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Cashier Pays Me 0 Extra At Cage - Casino Asks For Money Back After A Week? Cashier Pays Me 0 Extra At Cage - Casino Asks For Money Back After A Week?

08-30-2011 , 10:45 AM
If the casino can figure out who you are when you cash out and get shorted, they're for sure getting your money to you. You might get a call if they have your number, or a manager will grab you next time they see you. They're not willfully keeping it as a company policy. With as many checks and balances that go on with paperwork, unless some corrupt low-level-manager is pocketing the extra money in the drawer, the casino isn't taking that money at the end of the week and filing it under the "Tough ****" heading in their books. Maybe at the end of the year they have a reconciliation type thing that they do after holding it for X number of days, but if the player never comes back or never notices and they have no way of identifying them, well, whatever.

As for the Phil Ivey making a mistake and folding that flush, I'm sure the guy making the mechanic analogy is FURIOUS that FullTilt didn't break their ties with Ivey immediately. He made a mistake and he should be fired.

The people touting "Keep it", well, no one is going to change their minds. They will do whatever they can to rationalize it. I only ask that they admit that it's the scumbag thing to do and it is dishonest at best. Tell yourself "It was on the ground!" if someone at your table doesn't notice dropping a black chip that falls under the table and you wait for him to leave before picking it up. You don't get to complain though if the situation is ever reversed, but I very much doubt you'd be okay with the scenario. You can pretend that you'd be like Nicholas Cage at the end of Matchstick Men saying "I gave it to you", blaming himself for being a sucker, but we all know how you'd really react. Say a week after you are pretty sure you lost a $100 chip, one of your friends who was at the table with you that day pointed to a guy walking by and told you how the guy found a black chip under the table after you left, you'd be the first person to approach the guy telling him "Give me my money!" You'd probably even start screaming at him saying how ****ed up it is that he won't give it to you.

To the guy asking about rationalizing taking from a company but not being okay morally with taking from another person, you have not held corporations in your mind as personal beings. As many legal rights as corporations have as entities much like a normal citizen does, the corporation does not have feelings to be hurt. It's not going to sit down at the end of the day and feel bad. My take on it is that you're not hurting anyone specific (at least not to your knowledge), but if you took money out of the drawer, the blame and responsibility would fall on the cashier who's drawer it was, and that cashier is going to feel real feelings when it comes down to it. Just like the guy on the escalator who finds later that night that he dropped a purple $500 chip at some point will let out a "Aw, **** me! God dammit!" You know how you would feel if that was you, and you empathize with it which makes you want to return that chip to him to prevent it from happening.

I hate addressing 6 different points in one post!

Last edited by ReidLockhart; 08-30-2011 at 10:58 AM. Reason: fixed up the black chip story to make a better point
Cashier Pays Me 0 Extra At Cage - Casino Asks For Money Back After A Week? Quote
08-30-2011 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by llDayo
Sounds to me that individual employees were at fault, not the casino.
The casino is just a building. It can't do anything wrong. It's always the employee's fault.

Originally Posted by ReidLockhart
I hate addressing 6 different points in one post!
Multi-quoting FTW!
Cashier Pays Me 0 Extra At Cage - Casino Asks For Money Back After A Week? Quote
08-30-2011 , 12:46 PM
For all you guys saying he's such a horrible person for wanting to keep the $500, here's a thought:

Would the casino have paid him back if they had shorted him at the cage $500? Because I havent heard any stories of the casino paying back a customer they short one week later.

Also the casino is going to be able to prove you shorted them through camera evidence, but if you feel the casino shorted you, what evidence do you have? Would the casino really go looking through their cameras and off you the money they shorted you if they found extra money?
Cashier Pays Me 0 Extra At Cage - Casino Asks For Money Back After A Week? Quote
08-30-2011 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by spino1i
For all you guys saying he's such a horrible person for wanting to keep the $500, here's a thought:

Would the casino have paid him back if they had shorted him at the cage $500?
And that is relevant why?
Cashier Pays Me 0 Extra At Cage - Casino Asks For Money Back After A Week? Quote
08-30-2011 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by spino1i
For all you guys saying he's such a horrible person for wanting to keep the $500, here's a thought:

Would the casino have paid him back if they had shorted him at the cage $500? Because I havent heard any stories of the casino paying back a customer they short one week later.

Also the casino is going to be able to prove you shorted them through camera evidence, but if you feel the casino shorted you, what evidence do you have? Would the casino really go looking through their cameras and off you the money they shorted you if they found extra money?
You're comparing apples and oranges. We've already had posts in this thread about casinos paying people back when the people are shorted, and the casino's going to the cameras to see if people were actually shorted.

Would I expect the casino to go through several hours of tape to try and find one person who got paid incorrectly, then potentially try to find that person the next time they came in, or hire a PI to track them down? No, I wouldn't expect them to. But if I got shorted at a casino, and gave the casino the relevant information, I would expect to be paid... and posts in this thread seem to confirm that would happen.

They happen to have cameras to catch what's going on; I happen to have the money in my hand which I should be able to add up, and using some elementary math, figure out if the money I have in my hand matches the chips I had in my hand.
Cashier Pays Me 0 Extra At Cage - Casino Asks For Money Back After A Week? Quote
08-30-2011 , 07:48 PM
If you plan on playing there ever again, in their sister casinos, or other casinos around town... I would pay it back and quickly.

If you only went there once a month anyways and it was a 3 hr drive, or if you were a tourist, meh, whatever.

I'm not a fan of making enemies, so I'd pay it back.

Lol at all these moral people though... Poker and casinos essentially live off being a drain to society. Money goes in and out with *nothing* being produced. They ruin lives on a daily basis and I've personally made around 8 people go home dirt broke without paychecks... which likely means their kids, if they had any, ate **** for the next week. How in the world can you even begin to talk about ethics?? This whole forum board is built around extracting the most money out of every single player that sits down. (And don't go telling me it's entertainment. If it was, there would be much more strict rules as to how much money you'd be allowed to bring by comparing your living costs and how much you make).
Cashier Pays Me 0 Extra At Cage - Casino Asks For Money Back After A Week? Quote
08-30-2011 , 07:57 PM
I'm not going to limit this to casinos.

If you receive more money than you are entitled to, in ANY situation, you should pay it back, for the same reason that if you overpay a store and the store discovers it, you would appreciate the clerk running out after you in the parking lot to give you your money back.

There really isn't anything more to it than that.

And legally, if you are overpaid by the casino, you owe the money back, for the same reason that if you are underpaid by the casino, they still owe you the rest of the money.
Cashier Pays Me 0 Extra At Cage - Casino Asks For Money Back After A Week? Quote
08-30-2011 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by spino1i
For all you guys saying he's such a horrible person for wanting to keep the $500, here's a thought:

Would the casino have paid him back if they had shorted him at the cage $500? Because I havent heard any stories of the casino paying back a customer they short one week later.

Also the casino is going to be able to prove you shorted them through camera evidence, but if you feel the casino shorted you, what evidence do you have? Would the casino really go looking through their cameras and off you the money they shorted you if they found extra money?
the reason you don't hear stories of people being shorted and getting paid back from the casino is....people know how much they bring and if the cashier "shorts" them they notice and say "I think you need to recount." There is not a legtitimate casino in the wporld thast would not pay you back if shorted.

This thread is like when someone gets a pot pushed to them when they did not have the best hand...rarly does the person who is getting the pot say is usually another player saying hey the guy in seat X has a better hand. Ofcourse to save face the guy who was getting the pot incorrectly pushed to him will say "oh I did not notice I'm glad you pointed it out".
Cashier Pays Me 0 Extra At Cage - Casino Asks For Money Back After A Week? Quote
08-30-2011 , 08:02 PM
You should def. pay them back. But what if you didn't have the cash to return the money right away?
Cashier Pays Me 0 Extra At Cage - Casino Asks For Money Back After A Week? Quote
08-30-2011 , 08:07 PM
Take the $500 and play craps.
Cashier Pays Me 0 Extra At Cage - Casino Asks For Money Back After A Week? Quote
08-31-2011 , 12:27 AM
I haven't see this posted, but you realize they will take the 500.00 out of the paycheck of the cashier that made the mistake.

So you aren't stealing from a faceless greedy casino, you're stealing from someone working for minimum wage and no or little benefits.

This is why you are scum IMO.
Cashier Pays Me 0 Extra At Cage - Casino Asks For Money Back After A Week? Quote
08-31-2011 , 12:44 AM
Depends on how much I value playing at the place.

If it was a place where I been backed off repeatedly already, I would flat out refuse to give it back, because chances are if they recognize me they already know who I am, and even if I pay it back they're going to show me the door anyway.

Otherwise, I'd give them a real hard time, demand to see the video, etc.

After all the hard times the casinos have given me after they realize that I'm beating their games (comps revoked, being denied a comped room I already booked on the day of check-in), I'll take any chance I get to **** em.
Cashier Pays Me 0 Extra At Cage - Casino Asks For Money Back After A Week? Quote
08-31-2011 , 03:53 AM
how about when the blackjack dealer pays you on a push? I'm sure this has happened to all of us at one point or another i mean do you correct it on the spot or wait for the casino to contact you.
Cashier Pays Me 0 Extra At Cage - Casino Asks For Money Back After A Week? Quote
08-31-2011 , 04:34 AM
Originally Posted by unsung Hero
how about when the blackjack dealer pays you on a push? I'm sure this has happened to all of us at one point or another i mean do you correct it on the spot or wait for the casino to contact you.
Since I've started playing I've gotten around 10 - 15K in mispays (that went unnoticed by the dealer/pit).

There was one dealer I used to seek out who was good for at least 500-1000 in mispays each shift I played him. He dealt slow as all hell but was a real easy game and the mispays made it worthwhile despite a lower hourly EV due to the speed of the game.

I usually continued playing for a few more hours each time I got a mispay. One of my biggest was with a partner on one of the carnival hold'em table games. Dealer didn't notice his own straight. That mispay was worth $4000 to us.

Total # of times a call was made down to correct one of these mispays: 0
Cashier Pays Me 0 Extra At Cage - Casino Asks For Money Back After A Week? Quote
08-31-2011 , 04:59 AM
Originally Posted by Ibuprofen
I do. People should not have jobs in fields where they struggle to perform the required tasks. Are you equally sympathetic towards mechanics who forget to tighten some bolts? Counting money is the primary function of a cashier. Those who cannot do so accurately are misplaced in the workforce, and should be forced to find a job that matches their given skill set.

Hey, now, settle down. Sometimes after an 8-hour shift of counting chips and handling customers, mistakes get made. People are human.

I'm still very grateful to the player who brought my attention to the fact that I had given him too much in a limit game. He bought in for 40, I gave him the chips, then at the last second he decided he only wanted to buy in for 20. So I gave him a bill back. But I didn't take the chips.
Cashier Pays Me 0 Extra At Cage - Casino Asks For Money Back After A Week? Quote
08-31-2011 , 05:32 AM
Originally Posted by onecardpoker
Since I've started playing I've gotten around 10 - 15K in mispays (that went unnoticed by the dealer/pit).

There was one dealer I used to seek out who was good for at least 500-1000 in mispays each shift I played him. He dealt slow as all hell but was a real easy game and the mispays made it worthwhile despite a lower hourly EV due to the speed of the game.

I usually continued playing for a few more hours each time I got a mispay. One of my biggest was with a partner on one of the carnival hold'em table games. Dealer didn't notice his own straight. That mispay was worth $4000 to us.

Total # of times a call was made down to correct one of these mispays: 0

Several years ago some friends and I were playing that group Texas Hold'em Game at one of the downtown casinos. One of our dealers (who was at our table most of the night) admitted that he was normally a blackjack dealer and didn't know much about the was his first time dealing it.

Our table soon discovered that if we cheered loudly on every hand--whether we beat the dealer or not---he would pay us. He could only recognize the very worst of hands shouldn't get paid, like a Queen high.

We stayed at the table for almost 3 hours. Our dealer rotated out with one other guy, and we behaved ourselves when the 2nd dealer (a knowledgable one) was in.

Yes, it was wrong. The first losing hands I had, I just sat quietly and waited for the dealer to take my chips. I even corrected him on a couple hands when he tried to pay me. But after getting evil glares from other players (not my friends) I stopped saying anything.

I should also mention that they brought a fill to the table while our dealer was paying EVERYONE, most of whom had losing hands. While the fill waited for him to finish paying, the Pit Boss and a Floor Supervisor were there at the table, looking right at the cards and the chips being paid out. Neither of them corrected him or asked why the dealer was paying on losing hands. And in the 3 hours we played, apparently nobody upstairs was looking through the eye-in-the-sky and shrieking "What is that dealer doooooooing?! He's paying losing hands! Get him off the table noooooooow!"
Cashier Pays Me 0 Extra At Cage - Casino Asks For Money Back After A Week? Quote
08-31-2011 , 06:24 AM
Originally Posted by spino1i
Would the casino have paid him back if they had shorted him at the cage $500? Because I havent heard any stories of the casino paying back a customer they short one week later.
I have heard such tales. Several, in fact.

And I've been playing BJ when a supervisor came up and instructed the dealer to give someone $30 because surveillance had called down to report that she had scooped up a winner that instead should have been paid. And I've probably played 20 hours of BJ in my entire life.
Cashier Pays Me 0 Extra At Cage - Casino Asks For Money Back After A Week? Quote
08-31-2011 , 06:36 AM
I'm a bit perplexed at the double standard of dealer errors being fair game, but cashier errors being a player's responsibility to correct, especially seeing as how dealers have to keep track of so much more.
Cashier Pays Me 0 Extra At Cage - Casino Asks For Money Back After A Week? Quote
08-31-2011 , 01:18 PM
Heh, quit trying to rationalize it as "ethical" or what not. I make a living off these places so I don't really give a crap if it's "ethical". Things like mispays go towards paying my bills.

Granted, I probably wouldn't keep an overpay from a gas station attendant, but I don't hate those guys like the casinos.

If you're a professional gambler, you're just a leech on society, same goes for casinos. I don't have a problem with it. But those of you who are preaching about how "moral" crap is need to take it elsewhere, when you make a living off leeching off society.
Cashier Pays Me 0 Extra At Cage - Casino Asks For Money Back After A Week? Quote
08-31-2011 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by onecardpoker
Heh, quit trying to rationalize it as "ethical" or what not. I make a living off these places so I don't really give a crap if it's "ethical". Things like mispays go towards paying my bills.

Granted, I probably wouldn't keep an overpay from a gas station attendant, but I don't hate those guys like the casinos.
So if you work for a crappy boss and he miscalculates your paycheck, you think you have a right to keep the money?

At any rate, part of what is being missed here is that the casino asked for it back.

EVEN if you believe that you have the right to keep the money if the casino never misses it (which I think is wrong, but whatever), it seems to me that as long as they ask for it back within the statute of limitations, you have to give it back.
Cashier Pays Me 0 Extra At Cage - Casino Asks For Money Back After A Week? Quote
08-31-2011 , 04:07 PM
I say keep it. I would. If I get banned I'll play in one of the multiple other local casinos. Then I'd take my extra five hundo and buy an ounce of sticky icky. Yeah
Cashier Pays Me 0 Extra At Cage - Casino Asks For Money Back After A Week? Quote
08-31-2011 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by lawdude
So if you work for a crappy boss and he miscalculates your paycheck, you think you have a right to keep the money?

At any rate, part of what is being missed here is that the casino asked for it back.

EVEN if you believe that you have the right to keep the money if the casino never misses it (which I think is wrong, but whatever), it seems to me that as long as they ask for it back within the statute of limitations, you have to give it back.
Yeah, but you should ask them for evidence, see the tapes, and what not. If you put up a fight about it, there's a chance they might say forget it. If you just hand it back, then there's a 100% chance they'll take it.
Cashier Pays Me 0 Extra At Cage - Casino Asks For Money Back After A Week? Quote
08-31-2011 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by spino1i
Would the casino have paid him back if they had shorted him at the cage $500?

OP you tried and failed just pay back the monies and move on if they hadn't caught it oh well but they did so ....
Cashier Pays Me 0 Extra At Cage - Casino Asks For Money Back After A Week? Quote
08-31-2011 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by #1 donkeyinPhilly
I say keep it. I would. If I get banned I'll play in one of the multiple other local casinos. Then I'd take my extra five hundo and buy an ounce of sticky icky. Yeah
Like I said, a big part of it is how much you value the money, vs how much you value being able to play there without getting 86ed.
Cashier Pays Me 0 Extra At Cage - Casino Asks For Money Back After A Week? Quote
08-31-2011 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by #1 donkeyinPhilly
I say keep it. I would. If I get banned I'll play in one of the multiple other local casinos. Then I'd take my extra five hundo and buy an ounce of sticky icky. Yeah
Might vary from state to state but if they have video and you don't pay up you may be facing criminal charges/lawsuit.
Cashier Pays Me 0 Extra At Cage - Casino Asks For Money Back After A Week? Quote
