Originally Posted by AlienBoy
In Mike Matsow's new book, "Check raising the Devil" he talks about how crystal meth really messes up your head, bad. Quitting is the best thing.
I read the book and did not realize he won so much/often.
I don't do any drugs but was stuck on this and had to draw it out on paper and move the button around. I notice people that smoke will play the button and get up and come back 4 or 5 hands later and do this about every other to third round and they have NO idea about position, so I understand the concept, just was not visualizing well.
I see your 3000 plus posts and know your name form middle limit section and should have done my diagram prior to my two posts.
Back to Matusow, I wonder whether he makes a justification of his mistake or he is honest about it. There are usually two sides to every story. He sets himself up for more trouble if he is bad mouthing the authorities out there.