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Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1

10-01-2015 , 03:29 PM
Agent Mulder = awesome.

As for "last day in this industry,"...I spent a half-hour watching my gf work at her job as a 911 dispatcher. Watching her deal with phone calls from hysterical people getting beaten by their husbands for the first time, or who just found their babies not breathing or spouses swinging from a noose in the garage...and I'm bitching about a guy who locks up a seat for ten minutes with no intention of coming back? Maybe "this industry" isn't so bad.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
10-01-2015 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
Agent Mulder = awesome.

As for "last day in this industry,"...and I'm bitching about a guy who locks up a seat for ten minutes with no intention of coming back? Maybe "this industry" isn't so bad.
You likely aren't treated the same in the box as a young female is.

That is one thing that a male dealer has less experience with than anyone who plays poker. They get to see and hear the comments directed at female dealers, where the male dealers don't see that side of the box.

Last edited by that_pope; 10-01-2015 at 03:59 PM. Reason: If you are...
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
10-01-2015 , 04:29 PM
Wife didn't work as a dealer. She worked in a more stressful position with more responsibility and more hours. Needless to say, I'm thrilled it's over and done.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
10-01-2015 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by that_pope
You likely aren't treated the same in the box as a young female is.

That is one thing that a male dealer has less experience with than anyone who plays poker. They get to see and hear the comments directed at female dealers, where the male dealers don't see that side of the box.


First of all most of us have either played or still play. So the idea that we have less experience with this that anyone who plays poker makes no sense.

My experience is that women dealers aren't treated worse than men. I certainly haven;t seen that be the case. Perhaps one particular woman has been treated worse than one particular man overall I just don't see them getting anymore abuse than men.

What is different is the type of attention they get. Yes a women is more likely to have a player make an unwanted sexual comment. But that isn't inherently worse then any other unwanted comment. And quite honestly the "sexual" attention is not always unwanted. I don;t mean to say that women dealers all want to **** these guys. What I mean is that many don't mind flirting with or teasing male (or female) players. It leads to bigger tips. Spend time in any cardroom and you will see a female dealer walking through the room touching male players. Hugging them, massaging there shoulders. Just a hand on the shoulder while they talk. They don't mind the extra $$$$ this brings them ... So I don''t want to hear about the damn abuse they get as women...... And the women who don't do this ... aren't getting treated any worse than men.

I understand why someone may want to protect the people they care about from abuse. So I understand why a guy who is willing to suck it up and take it .... doesn't want his wife or girlfriend to be subject to it ..... But that has nothing to do with them being subjected to worse abuse.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
10-01-2015 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by that_pope
You likely aren't treated the same in the box as a young female is.

That is one thing that a male dealer has less experience with than anyone who plays poker. They get to see and hear the comments directed at female dealers, where the male dealers don't see that side of the box.
Originally Posted by psandman

First of all most of us have either played or still play. So the idea that we have less experience with this that anyone who plays poker makes no sense.

My experience is that women dealers aren't treated worse than men. I certainly haven;t seen that be the case. Perhaps one particular woman has been treated worse than one particular man overall I just don't see them getting anymore abuse than men.

What is different is the type of attention they get. Yes a women is more likely to have a player make an unwanted sexual comment. But that isn't inherently worse then any other unwanted comment. And quite honestly the "sexual" attention is not always unwanted. I don;t mean to say that women dealers all want to **** these guys. What I mean is that many don't mind flirting with or teasing male (or female) players. It leads to bigger tips. Spend time in any cardroom and you will see a female dealer walking through the room touching male players. Hugging them, massaging there shoulders. Just a hand on the shoulder while they talk. They don't mind the extra $$$$ this brings them ... So I don''t want to hear about the damn abuse they get as women...... And the women who don't do this ... aren't getting treated any worse than men.

I understand why someone may want to protect the people they care about from abuse. So I understand why a guy who is willing to suck it up and take it .... doesn't want his wife or girlfriend to be subject to it ..... But that has nothing to do with them being subjected to worse abuse.
I have seen women have higher levels of abuse. These are rare instances, but every instance I am aware of of the dealer being spit on or urinated on, the dealer was a woman.

I would say the more typical abuses, card or rack throwing and swearing is probably delivered equally (or close) to both genders.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
10-03-2015 , 07:53 AM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
As I push in, the out-going dealer gives me a heads-up: "Seat Two says he's coming back, he's been gone 5-10 minutes."

I sit down. There's a Missed Blind button and nothing else on the felt in front of the empty 2-seat.

I look at the Bravo screen and see the name of the player in question. This guy is a semi-reg. Whenever he busts out, he makes a point to say he's coming back, then he never comes back.

Well, maybe I shouldn't say never. Maybe I just don't remember the times he *does* come back, because busting-out-then-coming-back is something that happens every-other down or so. But 9 times out of 10, when the busted player doesn't return, it's this guy.

Why would he do this? It's clearly intentional. It's clearly an act of hit-and-run mini-vandalism. It's clearly an ******* refusing to pass up a chance to be an *******. But whom is he trying to hurt? The other players, who busted him? The dealer? None of these people even notice what he's done, nor who has done it. I'm the only one who notices, and what he does, doesn't hurt me at all--I just get mad when I see *******s make ******* moves.

I can normally shrug off ******* moves that don't impact me. If some guy cuts me off to take a parking spot when there are plenty of other spots available nearby, I just LOL at the guy and take a different spot. I actually PITY that guy, that he needs moments like that to feel good about himself.

But there's something about this particular ******* move that really gets my goat. I guess it's that I can't just shrug it off and move on, I have to deal with it for 10 minutes (the amount of time a busted player can keep a seat locked up in our room).

I think next time he tells me, "Hold my spot, I'll be back," I'm going to tell him, "No." Just to see what happens.

Of course, we know what will happen. He'll already be agitated from freshly losing another buy-in, and will angrily respond, "What? Why not?", and when I tell him, he'll deny that he's ever done any such thing.

But maybe I'll get lucky. Maybe he'll instead insist that he has a right to pull this ******* move, like the IWTSTH guys. "Yes, I know I'm being a jerk, but the rules allow it, so STFU and take it." That would be awesome. Nothing would be better than the undercover ******* shining a spotlight on himself to management and telling them, "I am a problem that needs to be dealt with."

Of course I'm not going to do any of this. But for a minute there, that was a pleasant daydream.
Im thinking hes a gambler. When he loses at poker he lets some steam off at the craps, roulette, bj, or baccarat. In other words he pays your check. Be nice and have a good day.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
10-03-2015 , 11:25 AM
It is annoying from a pplayers point of view too. I seen this a ton of times in So Cal rooms. Someone bust out, they are pissed and to my thinking they lock up the chair for (normally 2 orbits) to be passive aggressive as to say F you guys.
Its obvious when you see most of them instead of walking to the ATM they walk out the outside door. ya they could be wanting to walk off the steam and then decide to go home instead of playing but go home. But than again when you see a reg do it over and over its being passive aggressive.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
10-03-2015 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by volcano41
Im thinking hes a gambler. When he loses at poker he lets some steam off at the craps, roulette, bj, or baccarat. In other words he pays your check. Be nice and have a good day.
Found your guy, YTF
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
10-03-2015 , 04:58 PM
Pushed a pot to a regular who got distracted by conversation, and forgot to toke. He never stiffs, so I know it's just an oversight, and I'm not going to mourn and pout over a dollar.

As I start to pitch the next hand, his attention returns to the game, and he asks, "Wait, did I ante?" I assured him he did, but he still has that nagging feeling, so when I'm done pitching, I spread the pot and show him that it's correct.

But he still looks slightly disturbed.

"Still feels like you forgot something, tho, right?", I asked with a smile. "You're not sure what it is, but you forgot something."

He shook his head, it was still eluding him.

Sitting next to him was an off-duty floorman who knew EXACTLY what I was doing, and his face showed that he found it hilarious.

(Told that story to my gf, who does not work for tips. She was stuck on the fact that I never got the dollar, like it was some sort of injustice. I shrugged it off. "So I only made $X tonight, instead of $X+1." Her jaw dropped at the size of X, and stopped worrying about the dollar.)
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
10-03-2015 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny

I can normally shrug off ******* moves that don't impact me. If some guy cuts me off to take a parking spot when there are plenty of other spots available nearby, I just LOL at the guy and take a different spot. I actually PITY that guy, that he needs moments like that to feel good about himself
My time in Macau taught me that this is usually a cultural thing. For Chinese players in particular, they don't want the loss of face that goes with quitting, giving up a loser, or running out of money.

In their culture, money and wealth are directly associated with how much respect you command as an individual. A player who quits a game is admitting that they don't have unlimited funds. They don't want to be present for the loss of face associated with quitting the game having lost. Saying "I'll be back" allows them to save face.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
10-03-2015 , 05:20 PM
Glad you told me that....and yes, it applies in this case.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
10-04-2015 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
Lady told me a story the other night about once hitting the big share of a bbj...then on the next hand, flopping quads. No, they didn't bbj on consecutive hands...but they had a shot.

I swear, if that were me, and someone six-bet me on the end of that second hand, I'd fold. There's no way I'd try to claim the bbj on consecutive hands, they'd drag me out in handcuffs.
I witnessed the BBJ jackpot hit back to back , AND the same two players hit the same "ends".

This was on a riverboat in the Midwest probably 25 years ago, i am still great friends with the girl who dealt it.

First jackpot was a "normal" AAA1010 beaten by quads or better" scenario for about 3200.00 if i recall correctly. jackpot verified, paperwork done and sent off to cage to get funds.
Procedure was to verify decks and remove from the table and drop a new set-up. Dealer verifies both side of both new decks put one in the well and does a wash, and a complete riffle riffle strip riffle three separate times, as was procedure( no shuffle machines at that time obviously) of the one to be used and deal the next hand.

The hand ended with a straight flush versus quads made with a 78 off suit:
Board was something like 77457 with the 457 suited against 36 or 68 of the same suit i don't recall specifically.

Second jackpot was in the 1200.00 range.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
10-04-2015 , 04:23 PM
Last week our HE, stud, and Omaha bbj amounts were all $12,xxx. That was weird, don't think I've ever seen it before. If I did it was low four-figures, never in five-figures.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
10-04-2015 , 04:31 PM
You know how you hear a table erupt over in the blackjack area, and some grumpy poker player has to reflexively comment, "Someone hit a table-minimum blackjack."?

First, I like to turn it around on them: "Think they say the same thing over there? They hear us cheering, and crack, 'Someone just stole the blinds in the $2-4 game,'?"

Last night I heard those cheers, and a line occurred to me, so I tried it, beating the grumpy players to the punch...and the table seemed to like it:

"Sounds like they're filming a Draft Kings ad over there."
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
10-05-2015 , 12:47 PM
Dealing a $1-2 NL table, straddle on the button in the 10 seat, couple limpers and action is on the 4 seat whose body is turned about 120 degrees to his right watching a college football game. The 5 seat then raises to $30 out of turn so I stop the action and try and get the 4 seat's attention. The 5 seat meanwhile has pulled his bet back. The 4 seat turns around to face the table and asks "What's the bet?" Do you tell him $5 but there's an out of turn raise ahead of him? Or is he SOL for not paying attention to the action?
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
10-05-2015 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by FL Pkrdlr
Dealing a $1-2 NL table, straddle on the button in the 10 seat, couple limpers and action is on the 4 seat whose body is turned about 120 degrees to his right watching a college football game. The 5 seat then raises to $30 out of turn so I stop the action and try and get the 4 seat's attention. The 5 seat meanwhile has pulled his bet back. The 4 seat turns around to face the table and asks "What's the bet?" Do you tell him $5 but there's an out of turn raise ahead of him? Or is he SOL for not paying attention to the action?
If the straddle is $5 ... that is the action to him. That is the question he asked that is the question you answer. If he asks if the next player raised out of turn you answer that question.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
10-05-2015 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by FL Pkrdlr
Dealing a $1-2 NL table, straddle on the button in the 10 seat, couple limpers and action is on the 4 seat whose body is turned about 120 degrees to his right watching a college football game. The 5 seat then raises to $30 out of turn so I stop the action and try and get the 4 seat's attention. The 5 seat meanwhile has pulled his bet back. The 4 seat turns around to face the table and asks "What's the bet?" Do you tell him $5 but there's an out of turn raise ahead of him? Or is he SOL for not paying attention to the action?

It is players responsibility to track the action.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
10-05-2015 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by ReidLockhart
I'm going to stop here
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
10-05-2015 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by djj6835
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
10-06-2015 , 12:31 AM
So it turns out a broken pinky finger makes dealing a lot harder than you would think. Found a floor to switch with for a few weeks, but its been over 6yrs since I last put on a jacket. At least I get to wear a watch (dealers are only allowed medic alert bracelets, and that's only because of a wrongful termination suit) and have pockets I can put my wallet/phone in.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
10-06-2015 , 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by Guito
So it turns out a broken pinky finger makes dealing a lot harder than you would think.
Really? I think it would be horrid.

Good luck man
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
10-06-2015 , 06:22 AM
Originally Posted by Guito
So it turns out a broken pinky finger makes dealing a lot harder than you would think. Found a floor to switch with for a few weeks, but its been over 6yrs since I last put on a jacket. At least I get to wear a watch (dealers are only allowed medic alert bracelets, and that's only because of a wrongful termination suit) and have pockets I can put my wallet/phone in.
You aren;t allowed to wear a watch .... how do you know when its time to push. Or when its time to c?omplain that you haven't been pushed?
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
10-06-2015 , 06:34 AM
Originally Posted by psandman
You aren;t allowed to wear a watch .... how do you know when its time to push. Or when its time to c?omplain that you haven't been pushed?
Agreed that no watches is a HORRIBLE policy in a casino. At the last property I worked it was a required part of the uniform.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using 2+2 Forums
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
10-06-2015 , 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by steamraise

Originally Posted by Lattimer
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
10-06-2015 , 02:05 PM
Never heard of the no-watch rule. WHY???

My only watch story: late at night, if a player notices that I have a watch and they ask me what time it is, my standard answer is, "If I say it out loud, the game will break."
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
