Anyone been to Lumiere Place lately?
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 48
Wife and I got a package for this Friday. $30 in dining credit, two free drinks, gaming bonus bucks. Not a bad deal for $150. Not sure how the rooms are though.
I'm curious how the action has been there recently. 1-3NL, or limit game bigger than 3-6?
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 228
The 1/3NL continues to be a pretty good game for the low limit and the 2/5NL game doesn't get going until the evening hours. They have been getting lists of interest on some bigger limit games but I personally haven't seen any of them running. Starting Wednesday night I believe Lumiere and all other MO casinos begin staying open around the clock until Jan 1 and during this span the action always seems to pick up for some reason.
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 17
Just got back from St. Louis and stayed at the Rennaissance Grand which BTW is only about .8 miles from the lumiere place casino - plus they have a shuttle that runs back and forth to the lumiere. During the week, 1/3 nl got most of the action although on Tuesdays at 6pm, the 5/10nl game gets going with a buyin being 1000 min, and unlimited max. I mostly played 1/3nl (300 max buyin) and some of the daily tournaments (payout usually gets chopped) it pays the top 5 places and has a 30 person max. It appears that the regs who bust out of 5/10nl game come down to the 1/3 to try and win there way back to the 5/10. Everyone knew each other and knew you were from out of town. Its a little smokey (poor filtering in the casino) and sometimes hard to breathe, even in the poker room which is around 15 tables strong. You have your choice of the "burger bar" and "Asia", both are good but when you eat there every night of the week, anything can get old. Its def not vegas nor AC but it was close to the hotel and I wanted to take a break from playing online. Enjoy.