Originally Posted by dinesh
If you doing that causes people at the table to miss that you have cards and the action skips you, or if it causes any other weird irregularity, I am highly likely to rule against you as a result, too.
Maybe you just have to see it to get it, but when I'm covering my cards with my hands, it is very obvious I've got a hand there. Never causes a problem.
Whereas, over the years, I've seen cards swept into the muck that were not folded, even with a card protector on them. And I've seen a player accidentally (or intentionally?) pick up his neighbor's cards instead of his own. And I've seen cards sort of hidden away behind chips and cause confusion... Never with my covered cards.
I will say though, that covering your cards with your hands means you are pretty much 100% into the game. You aren't going to be texting and watching a show on your ipad; you can't lean in and cover your cards while doing those things. So if you are just hanging out and playing your B game, I can see were you'd rather just skip it, even if it means there is some risk, however small, that you will lose your cards unintentionally.