Best pokerroom in latin/south america
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 303
Where is it located? What stakes, rake and so on?
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 5,300
I've only been to one in Panama at Casino Veneto. The action was 1 and a half tables and the only game was 5/5 nlhe. Rake was 10% up to $6 with a ridiculous Jackpot $1 drop. No one had ever won it because you had to flop a royal flush.
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 303
You sure rake was capped at 6 bux? Other info I have gotten says it is capped at 15 bux.
U think the game was juicy even tho the bad rake?
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 5,300
That's what I was told, but we really didn't have that many big pots played and no one had more than $300 in play at any time.
The game did not seem that juicy when I was there. There was one soft spot at the table and we took turns taking his $50 buyins until he was broke, but after that play was pretty nitty. Lots of chops and heads up play that ended at the flop.