note that the nature of his complaint has changed, he has never specified what it is that he thinks is illegal, or how an advantage is gained. His arguments for a legitimacy are a little comical if you were an experience player (claiming to be a poker semi-pro while playing 20 minute level donkaments, claiming that you have been on a dozen final tables and therefore are credible, etc.), going on the attack and refusing to analyze deeper when challenged....I suspect that a reg or semi regular poster is funning us here
Casino illegal activity Quote
12-14-2017 , 03:28 PM
Not me! I see nutty poker players every day, this guy sounds genuine to me.

It's December. People with loved ones gamble less and budget some money for Christmas, and business slows down. The worst people, the ones shunned by their OWN FAMILIES, play on. I've had a higher concentration of The Worst People In The World lately, my morale is at an all-time low, so this is fresh on my mind when I say: this guy fits right in.
Casino illegal activity Quote
12-14-2017 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by Quadstriker
Guys you don't understand.

He's made over a dozen final tables.
And that's just from the 20 single table SNGs he has played.
Casino illegal activity Quote
12-14-2017 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by Fy1975
It's just a Cheesy tournament structure 20-minute level 10000 starting chips. If you don't play tornament you probably wouldn't understand what I'm talking about but thanks
Let me just quote what a wise, sage posted here recently, "Honestly you sound like a smart ass,"
Casino illegal activity Quote
12-14-2017 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by Fy1975
If you grind through a large field like me and somebody cheated you. You you don't want that all you ask for is honesty play. Because you have to put up money for you investment okay I hope you get it
It honestly sounds to me like you have learned to play a game that allows you to survive the early play. And sometimes you have been run over by the deck doing this same strategy such that you were chip leader.

But then as the the field dwindles, the % of good players increases, the blinds and antes start to rise, you are clueless on how you need to adjust your play.

The right way to play at level 3 is probably not the right way at level 33 (or whenever).
Casino illegal activity Quote
12-14-2017 , 08:34 PM
sometimes the good old boys get some favors. usually not enough to worry about. and a t.d. playing just adds money to the prize pool. how many of them ever cash. if its a local type fun tournament why cant the t.d. play. its for fun. you dont set up fun tournaments to suit grinder's wishes as they want it to be run.

most things tend to even out and help you some times and hurt you some times. just like the cards do.
Casino illegal activity Quote
12-15-2017 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
It's December. People with loved ones gamble less and budget some money for Christmas, and business slows down. The worst people, the ones shunned by their OWN FAMILIES, play on. I've had a higher concentration of The Worst People In The World lately, my morale is at an all-time low, so this is fresh on my mind when I say: this guy fits right in.
The most enlightening time of all is Christmas morning. TWPITW stumble in and complain "why is it so slow?"
Casino illegal activity Quote
12-16-2017 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by Quadstriker
Guys you don't understand.

He's made over a dozen final tables.
He forgot to mention that he works for a poker table manufacturer.
Casino illegal activity Quote
12-17-2017 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by Fy1975
I'm not going to debate you on this but I'll say it really good tournament structure you should redraw at 27 and then Final Table of 10. Honestly you sound like a smart ass, I'm not going to show you the numbers but I've made over a dozen final tables
sounds like you don't have enough time playing to make an informed comment.

yes some rooms don't post the table breakdowns and some do
yes sometimes a player gets moved 2-3 times in less than one orbit
and each time is into the BB
yes sometimes it seems a player is getting favored
I don't call redrawing at 27 a good structure
drawing for final table is typical for most rooms but not a rule for everywhere.

BTW I have bad knees and ask if I can have the 2,3,8,9 seat to enter a tourney
most places comply but once moving from a broken table its a crapshoot as to where you go.
this is based on 25+ years and over 800 tournaments' experience
If there is cheating or collusion report it
chip leaders bust out short of the money all the time , doesn't mean there's cheating going on.
20 min levels 10k chips is your typical low $$$ donk-a-thon
these are set up to keep losers happy with 3-4 hours of action
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