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August 2010 Low-Content Thread August 2010 Low-Content Thread

07-31-2010 , 08:15 AM
can anyone tell me the typical hand ruling in this situation:

5 people limp for 50, BB moves all in for 550. 3 folds. BB doesn't realize there are two more people left to act and mucks his cards. his hand is dead. What happens from here? Do the 2 people still in have to call the 550 to stay in? or is the extra 500 considered a donation to the pot from here and they can see a flop for the 50 they originally put in?? or something else
08-04-2010 , 04:56 PM
The action was on UTG and it was 500 to call. The BB hand is dead it is still 500 to call.

Not UTG but whoever it was on. 3 people acted on the 500 to call with 2 people left to act. Significant action. Still 500 to call and the BB doesn't get his hand back.

Last edited by Rapini; 08-04-2010 at 05:14 PM. Reason: merge
08-04-2010 , 05:33 PM
Vegas starting tomorrow night for 3 days. gogogo
08-04-2010 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by bigbrett
Vegas starting tomorrow night for 3 days. gogogo
Nice! Good luck. What game(s) will you play and where?
08-05-2010 , 01:48 PM
So I was out at a poker club called Snakes in the Montreal area a couple nights ago. I was playing 1-2NL as there were no 5-5 games going, and I usually play 1-2 anyways, as I am just a casual player.

This Asian guy sits down, probably about 20 years old (not that this matters) and his first hand he ships his whole stack (about 50 dollars, he just sat down for the minimum even though he had plenty more chips in his pocket) and he gets called by the SB (asian guy was UTG). SB turns over 10 10, and UTG turns over K 7 off. Long story short and K hits the turn and Asian guy wins.

The next hand I am in the SB and Asian guy is in the BB everyone folds around the table and I look down at 88, so I limp and just call the dollar to see if this guy will continue on with his antics and see if I can make this a decent size pot. Sure enough he throws out another $25, he has another 73 behind him. So now I am just pretending to go into the tank about my hand, planning to put him all in preflop. Oddly enough he tables his hand and shows AQ off (lol?) he than says "here let me help your decision".. So now that I know what he has, why would I dump? So I just flat call and if an ace or a queen hits the flop, then I can peacefully fold.

Flop comes 8c, 4d, 2s.. So I put him all in for his last 73, hoping to make it looked like I missed and he might be ahead (even though I would never of called preflop if I was behind to AQ since he showed his hand) and he quickly calls, and board comes out with two duds.

Ive been playing for about 2 years now and I have never seen that before haha, kind of strange. Thought I would share.
08-05-2010 , 01:51 PM
Haha nice. I wonder why he wouldn't just show the ace. That would have made it more interesting.
08-05-2010 , 02:27 PM
lol that sounds like fun! Nothing like knowing your opponent's hand!
08-05-2010 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Rapini
Nice! Good luck. What game(s) will you play and where?
mainly looking at the 8/16 at Venetian and maybe 15/30 bellagio and lots and lots of drunken 2/4 and 1/2 with the friends/wife wherever we land. At least some of that action somewhere downtown
08-05-2010 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by bigbrett
mainly looking at the 8/16 at Venetian and maybe 15/30 bellagio and lots and lots of drunken 2/4 and 1/2 with the friends/wife wherever we land. At least some of that action somewhere downtown
Sounds like a solid plan. I donated a couple racks @ the V's 8/16 O8 game last time I was in Vegas and had a great time doing it. I've never played the 15/30 @ the B but I've heard here on 2+2 that it's the best LHE game in Vegas.

One thing I didn't get to do while I was there last time was play some drunken 2/4 or 4/8 @ the M Resort & Casino (or whatever it's called) because allegedly they have like a hundred awesome beers all available for free in the poker room.
08-06-2010 , 12:30 AM
Ruling (theory?) question:

Was playing live today. The action was checked to me. I took 5 red chips from my stack, and moved my hand forward as I was about to bet, though no part of my body touched the felt, nor did any chips leave my hand or touch the felt past the betting line. Before I set the chips down I pulled my hand with the chips back to my stack and added 1 more red chip into my hand, then placed all 6 chips on the felt across the line.

One player started to argue that this was a string bet (as is my custom, I don't say a word until the dealer rules), but the dealer said the bet stood at $30 - which seemed obvious to me, and most of the table.

My question is - if somehow this was a string bet, what would the action be? Would it be ruled a check? Or would it be ruled a $25 (5 red chips) bet, despite the fact that probably no one could see exactly how many chips were originally in my hand?

It wasn't a big deal, but it just got me to thinking - what do you guys think?
08-06-2010 , 11:58 AM
Perfect example of why "spirit of the rule" > "letter of the rule"

7 year old opens a lemonade stand at a county fair in Portland OR. Health inspectors shut it down due to lack of a license. County Chairman apologizes, agreeing that's not what the law was meant for.
08-06-2010 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by RobTheDuck
Ruling (theory?) question:

Was playing live today. The action was checked to me. I took 5 red chips from my stack, and moved my hand forward as I was about to bet, though no part of my body touched the felt, nor did any chips leave my hand or touch the felt past the betting line. Before I set the chips down I pulled my hand with the chips back to my stack and added 1 more red chip into my hand, then placed all 6 chips on the felt across the line.

One player started to argue that this was a string bet (as is my custom, I don't say a word until the dealer rules), but the dealer said the bet stood at $30 - which seemed obvious to me, and most of the table.

My question is - if somehow this was a string bet, what would the action be? Would it be ruled a check? Or would it be ruled a $25 (5 red chips) bet, despite the fact that probably no one could see exactly how many chips were originally in my hand?

It wasn't a big deal, but it just got me to thinking - what do you guys think?
If the betting rule in that room would consider that a string bet, then the bet is $25. A lot of places that use a bet-line rule actually enforce it as a bet-plane rule... that is, even though you were hovering over the felt and not making contact, you still brought them over the line.
08-07-2010 , 04:48 AM
When will people learn to exchange your 2 cards for the pot and do not give them up until then? That would eliminate alot of these "is this a dead hand" rulings.
08-07-2010 , 10:54 AM
Only after you tell them.


People who read 2+2 B&M Forum know this, but I'm sure newbies to live poker would appreciate knowing that information as long as you have the table image / demeanor necessary to teach them in a non-confrontational way.
08-07-2010 , 02:11 PM
Hey guys I was just looking for a quick answer to my rake question and was hoping someone could help.

There is a card room near where I live (ocala poker and jai alai, fl) and they offer a 1/1 $20min $60max (60bbmax) nlhe game with a 10% $5max rake and a $1 bbj on any hand $10 or more. This is the only game I am currently rolled to play and I was wondering if it is realistically beatable in terms of rake.

I am winning player at $5 nl and just moved up to $10 nl on stars. I have played about 40 - 50 hours of live pre legislation poker here in fl and have shown a small profit overall; after the limits went up and I had a 4bi downswing I went back to playing only the smaller games online.

I feel I have a large edge against my opponents; I am a former employee and have personally observed extremely weak play on countless occasions. Any help would be greatly appreciated; if I can win at least 5ptbb per hour it is worth my time as I am currently unemployed and waiting until Wednesday to move to Tampa.
08-10-2010 , 04:48 PM
Hey B&M regs, I've discussed with RR and StevieG and I'm gonna update the FAQs list at some point in the not-too-distant future. Other than the following, what do you think are some of the most FAQs?

--best/loosest/where to find 1/2 NLHE in Vegas?
--best/loosest/where to find 1/2 NLHE in AC?
--best tourneys in Vegas?
--best tourneys in AC?
--under 21 casinos?
--$20 trick
--standard tipping (BBJ, tourney, & cash games)
--new to B&M poker, what to expect?
--IWTSTH etiquette?

Your thoughts?

Last edited by Rapini; 08-10-2010 at 05:29 PM.
08-10-2010 , 09:50 PM
Stayed at Harrah's Joliet (IL) recently. No poker there (bummer), but was amused by this poster in the lobby:

Actually, this only amuses me as a cynic. As a father, it kinda depresses me.
08-11-2010 , 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by Rapini
Hey B&M regs, I've discussed with RR and StevieG and I'm gonna update the FAQs list at some point in the not-too-distant future. Other than the following, what do you think are some of the most FAQs?

--best/loosest/where to find 1/2 NLHE in Vegas?

Your thoughts?
This is the easily the most bothersome, as though there is a casino with the magical ability to only spread a 'good' 1/2 game.

If anyone noticed, I name a different casino each time someone asks here or in the General LV thread. I just finished steering people to the Boulder Strip and South Strip. I believe I last said MGM Grand, moving north if anyone wants to join in. With your help we can eventually increase traffic to North Las Vegas, which based on my visit this Saturday, could use it.
08-12-2010 , 04:26 PM
--$20 trick

watch ill try this and get banned for life haha
08-13-2010 , 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by Rapini
Hey B&M regs, I've discussed with RR and StevieG and I'm gonna update the FAQs list at some point in the not-too-distant future. Other than the following, what do you think are some of the most FAQs?

Your thoughts?
I haven't been paying a ton of attention, but:
- Tipping (tournaments and cash games)
- I'm going pro - LA vs Vegas?
08-31-2010 , 08:34 PM
Sigh. Another person who doesn't know the definition of "angle shooter". And this time it's Daniel Negreanu blabbing it loudly on national TV.

On Saturday's Big Game episode at the beginning we were treated to this exchange:

Daniel: So we're all going to straddle.
PhilHelmuth: Alright, they can, man.
DN: Keep it up. You're just going to get laughed at once more. ... He has 400 million dollars but won't straddle with everybody else because he's trying to be an angle shooter and cut an angle. The 400 million dollar man will be the angle shooter of the show.
PH: No one's ever accused me of being an angle
DN: (interrupting) Well, if you shoot that angle we're going to write about it...

No, Daniel, that's not angle shooting. Not even close. Now, if PH agreed to do it, and then when it came around to his turn he refused, THEN we'd have something to talk about.
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